Brother Dao Are You Okay? The paper dolls Are Alive!

At this moment, Li Yidao completely didn't notice Sister Zhou's arrival. He continued his explanation.

"Look, now that the skeleton is already made, the next step is to start layering the paper on it."

"This step requires a lot of patience."

"When connecting the paper, it's not like what you think, using glue. Instead, we use a mixture called 'paste.'"

"Paste is made with flour and hot water. Mix them together."

As he spoke, he took out the prepared flour and hot water and quickly made a small pot of paste.

The consistency was just right.

"Everyone, like this, one layer at a time." He randomly took pieces of prepared paper and stuck them layer by layer on the skeleton.

"Well, the internal part is done now, and what's left is to dress the paper doll."

"In the past, paper doll makers had to draw the clothes one by one."

"But now, most of the clothes come as ready-made pieces, and we just need to stick them on."