More Business

With Li Yidao's extensive follows, the entire internet went into a frenzy!

Even though Brother Dao had already ended the live stream, a new wave had emerged online—a surge in trending topics!

The trending list's top twenty, no, only two were unrelated to Li Yidao. This was truly shocking!

Initially, Unit 36 attempted to do some damage control, but it was futile!

Totally futile!

The reason was that several of the streamers Li Yidao followed had met their demise even before he signed off!

This was terrifying!

Within Brother Dao's various fan groups, everyone had gone utterly mad.

"D*mn! This is insane! Can't hold it! Too intense!"

"Mmm... it hit me right in the stomach. So darn thrilling!"

"Sizzle sizzle! We've already turned Brother Dao's latest follows into a ranking. Ready to cross them out anytime!"

"Rumor has it, the streamers who were followed are all in the hospital, waiting there."