You Want to Kill Me? Dream On!

"Mr. Mitsui! I just contacted the head of the geological bureau. He told me that there won't be any volcanic eruptions in the next three months!"

In less than three minutes, the man eagerly reported to Mitsui.

However, his report furrowed Mitsui's brows.

"Strange, strange, 'disappear without a trace'... besides volcanic eruptions, what else could it be?"

"Could it be encountering other special danger?"

Mitsui, the elderly gentleman, fell into silence for a moment.

"Are you sure they confirmed that there won't be volcanic eruptions for three months?"

"Yes, Mr. Mitsui! The bureau head assured me with the honor of the empire!"

"Alright, you may go. Keep observing, and report to me immediately if anything happens."


Mr. Mitsui once again fell into contemplation.

Why did the information differ from his calculations and his conjectures?

Could he really have been mistaken?