Chapter 21 - Building an armory

Jackson planned to build weapons for everyone to use during the beast tide. Jackson Type Ak47 assault rifle great but 7.62mm X 39mm bullets are inefficient against giant creatures of this world. He wanted to make something that can take down giant wolves and also be effective in fighting an army.

He has a weapon in mind, a monster gun of earth. A large-bore gun also known as elephant guns or express. This gun uses hand sized bullets at the size of 17.6x89mmR. This gun can kill off elephants in a single shot and is a weapon that Jackson needs to fight off the wave of beast.

700 nitro express is the strongest hand held rifle of earth. Nitro express is a break action double barrel rifle, allowing two single shots to be fired in quick succession or both at the same time.

Jackson had another weapon in mind be used as a backup during close combat. A desert eagle, a powerful hand cannon.

With the combination of the two powerful weapons Jackson believes that if he can arm 50 people then the beast tide would be nothing but a walk in a park.

Well for now, Jackson only has 8 people to arm. Jackson has to think of another plan to help increase the firepower of the base.

First one he came up with was to create an automated turret gun but this is a stationary type weapon. Good at defensive action but Jackson wanted to arm Cuprite ants the turret. That way the ants' fire power increases, while also making the automatic turrets mobile and fit for large scale battle.

Second is to build traps around the base, to increase the defenses of the rocky mountain. The rocky mountain natural defenses are only good against small beast or infantry type soldiers.

Traps would help deal with larger and stronger beasts. The traps Jackson planned to build is a cluster mine. This trap is fitted to cause harm against multiple targets.

Both of these are the only weapons that Jackson can create with the given time. If he had more time he would arm the base with juggernauts which are humanoid armor machines that are equal to a tank.

Before Jackson could start making the gun for Henry and his wives, he had to make a turret and traps first. Tool Maker can mass produce these weapons.

Jackson called Cuprite on his mind. "Hope you are well down there Cuprite? Tell me what's the biggest ant you can lay right now?" He greeted the queen ant and asked about her ants. Jackson needed to know the biggest sizes of her ant to draw down a plan for their upgrades.

"Hello master, Cuprite is very well and happy that her family is growing but why ask about Cuprite children?" Cuprite sounded very happy and confused by Jackson's question.

"I want to give your colony a new toy to play with and the bigger the ant the better." Jackson smiled happily to hear that Cuprite is well and happy.

"A toy?" Cuprite sounds really confused, Jackson did not know whether she's confused about what toy means or what toy Jackson is giving her children.

"It's something that will help your children fight stronger beasts,"Jackson said.

"Oh I see." Cuprite sounded like she was disappointed and jealous for not getting any toy from Jaxkson. "Cuprite can't lay a stronger egg till she grows. Sorry master, Cuprite can't help you"

Cuprite was very sad because she could not help her master. "oh, that's okay Cuprite, I was just asking so that I can adjust how big the toys should be for your colony." Jackson cheered Cuprite up.

"Cuprite calls some of your greater ants to me" Jackson asked Cuprite for some ants to do some measuring to equip them with a turret. Jackson planned to arm a total of 200 greater ants and leave the rest to work around the base. In the future these armed worker ants would act as guard for the base and Cuprite nest.

Soldier ant can be used to expand the base territory and Cuprite range. Domination on both upper and under ground.

"Okay but master, they are yours too. Cuprite is a master pet beast and you are a Cuprite contractor. My children are your children."Jackson, hearing the last part of Cuprite's words could not help whether to laugh or cry.

Jackson understands what Cuprite words mean but she did not have to word it that way coupled with her child-like voice couldn't help but get chills.

"Oh, I see then I'll borrow some of them for now. Stay well down there Cuprite"

"Will do master," Cuprite said.

With that Jackson finished his chat with Cuprite. Closing his eyes tried to connect and feel Cuprite children and willed them to come to him. Not long after 3 greater ants rush towards Jackson and stop 5 meters in front of him like 3 loyal soldiers.

"Come, follow me." Jackson ordered the ants.

Jackson and the ants walked together to look for Tool Maker. Together with her Jackson can create anything he wishes.

"Tool Maker get ready and assist me in making turrets to fit these ants" Finding Tool Maker, Jackson invited her to join him with his new project.

Jackson took the ants to the maintenance to be measured. The ants were put through many test and experiments, how much they can carry, how fast they can run with or without weights and how flexible they are.

These tests would help design a suitable turret to be placed on the ants. These ants are twice the size of a large dog on earth and ants are known to carry weight many times their size. These ants are very suitable for this project.

When Jackson received the results of how capable the ants were, he worked with his engineer Tool Maker to create multiple types of turrets for ants.

After a while Jackson and Tool Maker made 3 designs that fitted the ants, divided into 3 parts the head, body and the tail. First ants' design was to equip the ant with light gear that helps improve its mobility, from head till end of body the ant is covered with protective layer to protect the ant and mount the turret. On the tail of the ant is a tiny backpack to store ammo in and auto feed the turret.

The turret is a modified LMG, designed for highly mobile combat and intensity. Jackson copied an array formation that has two triggers for ants to be able use the turret. First the users supply spirit energy to the equipment, this then connects the turret to the users consciousness. After the connection between object and user is formed, this will then allow the ant to move and fire the turret at will.

Jackson learns how to connect objects to consciousness through an array formation that is used to be put on a fly sword for cultivators. This array formation allowed cultivators to freely command the fly sword at will.

Second design for the ants to cause area damage. The second design no longer has extra protective cover and helps with the ants mobility but instead lowers it. A heavy grenade launcher is attached to the ant's body and tail.

The idea behind this design was to turn the ants into support. By bombarding the enemy front lines and allowing the ants to swoop in and get an easy kill against a heavily injured enemy.

The third design is to help reload ammo for assault and grenadier ants. Jackson knows that during battle the ants would run out of ammo very quickly.

Very similar to the first, the third design helps improve the ants mobility but has no extra layer of protection. Mounted with a shotgun turret to help keep the beast away while the ant is helping its brothers reload their guns.

Once Jackson and Tool Maker complete drawing up the design. Tool Maker began to make prototypes to test out the designs.