What's The Name Of The Wine Made From Devihumans?

"Can Su Qianqian's live broadcast now be renamed to 'the days when sixth brother and I were in Myanmar'?"

"They're not scamming online daters!"

"Then why don't we name it the live-stream where the devihumans are used to brew wine?"

If they did not treat the devihumans as special and treated them as chicken, duck, and beef, it would be fine.

However, they treated the devihumans as humans.

That was the most terrifying thing.

Su Qianqian took out the minced meat from the jar in her hand and placed it in the steamer.

"Grandpa Ding, what should we do next?"

Su Qianqian had to remember every step of brewing wine.

The key was that she was using devihuman meat to make wine.

The process and steps were different from ordinary rice brewing.

However, as an old drunkard, Ding Tie naturally knew how to use meat to make wine.