Welcome To The Netherworld Hell, Chosen Ones!

There was nothing unusual about the 20 Chosen Ones of the Dragon Nation.

Among the 16 Chosen Ones from other countries, seven of them already wanted to commit suicide through various means.

"How is it not strange? Didn't the West say that suicide means you go to hell? Why are they the ones who want to commit suicide?!"

"The trial in the Netherworld Hell of the eerie world is even more terrifying to them than the so-called hell."

"This is true hell!"

"Who cares!"

In the eyes of the fickle netizens of the Dragon Country, even if the other countries had 16 Chosen Ones, they were all cannon fodder.

Ever since the 3-star Otherworld Instance Dungeon, none of the Chosen Ones from other countries had been able to pass any trial.

It was a very normal thing.

The Chosen Ones of the Dragon Kingdom only had a 10% survival rate in the 3-star Otherworld Instance Dungeon.