It did not take long for Tool Maker to quickly put together a prototype to be tested on the 3 greater ants.
Arming the ants with the prototype, Jackson compare their performance with the previous test. The ants gear was enchanted by array formations to increase speed or strength. The result of the ants with their new combat gear preforms 2.5 times greater than the previous data.
Now Jackson needed to maximize the gears effects on the ant. A part from speed and strength boost, Jackson added light weight to help ants be more flexible during battle.
With That project finalized, Tool maker Began to mass produce the 3 ant gear. Jackson name each of the new gear as assault crawler ants which are the ants Armed with LMGs. Second was support grenadier ants and speed reloader ants.
Jackson arm 120 greater ants with assault crawlers gear, 50 grenadier and 30 speed reloader greater ants.
After arming the ants Jackson sent them with Henry and Bell to be trained. Jackson returned to the maintenance room and started to draw out a design for the traps, he combine earth's cluster mines with an array formation.
Jackson created a mechanical flower design. These flowers cluster mines can be easily planted out on the field and also easy to deactivate. These flower cluster mine takes spirit energy and if pressure is applied on the center of the flower 5 second later the flower would send it petals out like a leaf on the wind, then detonated after 3 seconds.
Jackson delayed the activation to get more beast inside the blast zone. Faith once told him that during the beats tide the beast becomes blood thirsty and mindless attack human cities. Having the beast straight up running towards their target will allow the flower cluster mines to spread it's petals to hit as many as possible.
After finishing designing the flower cluster mines, Jackson handed it to Tool Maker to be finalise and tested.
Jackson need a few more days to get field reports of the ants combat gear and flower cluster mines. Creating new equipment requires 2 type of testing, first is lab testing where the equipment are tested for errors. Second is field testing, where the equipment's are run through combat to check if there are any issues and ability out on deferent terrain.
Both are important to insure that the equipment will increase the soldier potential and not hinder them. In a battlefield skills and techniques are important but if a 20 year veteran soldier is pinned against a trainee with an armored combat suit, everyone can guess who would win.
But if both equipment and skills are combined together you can create monsters and meat grinder.
Jackson hope that the ants can use the gear to there full potential and enhance their current skills.
Jackson could only wait till then for now Jackson started working on the Nitro express rifle. First he started making the barrels, 0.6 meters long, a little longer than earth nitro barrels. He added a rifling through the barrels, this is to help spin the bullet as it run through out the barrels making it steady and accurate.
Next he created the tail part of the gun. The trigger that holds the hammer to apply pressure to the bullet primmer. Finally the body of the gun, carved out of wood with only basic plain design nothing too fancy.
With the main parts created, Jackson assembled them together. Nitro express rifle is now completed, Jackson put it aside and started creating bullets for the gun. The bullets are huge, giving Jackson another idea for the gun.
After Jackson created 6 bullets, he started to carve out the array formations for the gun. First the barrel, the array enchantment Jackson choose was increase durability to prevent the gun from breaking and hold much stronger bullet. Second the tail, Jackson choose anti friction array enchantment to help the bullet exit the barrel smoother and increasing it's accuracy. Lastly the body, Jackson added increase projectile array enchant that was used for arrows but Jackson altered the array a little and now effects projectile that is shot out of the gun that way he didn't need to enchant every bullet with this array.
Just as Jackson about to finish modifying the increase projectile array, he stop. "why stop there. I could add an element to the bullet as well not just to increase it's speed." Jackson gained an idea to add element and speed to the bullet as the projectile exits the barrel of the rifle.
Imagine shooting out fire imbued projectile, this would change the used of the gun but Jackson can only add one element onto the array formation.
Jackson walked around the room thinking which of the element should he add onto the gun.
Fire is always good, fire would increase the bullet damage or turn the bullets into something like dragon breath rounds or cause the bullet to explode on impact.
Jackson looked into other elements, water was out of the question cooling the bullet might weaken the impact. Earth is no go as well making the bullet heavier might be good if the gun is an artiliry type. Wind element helps increase the projectile accuracy by taking away the wind out around the projectile while flying through the air.
Jackson listed out each of the element uses, only those he understands and other like light and dark elements Jackson left them for now. Those elements are still unpredictable to Jackson and he need to study them more later.
For now Jackson carved in the fire element into the array. Finished making Nitro express, Jackson started in creating the desert eagle. A little more complicated than Nitro express but Jackson already knows how to make the parts. Once all the desert eagle is assembled, Jackson carved in 3 array, one on the mag, the grip and barrel. Jackson used the same arrays like the other one.
Anti friction on the mag, increase durability on the grip and increase projectile and fire damage into the barrel.
Jackson looked at the 2 guns on the table with satisfaction these are his prototype. Jackson tooked both the guns out for some testing. He also called the girls, he wanted their opinion on this maybe be can add something else.
He already knows where to find the girls, in this past few days the girls were busy planting herbs and flowers on the garden.
Jackson looked at the girls watering plants and talking. They looked happy and energetic, seeing this Jackson smiled and walked towards them greeting them with a smile.
"Hello ladies, how is it going?" Jackson said.
"Hello, husband you came on time. We just finished planting all the spirit herbs and flowers." Lili happily greeted Jackson.
"Good day, husband. Are you here for something." Faith asked Jackson. She knows that Jackson is busy preparing for beast tide and as his wife, Faith was prepared to fight with him.
"that's good to hear Lili and yes I do the help from all yous" Jackson smile then showed then both the guns. "This is a Nitro express rifle and desert eagle. Another weapon from my world just like Ak47 I showed you guys before"
Faith slowly walked and gently took Nitro, she like the weapon on her hand. She thought is was beautiful, after inspecting it for a while she turn and asked Jackson. "how do I use it?"
Jackson did not expect Faith to be a gun fanatic. "Here let me show you" Jackson wrapped his arms around Faith hugging her and gently pulled the gun up and showed her how to use the rifle.
Faith blush at Jackson actions but let him do what he wanted after all she was his wife. To her disappointment Jackson just gently showed her how to use the gun.
Jackson showed her how to reload the gun and how to aim. "before shooting brace yourself." letting go of Faith and stepping back Jackson warned her commanded her to shot.
"Now fire." with Jackson order Faith aim at the wall and fired the gun.