Chapter 17 - Married to six

When Jackson heard the girls, no his wives accepted his proposal. He was very happy, he skip the first step and ran into the last base. Jackson never thought of having wives someday, before arriving here in this world it never even crossed Jackson's mind to get a girlfriend let alone get married.

Dino was also happy, he always wanted to give his blessing to husbands that his daughter chooses. It was a part of a father's job to see off their daughters starting their own families.

Dino took out wine from his storage ring and called the girls over. "Come and kneel down my daughters" then Dino took out six cups and filled each of them with wine. Then he turned to Jackson. "Son, you came here and held this cup."

Jackson listened and walked towards Dino and gently took the cup from him. Dino then placed the wine in front of Faith. "Faith Silver as your father I give my blessing for a happy marriage. Please drink and offer your husband a cup of wine."

Faith gently gulped the wine down and got up to pour wine in the Jackson cup. Dino then continued the marriage ceremony. "Drink the cup and with this you are now responsible for the well being of my child." Jackson did not hesitate to drink the wine poured by his first wife.

This continued for each of the girls. This is how marriage is performed in this world. The wine which is red in color symbolizes life. When the father gives the wine to his daughter in marriage it means that. "I have raised you and now it's time to live your own life" and the father then gives his blessing. When the daughter drinks the cup of wine her father offered it means that she thanks him and it was time for her to leave.

Then following the next step of the ceremony where the wife offers her husband a cup of wine which means that she is ready to serve him for the rest of her life. Finally the husband drinks the wine to accept the responsibility of taking in a wife.

Dino slowly and calmly did the ceremony for each of his daughters and was happily smiling. This was his last wish and he believed in Jackson's ability to protect his daughters from any dangers they will face.

After each of the girls serves wine to Jackson, each one of them sat behind him meaning that they are now Jackson wives. They will no longer get close to any man other than their husband in the future.

When Jackson completed the ceremony he turned towards the girls and told them the truth. Jackson did not want to hide anything from his wives and wished to build a strong bond with them. He did not want to be just like his father who only has money in his head leaving his mother to become alcoholic and workaholic.

Jackson wanted to build a loving family and not a broken home. So decided to tell his new family little about himself. "Everyone please listen. I'm not from this world or planet ark. I am from a place far far away from here called earth. It is a planet without spirit energy, sorry that I lied before." Jackson said seriously toward his wives and then continued explaining.

"Before I lied because I did not think it was necessary to tell you that I'm not a native of this planet but it is now since I do not wish to tell lies with you six. I hope to build a good home and a warm family. Again, I'm sorry." Jackson bowed his head and apologized towards his new family.

"Yeah we know, your story was full of holes but we did not expect you to be from another world." Lili said with a smile on her face.

"hehe, Husband we choose not to say anything before because you might have your reasons for doing so." Lulu giggled and joined in explaining with her sister.

"Do worry about it Husband, let's just start over" Hope said with a calm look.

Hearing that Jackson's story before was already seen through, he could not help but feel less guilty and smiled and introduced himself again.

"You're right Hope, Let me introduce myself again. My name is Jackson Goldsmith born and raised in Asia on planet earth and right now at age 21 about to be 22 in a few months." Jackson said with a smile then continued with his introduction. "Planet Earth does not have any spirit energy and everything there is based on technology and science"

Jackson gave a small explanation about earth for his wives. "not to brag but I am one of leading figures in the field of technology and science on planet earth. Bell, Henry, Bunker and Took Maker outside are only some of my many creations" Jackson said with a proud look and wished to impress his wives with his achievements .

The girls did not understand what technology is and what Jackson meant by his servant being his creations. Seeing their looks Jackson explained. "On planet earth Technology helps normal humans almost do everything from traveling on water to flying up in the sky. Anything was possible with the help of technology."

"Wow that sounds like a Fantasy. How can normal humans fly or run on water without spirit energy." Lili was amused by Jackson's story.

"hehe, In fact everything here to me is a Fantasy" Jackson chuckled at Lili words.

"Humans on earth are very weak but with the help of human technologies, humans stood on the top of the food chain and conquered the world. Humans created technologies to help with their weakness." Jackson explained the use of earth's technology to the girls.

"Back on earth, I was talented enough to help develop earth's technology father that it ever had. I have built machines that help humans see and explore new worlds called virtual reality. I helped develop a way for humans to live on other planets and lastly I was able to create a new type of energy source" Jackson listed each of his biggest projects on earth.

"Wow Husband, are you some type of god? To be able to create a way for people to travel into other planets and make things that can show others new worlds" Anya was shocked by Jackson's achievements in his world.

"I agree with Anya!" Ann nodded, agreeing with her sister's words. "Can you make some for us?" Ann wanted to try Jackson creations.

"Not now but in the future I would be able to" Jackson shook his head. It is impossible to make virtual reality or spacecraft right now. He doesn't have the tool to do so but Jackson silently promised to make these in the future for his wives and maybe children to play with.

"Ohh" Ann was disappointed but Hope cheered her up. "He never said he couldn't make them, Ann he just needed time to do so. Don't be disappointed you are now his wife. Sooner or later you will get to experience his creations" Hearing her sister's words Ann nodded and believed that Jackson will show creations that he created from his world.

"She's right at the moment I do no have the tools to make them but I have Tool Maker outside with her I would have the things I need to make computers and machines, at that time I will show you the earth inside virtual reality machine." Jackson said.

"Ohh I can't wait! why don't we get Tool Maker to make it now?" Lili was too excited to try out Jackson inventions but her excitement was shut down by her sister. "Stop being childish can't you see that Tool Maker is busy making husbands castle."

"But.." wanted to answer back but was directly rebuked by her sister again. "No buts just wait. Just like what sister Hope said we are already his wife we will get them sooner or later."

"Speaking of Tool Maker, you mentioned that she is only one of your many creations. Do you mean you created a giant metal? Tell us the truth, are you really human? or a god?" Faith suspected that Jackson was a god of his world, to be able to give life to metallic beings is a power that gods can only do.

"No, I am 100 percent human, Faith. Tool Maker, Bell, Henry and Bunker are all built by me. They are created to cover for my weakness. Henry was created because I'm not good at fighting, Bell was created because my health was not great before getting into this world, Tool Maker was created to make tools I needed for my projects and lastly I created Bunker to protect me from anything" Jackson explained how Bell and others are created for.

"I see but how are you able to give life to them?" Faith still wanted to know how Jackson created his servants. She was interested in knowing what technology and science were and how it was able to create many magical things.

"Right now it will be too hard to teach you but once the base is finished. I will get Tool Maker to create a computer, then I will personally teach you six about technology and science and many other things' ' teaching them now will be too impossible without some basic knowledge therefore Jackson can only wait till later to teach the girls.