Chapter 171 - She Has What?

"To hand to the man I wish to marry. In other words my dowry " Lady Varshir words echoed out in Jackson ears. Jackson stared at the spatial necklace with black face feeling extremely awkward shock that he just received after hearing those. 

A brief moment later Jackson let out a sigh and answered Lady Varshir back. "Sigh, then keep it, Just like you said to a man you wish to marry but unfortunately I would not be able to accept that." Jackson told Lady Varshir straight that Jackson himself does not wish to marry her.

Lady Varshir looked at Jackson with a smile and asked. "What Am I not beautiful enough for you? I know that men want more wives plus you will get to have the inheritance of the red lizard tribe. Are you sure you don't want it?" Lady Varshir wanted to see how Jackson would react to such a tempting offer.