Life Experience Is A Book!

Directly above.

A huge mushroom appeared.

As for how big it was, it was more than 10 floors tall.

"Is this a mushroom?" It was also the first time Yu Fuxue had seen such a huge mushroom.

Ding Tie replied, "Mushrooms are a type of fungus. The reason why it can grow so big is probably related to the environment here. It might've been nurtured by MP Potions."

Hearing Ding Tie's analysis, everyone felt that it made sense.

This was a Devil Realm's Otherworld Instance Dungeon.

Some plants contained extremely powerful magic power.

This was like the speed at which everything grew had clearly increased a lot after the recovery of the Spiritual Qi in the Dragon Country. Moreover, huge plants and animals had appeared one after another.

This was all thanks to the Spiritual Qi.

Therefore, this huge red mushroom should have been nurtured by magic power.