Chapter 31 - The day of the beast tide

"So It begins." Jackson was standing on the top of the castle walls looking up at the blood red moon. This red moon was the signal for starting the beast tide and just on queue Jackson can hear multiple beast roars and cries from the distances.

"I'm sure we will be fine. No matter what we will be with you." Faith walked over beside Jackson and reassured him that they would survive this battle.

"My sister is right. We did everything we could" Hope agreed with her sister.

"Hehe with our current battle power I'm sure there will be no beast that can match us" Lili Joined while chuckling.

"We can win!"

"That for sure!"

"Let's show this mindless beast who not to mess with!"

The rest of the sisters also voice out their encouragement. Jackson heard this he could not help but smile. "They are right. What is the use of worrying now? I have made everything I could and done everything I could. What else is left other than to win this battle " Jackson did a little self encouragement this was going to be his first big battle in this world.

Not long after Jackson's short conversation with the sisters the beast rushed out of the forest. They all came in different looks and sizes. One could see wolves, lizards, birds, giant anteaters and many more unknown monsters to Jackson poured out like an endless army rushing towards the base.

Jackson saw this insane massive army rushing at him. Taking a deep breath Jackson closed and gave the order. "Then let us begin this battle. Activate Bastion Fort" When Jackson gave out the command. In the center of the base the spirit power plant rapidly spun and every defensive array formation around the base started to glow and began to operate.

And a massive force field covered the whole base and at the same time the traps at the bottom of the rocky mountain activated and started killing the beast that was rushing towards the base. Jackson calmly looked at the explosions and gave out another command. "Good, Launch the second phase of the plan."

The girls and 800 of the ants began to aim downwards from the base wall. Aiming at the Beast below. "Fire!" When Jackson gave the signal a hail of bullets shot out from the base wall raining on the beast below.

The beast who were mindless continued to rush towards the base but met with a wall of bullets piercing their flesh. By hundred to thousand the beast began to fall like flies. The Ants continued to rain down bullets on the beast while the grenadier launched their explosives down. The busiest ants were the speed reloader ants running around the base wall helping their brethren.

Jackson stood still and watched this massacre. The beast could not enter the force field and only those flying beasts managed to attempt to get close but the moment they entered the force field then came crashing down. Dying the moment they hit the ground, The reverse gravity array that Jackson and the two sisters crafted onto the base walls worked their magic and prevented the flying beast from getting close to them. Well even if they did get close the girls would have long shot them down giving them the same results.

The beast continued to rush up and the battlefield is now stacked with thousands of beast corpses. Jackson knows that it was not going to be this easy and he was right. These beasts were only level 3 at most. After a moment the field suddenly quilted down all the beast at the bottom of the base all died out.

Jackson can smell death and blood in the air but he did not flinch at all instead became even more serious. The sisters once told him that beast tide only gets stronger the more you kill, all the blood smell will attract the stronger beast to come and try to get an easy feast but if they see any humans they will attack with no hesitation.

"Get ready for the nightmare shots. Reload all the guns" Jackson commanded the girls to change their ammo into a nightmare shot and the ants to get fully loaded. Jackson stood up on the wall without moving like a general in the battlefield waiting for the enemy to make his move.


A distant roar of a beast sounded throughout the battlefield announcing their arrival to Jackson and his team. Jackson looked at eight approaching beasts, there was a beast that looked like a lion but has 4 heads, a giant tortoise with a rocky mountain on its back, two hawk type beast one with red feathers and another with blue feathers, 2 red furred bears, a giant spider that is almost cover by metals and ape beast with crystals on its back.

Jackson can feel a strong power emanating from the eight beast. "Lulu, Lili which to dragon's tooth and deal with the tortoise and the spider, Ann Anya you two use viper shot and deal wit the 2 bears, Lastly Faith Hope you two deal with ape and the lion using nightmare shots" Jackson gave out his orders to the sisters to use specific ammo types to deal with the beast.

He asked Lili and Lulu to deal with the beast that looks like a defensive beast using the powerful penetration force of the Dragons Tooth. Ann and Anya will deal with the bear like before and Faith and Hope will use nightmare shots explosive to deal with the beast that relies on speed. Jackson already has a plan to deal with the two birds flying up in the air and that is to make them bathe in bullets by the army ants.


The lion and the ape was the first to rush towards base with red intimidating eyes the lion spit out flames towards who was standing calmly up the in t base wall.The ape did not sit idly by either and gather a spirit energy from its palm and shot it out like a cannon.

Bang! Bang!

The two attacks were met with nightmare shot projectiles and the collision caused a massive explosion. The two beasts covered their faces from the explosion and looked up in surprise to see that two level 3 cultivators were able to block their attack But this just enraged them farther. How can a puny low level humans block their attacks? It was just a fluke and the beast continued to rush and was about to attack again but.

Bang! Bang!

Gunshots can be heard again but two beasts prepared to block the incoming attack but after a while they did not feel any pain or hear any explosions. The ape and the lion looked up in confusion but behind the two, The giant tortoise and the giant spider stood frozen and then suddenly falling down like a puppet getting its string cut off.

The lion and the ape heard the commotion behind them and looked back only to see 2 lifeless bodies of the spider and tortoise. They were both shocked and started to feel panicked. What was that? What did the humans do? But as the two beasts were in a dilemma whether to continue to attack or retreat another sound of gunshot can be heard.

Bang Bang!

All the beast flinched and got into a defensive position this time the two bears got hit but the bear just grinned when they got hit. This time they were prepared for an ambush attack from the humans but the two bears' smiles did not last long when they started to feel pain and dizzy.

A few seconds later they started vomiting blood and fell down just like the previous two. Now they lay lifeless and the other beast now started to feel fear but their beast pride got the better of them.

The lion, ape and the two hawks roared loudly showcasing their hate and anger towards the humans standing on the top of the walls. Jackson only responded with a cold glare. "You mindless creature came uninvited to my home. You think that I, would let you intruders do whatever you want? Hah? Foolish." Jackson will do anything to protect his new family in this new world.