Temporary Mission, Reward: 1,000 Years of Lifespan

Li Yidao finished his takeout and then rested for a while before returning to his room. As for the live stream, he ultimately decided not to go live.

He noticed that whenever he did a live stream, certain events tended to occur.

Although every event had its own reason for happening, he felt tired today and wanted to rest.


Staring at the new door that had been replaced, Li Yidao's expression remained unchanged.

This door had been provided by Qi Yuqiang and his group.

Moreover, when Li Yidao returned, he saw two unfamiliar individuals outside his shop.

These two people appeared to be ordinary, but in the deserted streets, their unfamiliar faces stood out.

Li Yidao wouldn't have missed it.

A night passed without words.

During this night, Li Yidao had a dream.

He dreamt of Li Yinuo.

She was in a very peculiar environment, and he couldn't quite describe the location.