Are You Sure This Is Earth Ghost Imperial City?

As far as the eye could see, the buildings of Earth Ghost Imperial City were actually a large number of mud houses. Moreover, the houses built were extremely similar to mud tombs.

"So many graves!" Su Qianqian was dazzled.

She looked at the eerie walking past her. There was a patch of yellow soil or black soil on their heads and soil all over their bodies.

However, there were also some who were completely clean, but they emitted a strange lime smell.

"Small Master?"

The Solitary Mountain's Ghost Queen darted into the eerie group without any fear.

She was clearly in the eerie world, but she appeared calm and composed. She even walked around completely.

The Solitary Mountain's Ghost Queen originally wanted to remind Su Qianqian not to kill the eerie everywhere in the court.

After all, this was the Netherworld Night Court Pass. They would get into big trouble.