What Is True Despair Hell?

Li Xingyuan and the others had already guessed it.

It was the Earth Store Bodhisattva who wanted to use the mark of the underworld emperor to activate the soul-summoning banner and open the gates of hell for the evil ghosts.

Meanwhile, the ground seemed to have fallen silent at this moment. The lifeless appearance made the eerie in the battle not only stop, but also reveal extremely terrified expressions.

Not only the eerie, but even the two Ghost Empresses, who were Underworld Palaces' masters, looked abnormally terrified.

What was the soul-summoning banner?

What was the Evil Spirits' Hell?

How could the eerie in the eerie world not know?

The Evil Spirits' Hell was a place the eerie would tremble in fear of.

If there were any eerie that barged into the Evil Spirits' Hell, they would basically die.