Secretly Murder! Cursed Snake!

Li Yidao hung up the phone.

A cold smile tugged at the corner of Li Yidao's mouth.

They were still treating him like a fool.

He had thought Qi Yuqiang's call would show some sincerity, but it was all empty words, devoid of substance.

Even if they were sharing information they had gathered today, Li Yidao wouldn't be this angry.

But they were simply stringing him along, offering no substantial assistance.

They were merely reiterating things Li Yidao already knew or could easily find out.

What was the point?

Given the situation, it was best for them to each go their own way.

Sometimes, many things, even if initially well-intentioned, could take a different turn in execution.

Unit 36... Perhaps they had also taken a wrong turn by now...


The night sky was illuminated by a bright moon.

Li Yidao had already entered the realm of dreams.