Strange Hardening Engineering Technique!

The netizens in the Heavenly Dao's live-stream saw a group of the eerie appearing in the live-stream of Chosen One No. 4.

This group of eerie people roasted themselves on fire and ate as they roasted.

"That's so showy. He can even eat himself!"

"Ghost eats ghosts. You're getting something out of it."

"I can tell at a glance that he's a hungry ghost!"

"Don't you think it's scary?"

"Do you?"

Most of the netizens in the Heavenly Dao live-stream were already used to such a terrifying scene.

As for why the eerie of the eerie world would do something that went against human thinking, the fundamental reason was that they were not humans.

It was impossible to use human thinking to consider the thoughts and actions of demons, devils, ghosts, monsters, and beasts.

This group of eerie people saw the young man.

This person was Zhang Dabao.

A Chosen One that the netizens had recognized as cannon fodder.