The Evil Spirits' Hell's Gate Is About To Open!

"What kind of spell is throw thunder, old mother? A thunder technique? It seems very powerful!"

"I don't know, either. It sounds so domineering!"

"One of Earth Store Bodhisattva's arms has been blown off. He's already at the end of his rope."

"It's really unbelievable. It's clearly a rebellion game like playing house, but they can overthrow the Netherworld Hell."

Even though the battle was not over yet, the netizens had already guessed the outcome.

After all, the current situation was so clear. One could tell with one eye that the Earth Store Bodhisattva had already been forced into a desperate situation.

Li Xingyuan and the others did not let the matter rest just because one of the Earth Store Bodhisattva's arms was broken.

They had to kill the Earth Store Bodhisattva. Otherwise, there would be no other way.

"He's trying to run!"

The Ghost Empress of Qingming Pass saw the Earth Store Bodhisattva planned to escape.