Chapter 30 - Results of the ammo upgrades.

"Looking good. Everyone please try and shoot out the targets at 600 meters range." Jackson Now wanted to collect data of how accurate the guns are when fired rapidly. The girls reloaded the weapon and positioned themselves. "Please Fire and reload as fast as you can till I tell you to stop." These are just basic testing for guns, stress test is to see how many shots the gun can hold before overheating or getting damaged.

"Ready! Aim! Fire!" Jackson yelled out the command and the girls shot almost at the same time. The sounds of gunshots were really loud and can be heard all the way to base. The girls skillfully fired and reloaded the nitro zeus but after the fourth shot the target was obliterated and they had to stop.

Jackson walked over and checked the guns and was surprised that they were still cold, not even warm to touch. He did not see any damages or cracks and the end of the barrel. All in all everything was great.

Lastly he needed to test out the new bullets the sisters created but he would not be able to try out viper shot against these wooden pillars and he needed a living target to see the results. "Okay Faith and Hope please use Nightmare shots and Dragon's tooth, your target are 1000 meters out."

"Got it."

"No problem"

The two sisters emptied out the gun and replaced them with nightmare shot and dragon's tooth. The sisters were excited to see their work in action, they already know what they can do but that was just on paper.

"Faith you go first, Ready? Fire!" Jackson asked Faith to go first and gave her the signal to fire. The projectile fired through the barrel and when it hit the target the huge explosion happened but it did not look like a normal explosion like a grenade but it exploded and formed a black circle which lasted only for a few seconds.

The area in which the explosion happened looked like a perfect sphere was cut out. The hole on the ground was a perfect semi circle and the target was completely obliterated, not even ash was left behind for it.

Jackson saw the results of this bullet and was in awe. He had never seen such devastating damage before and if this was shot in the middle of a battlefield where everyone is clustered in a single area it would indeed be a nightmare to see. The name the sisters gave this bullet was a perfect fit.


"I dont think a level 6 beast could even escape this"

"Even if the beast dodge in time I think it would be wounded badly"

The four sisters saw what their sister created and was in awe. The power of that bullet was equal to the low level 7 power house. "Indeed That was an amazing sight to behold. Hope Please Get ready"

"I'm ready to go!" Hope said and was feeling a little proud of her work.

"Ready! Fire!" Jackson nodded and gave her the signal to shoot at her target. When Hope fired the Dragon's Tooth bullet, It let out the whistle sound as it cut the air with a shocking speed. When it hit the target it blew it apart and continued to fly through without stopping. After crushing 20 or more trees only did the bullet slow down and stop.

This projectile was even more fierce than the last and its penetration force was very shocking to see. Jackson was very satisfied with the results of both the guns and ammo for the nitro zeus. He wondered if this was brought back to earth, Tanks would become trash with the amount of power these guns showed.


Suddenly the loud beast cry roared out. Jackson and the girls were stunned for a moment but snapped out of it quickly and got into battle position while Jackson just let out a chuckle and smiled. "Hehe, Faith please prepare viper shot. Looks like someone wants to test it out."

A huge Bear of 20 meter height came into view and it was furious. When it saw the humans standing in front of him, it angrily roared again. "These Lowly insects! How dare they ruin my nap time! I must kill them all" The Beast mentally planned out a massacre. All that noise Jackson and the girls were making attracted the beast.

Seeing that they are only 6 level 3 females and the male was doesn't even have any energy signatures the beast got over confident. Rushing towards them like a tank at full speed, Jackson raised his hand and gave the signal to Faith. "Fire!"

Faith obeyed Jackson's command and shot at the incoming bear. The projectile whistled through the air and penetrated the huge bear beast. The Bear felt its chest burn and roared out in pain and kneeled down.

It felt like a dragon punched him at the chest. It did not know what the human did to him. The bear held his chest and wanted to continue its attack but when he looked up he only saw 6 pairs of eyes looking at him in disdain and the human male was smiling at him like he was looking at a ridiculous scene.

This angered him so badly but after standing the bear froze and fell over. He could not feel his body and he was starting to feel burning on his chest getting stronger and stronger. Soon a pain that he never felt before started to run throughout his body and he could do nothing about it.

His body was not listening to him, all he could do was mentally scream in pain. Jackson watches the bear die within 10 seconds after being hit without any resistance at all. Smiling Jackson was thinking if this was used on a human he would not last long as this bear. He only lasted this long because of this massive body and it took long for the poison to kill him.

"Okay testing for the guns and new ammo types are finished for today let's get some field testing tomorrow. Lets go get lunch" Jackson turn around and looked at the girls, he acted as if the bear was nothing but a test subject for him and the girls.

"Sure Im a little hungry"

"Oh, we still need to water the fields in the garden"

"Oh right I almost forgot"

"Good call there sis. Let's go!"

The Sister and Jackson slowly pack up while talking to each other and walk up to the base. Jackson got Henry to make some refreshments and lunch for him and the girls.

Now that Jackson has everything prepared for the beast tide he can now relax and play with the girls. Jackson was waiting for lunch that Henry was preparing while he listened to happy talks of the girls watering the spirit plants in the garden.

The farm also started growing some wheat and vegetables that girls found out in the wild. Jackson closed his eyes and did a mental calculation of the base current power level. Of course Bunker is still the main unit of the base.

The walls are now fully up and enchanted by array formations. The Ant army is going well and currently they have a total of 600 armed ants. 400 assault crawlers, 100 grenadiers and 100 speed reloaders. Now with 2 squads of ants army hunting for food and materials, they have cleared almost everything 10 kilometers out of the rocky mountain.

The ants are also getting stronger and stronger the more they eat and trained with the gear Jackson provided them with. The average level of the ants are now at level 3, Of course Cuprite takes most of the food as she was the queen of the ants and must be protected. The more she eats the stronger she becomes and the stronger she is the stronger her colony is.

The Base is fully armed and traps are laid around the bottom of the rocky mountain and without the ants paths and cleared roads anyone who tried to walk around the rocky mountain would die with them knowing it.

As Jackson was thinking of the current power of the base he could not help but feel relief and happy that now he feels that he has a solid home in this world.