What Did You Do To Me?

"Sir? Sir?" Wei Wenqiang looked at Li Yidao with a perplexed expression and subconsciously glanced toward his grandson. He didn't see anything unusual.

"When did he start to lose consciousness?" Li Yidao asked a question directly.

In response to Li Yidao's question, Wei Wenqiang remained silent, but a woman next to the hospital bed spoke hurriedly, "It was a little after 3 PM today, he suddenly fainted. We've run all the tests, but we couldn't find any underlying medical conditions."

The woman didn't naively ask who Li Yidao was because Wei Wenqiang had informed her earlier.

Li Yidao nodded gently and continued his inquiry while temporarily ignoring the gaze of the wedding-gowned woman who was looking at him.

"Did he lose consciousness in the study on the second floor?"