The Final Dawn of Victory

He felt that this white light was also a kind of ability, similar to a control skill.

Sure enough, as the white light descended, the bizarre fused entity, which had been frozen by Qi Yuqiang but had started to break free, was once again trapped in place.

Li Yidao instinctively turned around and saw the white-robed man he had just treated, biting his teeth, sitting in place, and then using his skills.

It seemed that the opponent had consumed too much, leading to this state of unconsciousness.

Otherwise, even if Li Yidao's Hand of God ability was strong, it would probably not be so simple to save the opponent.

Exhaling deeply, Li Yidao pressed forward. Without hesitation, he threw out the last remaining talisman in his hand.

In the current situation, as long as he could inflict any kind of attack on the opponent, it would be good! As long as he could consume all the lingering souls of the opponent's fusion.