Years of Lifespan to Use the Investigation Skill?

After returning to the hotel, Zhou Tianqi recounted his encounter in detail to the others.

As they listened to his fragmented narration, their expressions were filled with disbelief.

Sister Zhou's mother was especially anxious as she asked, "You mean, you heard that Brother Dao said that person deserved to be hit by a car. And then... a truck actually hit that person and killed him?"

It was not that she didn't believe him, but the whole situation was just too unbelievable!

This was far from a simple case of following someone on social media!

Speaking words and making them come true?

Was this person really a god?

Zhou Tianqi gave a bitter smile and nodded, and it was evident that a trace of fear still lingered in his eyes.

After all, those who hadn't experienced it might not understand the feeling.

Even for a seasoned old criminal police officer like him, something so unbelievable was simply unheard of and terrifying.