The Solitary Mountain's Ghost Queen Is Really Too Fragrant!

Meanwhile, in front.

A building in the shape of a mountain tomb whose top couldn't be seen appeared in front of Su Qianqian.

How big was it exactly?

The Solitary Mountain's Ghost Queen could not say because from here, it seemed to be in front of her.

However, the trees in front of them were like grass in front of this tomb-like building.

Solitary Mountain's Ghost Queen said, "Small Master, there are six Ghost Emperor Cities in each court pass. Five of them are led by the five Ghost Emperors of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, respectively."

Solitary Mountain's Ghost Queen continued, "Be it the Golden Ghost Imperial City or the Wood Ghost Imperial City, they are directly governed by the Silent Night Ghost Imperial City and listen to the Ghost Emperor of Serene Moon Pass."

Su Qianqian nodded, not fully understanding.