Chapter 18 - New plan and it was time.

"It's good to see that you guys are getting along well. As husband and wife there is nothing more important than a good relationship" Dino stayed quiet and just listened to Jackson's explanation earlier. It was not import to him whether he knew or not about Jackson past. To him all he need to know was Jackson character but seeing him apologies and talked to his daughters like that, Dino could not help but like his son in law more and more.

Hearing their father talk about how to be husband and wife, Jackson and the girls blush a little. They were too focused on Jackson that they forgot about their father being in the same room.

Dino took the ring off his finger and handed it to Jackson. "Once you are able to cultivate spirit energy, my daughter will explain to you how to open it." Dino said to Jackson, while Jackson gently took the ring from Dino and inspected it.

"Inside the ring contain our family's breathing techniques and other spirit techniques such as array formation, alchemy and blacksmithing" Dino explained the contents of the ring.

"Array formation?" Jackson looked at Dino in confusion.

"Think of it as spirit power that can affect an area like gathering spirit energy in a single spot or using spirit power to form a temporary defensive wall and many others." Dino explained what arrays are.

Hearing how arrays work Jackson looked at Dino and said. "So it's just like nuclear power" Dino did not know what that was but he just smiled and kept his sagely appearance but the girls knew that their father was acting childish again.

Since they were little their father likes to keep an image of being an all knowing being but their mothers all knew that Dino is very childish and likes to play around but even if he acts like this Dino is a very reliable man.

"Wait, if this formation can act like nuclear power then maybe I can use it to power the base. If This works it would save a lot of time building one" One of Jackson's habits is showing again, blanking out, ignoring everything around him and only focusing on a single subject.

The Girls saw Jackson acting like this and tried to snap him out of it but all they can hear is Jackson mumbling about this and that, use this and that. He looked like he was possessed by a ghost and began talking to himself, scared the girls hurried out and called for Bell who is floating up the sky guarding the base from any attacks.

When Bell heard the girl's explanation she plainly said. "Oh, Don't worry, it's normal. He might faint from exhaustion later so take him when that happens' ' The girls saw how Well behaved about Jackson's situation, understood that this was normal and she was used to it happening.

After knowing that nothing will happen to Jackson they return back and tell Dino. Just after they explained to Dino about Jackson's strange state, Jackson snapped out of it and asked hurriedly. "Is it only me who can open this ring? What happens if they do it?" quickly asking Dino about having one of the girls open the ring.

Dino looking at how excited Jackson was could not help but feel amused. He wanted to know why Jackson was so excited about it. "It is fine for one of them to open it but why are you in a hurry?"

"Because if what you said is true maybe I can use an array formation that can help me supply infinite energy to the base." Jackson said. "That would accelerate all the plans ahead of time"

"I see, Then there is no problem. Go ahead and test out your theory but come back later and have a drink with this old man." Dino was happy to know that Jackson is very hard working.

"Ahh no problem I only want to read a little. Ill come back once I'm finished" Jackson was too excited so he said his goodbyes and flashed out of there with faith on his arms. The poor girl blushed so hard that she look like a tomato being carried like a princess by Jackson.

"Faith please show me all the Array Formation Techniques" Jackson handed the ring to Faith. Seeing how Jackson looks like a little kid who just got a present and wanting to open it up. She just giggled and summoned many books out of thin air.

Seeing the books Jackson grabbed all of them and sat down and began reading starting with a book called the Basics of a formation. Faith gently pulled a chair and sat beside Jackson, ready to assist him with any questions he might have.

Faith was forced to study these books by her mother before and remembered how she hated studying it and only wanted to study alchemy but her mother just lectured her about the uses of arrays and how it will help her in the future.

Not exactly what her mother intended but Faith thanked her mother for forcing her to study all these boring array books and now she can help her husband study. Not long after, Jackson already started asking questions and Faith did her duties as a good wife and patiently answered Jacksons question one by one.

It only took Jackson 4 hours to fully understand all of array formation techniques. It turns out that Array formations are spells that could block and hide a city from an enemy or create barriers to block enemy attacks. There are many things arrays can do but Jackson easily learned arrays formation because arrays are like a new coding language.

Arrays have conditions and statements that have to be done. Array formations are carved out and programmed to do something. People of this world failed to understand that arrays can be reworded and do many more things, not just things recorded down as techniques. They believe that array formation has been crafted like this since the start of time but they are wrong or at least Jackson theory believes so.

Jackson believes that array formations are just the same as coding because you would find similarities in other array formations. Example take an array that would hide a city and an array that would block an attack.

In the array there are similar symbols before the array starts doing something. To Jackson those symbols stand for providing energy. If arrays are translated to coding it would look like this. Conditions provide energy. If energy is x amount then start statement x.

Jackson believed if he learned how to write arrays or decode them he would be able to use them however he wished. Jackson was about to start decoding array formation language but Faith stopped him and reminded Jackson that her father is looking for him.

Forced to stop, Jackson thanked Faith for the help and reminded him about this matter. Jackson left and headed to where Dino was but when he got there he wasn't found anywhere it was only till Anya told Jackson where Dino was.

Dino was sitting next to a big rock located close to Cuprite nest. Jackson arrived and greeted Dino. "Evening Father."

"Come have a seat." Dino called Jackson over and taped the ground next him letting Jackson where to sit. "Here have some" Handing Jackson a jug of wine. Jackson saw how big the jug was, and was a little hesitant to drink. Jackson did not want to act like a fool in front of his father in law.

But Jackson knows he has no choice but to drink with Dino. Signing his fate Jackson jugged the wine. Seeing Jackson drinking the wine Dino smiled and began talking. "Fate is very cruel. Fate has given me the wonderful blessing of allowing each of my wives to give birth to twins. For a cultivator having 6 children was a miracle, it was hard enough for one to have three children in their lifetime as a cultivator. Even if one has ten wives or 100." Dino stopped talking and drank wine like it was water.

Jackson just stayed quiet and listened to his ramblings, He knew Dino was just venting out his sadness. Jackson did not know how to cheer Dino up. Well no one can, If someone you know is about to die how can you cheer him up? Everyone is afraid of death. It is just how everyone lives their life, we are born, we live and we die but no one is ever ready to go without any regrets.

"Son, I really want to hold my grandchild. I want to see those little brats causing troubles and I want to pamper them but fate is cruel" Dino silently cried and looked up towards the moon and heavily drank the wine down. "Sign, I have many wishes and regrets but it would be unfair for me to stay here don't you think so? My wives are already waiting for me, I want to stay but I also want to go with them."

Dino took another drink and Jackson was about to stop him but saw Dino starting to turn into bright particles slowly flying with the wind. Dino turned to Jackson. "It is time for me to go. I can't stay here even if I wish I could. Son please take care of them for me" Dino smiled and said his farewell to Jackson.

Before Jackson had to say a word Dino completely turned into particles and scattered around by the wind which looked like a parade of fireflies going up to heaven Jackson clenched his fist and said. "Father rests well and finds mother in law for me and tell them I will not let them suffer as long as I'm alive" Jackson then heard Dino say "good, I'm glad to hear that" slowly fading out as the particles disappear.

For the first time ever in Jackson's life he cried out his heart and drank all of the wine Dino left for him.