Chapter 2 - The Transferee

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — RENN — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

So, it's another day! Emerald Houston is still as lively as ever and Syrra over here is being reviewed by me. If you're asking about the quiz, yes, she definitely remembered.

"It's unfair how easily you get these formulas, Renn…" She groaned, and proceeded to squish her left cheek flat on the armchair. Syrra may hate Math, though she has the spirits to review it with me.

"It takes a little practice, don't worry. Good thing you came early." I am feeling satisfied having to review formulas. Just like yesterday, we got 30 minutes before class starts. Anyone can learn these formulas quickly, unless you're a slow learner.

"Heh… My sister finally fixed the damn clock, but she now wakes me up quite early." Syrra leaned her body back, feeling upset at how early her sister woke her. She finally remembered the clock. Good for her.

But unfortunately, my homeroom teacher also arrived early and everyone settled down to their seats. Someone else also entered the classroom… Wait, a new face? Who's this girl?

Every one of us quieted down and were surprised to see her. Syrra and I looked at one another.

"A new girl?" She whispered.

"Late transferee maybe... I wonder who she is." I whispered back. Emerald Houston does accept late transferees but they only usually happen during a circumstance. One example would be getting a permit of transfer from a principal of another school.

"Alright, class. Sorry for the sudden interruption as I know you have a Math quiz later. We have a late transfer student who transferred here due to some circumstances." My homeroom teacher, who we called Sir C, brought our attention to the new girl. Judging by her looks, she has a pretty face, not to mention how slim she is…

"Jessie Frederica Radinne. Pleased to meet you all." She bowed as she introduced herself with a smile. From the moment I heard her full name, My eyes widened. I was shocked and surprised. It's her… My childhood friend… I couldn't help but mentally gasp and cover my open mouth.

"Jessie, you can go and sit down at any vacant seat you want. As for the rest of you, you all can go back to reviewing your Math quiz. I'll also tell your Math teacher to exclude Ms. Radinne from the quiz." He left the room, not explaining any further. Jessie walked to a vacant seat. And in that moment she passed me, I glanced at her. She's changed so much... My look of shock never disappeared, even after her introduction.

"Renn? You seem to be in shock… Something about the new girl?" I turn to Syrra.

"That name isn't a coincidence…" I turned to her and uncovered my mouth.

"She's the friend I told you about a year back… I never thought I'd see her again." I answered quietly, and she was slightly shocked.

"You're kidding… That's the girl? We should go say hi or something!" Syrra quietly shouted. I'm a little concerned that she heard us.

I looked at Jessie and she appeared to look at my direction. She then looked back at the window. I wonder what is she thinking about? Does she not recognize me?

"Maybe some other time..." I felt shy approaching her at this time... I hugged myself, gripping my own arms tight.

"Oh, come on! No time to waste! You gotta meet her now!" Syrra was frustrated at me and she quickly dragged me to Jessie. Jessie quickly saw us going to her direction and stood up.

"Ah... Hello there. Nice to meet you." Jessie humbly waved at us.

"Hello! I'm Syrra Winters! Pleasure to meet your acquaintance! And this is-"

"Renn Alrose?" Syrra got interrupted and was surprised. She turned to me and tugged my sleeve, begging me to converse with her.

"Well... if it isn't the young Frederica. How have you been all these years?" I glanced at her direction, trying to overcome my shyness as I began talking to her. It has been 6 years since I last saw her.

"I'm fine, just had to be transferred here due to my mom's new job. Both of my parents are now working. You don't look like you've changed for the past 6 years, hm?" She walked in front of me and took a close eye on me.

"Well... If we're talking about change, I'd ask you about that, actually…" My shyness turned into nervousness as she inched closer to me. My eyes kept moving away from her. She giggled seeing my reaction.

"You got thinner. Not to mention, smarter. Social media kept me on track about you." She pulled out her phone and showed me a picture of me being on an advertisement of Emerald Houston.

"This guy told me some stuff about you! You're the one who accompanied him during his elementary days, right?" Syrra tilted her body, curious with her hands behind her back.

"Yes... He's such a soft boy back then. He's made my elementary years filled with so much fun. Nice to meet you." Jessie wanted to shake hands with Syrra, and she took it with a gentle shake.

"What was Renn like back then?" Syrra was curious about our past.

"He's a loner like me. While I am not around, he usually is on his own reading textbooks and reviewers. He's friendly, but people kept getting the impression he is unapproachable." She's spot on remembering. She turned to me after answering that. I smiled, chuckling slightly.

"I told you. I'm not the one to ask about change." I lightly scratched my scalp. I haven't changed a bit. The only thing that changed about me is eating too much sweets before.

"By the way, who approached who?" Syrra asked the groundbreaking question and was looking at me and Jessie back to back. Jessie pointed at me.

"We were sitting on the same table one time at lunch, it was him who closed the gap." That was the one of the only times I made a friend that way. I'm not exactly one to approach people, with a few exceptions.

"Hey, don't say it like that... I thought you needed a friend since you were alone." I turned away, feeling slightly embarrassed.

"A girl being alone... Renn suddenly approaching..." Syrra began to be in thought about her situation. After a bit, she turned to me with her face realizing something.

"Hey! You approached me that way too!" Syrra pointed at me and I quickly turned to her.

"Hey, your situation is different compared to hers! You were being bullied, unlike Jessie here." I shouted at her and I looked at Jessie. The thing I remember about her is that she's only being left out, Syrra's situation is very different because bullies got involved.

"Ah- Well that's true… Haha…" Syrra realized her mistake and scratched the back of her head. I lightly facepalm in disappointment.

"Oh, yeah! That reminds me, I got a gift for you." Jessie unzipped her bag open and pulled out a small bag.

"I happened to see you on the sidewalk in our family car and thought I'd get you a present as a reunion gift." She gave the bag to me with a sincere smile. I opened the bag and...

A small teddy bear was inside. As I saw it, I felt flustered and my face turned red.

"Y-You didn't have to… I… I don't know what to say!" I was really surprised she decided to gift me this.

"You saw him walking by? I always wondered how close you lived, Renn…" Syrra swayed back and forth, in thought of where I currently reside in. I'm not answering that, however. I'm stuck towards Jessie gifting me the bear.

"Thank you so much for the gift, Jessie…" I put the bag aside and quickly bowed.

"I'm glad you appreciate it." She took the words to heart by putting her hand on her chest. Looking at her now, her personality hasn't changed one bit. I felt at ease interacting with her like this. It makes me feel happy.

"You're so good looking… I envy you…" Syrra sighed, looking at Jessie's body from bottom to top, ending at her chest. Jessie's chest has grown to a medium, but for Syrra... She was envious she didn't get any, even without saying anything I can feel her frustration.

"What do you mean? You're good-looking yourself." Syrra flinched and looked at me with a blushing red face upon hearing my comment.

"WHA- WHERE DID THAT COME FROM ALL OF A SUDDEN?!" She repeatedly began lightly hitting my right shoulder, she was that flustered!

"But everyone's beautiful, you included!" I laughed.

"Hmph. Say that first next time…" She calmed down and went back to her seat to cover her face.

"She's so energetic..." Jessie giggled at Syrra. I began laughing as well.

"Agreed. So you're going to take remedial classes?" I asked her since she enrolled this late.

"Only about 3rd Quarter. I already showed my 1st and 2nd Quarter grades so there is no problem for me. Maybe on the weekends." Jessie really thought on what to do from here. Her gesture says so.

We both then went back to reviewing Math. Today is going to be another busy day for me.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — SYRRA — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

*4 hours later…*

It's lunchtime. Renn chose to eat his packed lunch in the classroom. It's that time of the day again, I usually am eating alone at this time. I just began eating my food.

"(Am I really good-looking? I think I look meh, but that gave me more confidence today…)" I thought to myself, giggling as I looked back at the compliment Renn suddenly blurted out. I thought it was cute.

"Oh, you're Syrra Winters!" I noticed Jessie approaching my table, carrying a tray of her food towards my table.

"Oh, hello! Sit here!" I patted the empty space next to me and she sat down.

"I'm surprised Renn stayed behind today." Jessie wondered about Renn as she looked up. She just arrived so she is unaware of his weekly routine. I sighed.

"Can't be helped. He usually goes to the library today after he eats. He can't be great without a time there, he said." I mean... He is already great without his time there in the library.

"So that's why… By the way, I'm curious about the friendship between you and Renn… He said that your situation is different from mine. How did it all start?" So she wants to know what happened…

"Well, it's something like this…" I began to explain what happened 3 years ago. Funny enough, even after 3 years… It still feels like yesterday…

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — FLASHBACK — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

*3 years ago…*

Here I am, poker-faced, just walking alone. I was thinking of buying an intermediate pad paper for tomorrow, so I went to a nearby store to buy the paper and an extra pen while I'm at it.

Yes, I'm not a gal with many friends. Despite Emerald Houston being a good university, I feel left out. Shunned because my family is poor. My mom is working with a small paycheck just for me to settle at this school, paying in installments was our only choice…

"Hey, look… It's Ms. Poor Girl." I turned to 3 boys, these were my bullies. I don't know them, but their smiling faces told me they were bad news. They also are from Emerald Houston. I was scared.

"W-What… Do you want…" They were getting closer, and I held the plastic bag of my paper and pen tightly as I backed away to a nearby alleyway.

"How cute, backing away from your seniors like that~" They all laughed as they surrounded me on all sides, I couldn't escape.

"Leave me alone… Please…" I was beginning to cry.

"We're just here to give you a life lesson, young lady…" As the tallest guy said that, the shortest one pulled the plastic bag from my hands and they all began tearing every single piece of paper inside. They even broke my pen… I couldn't help but cry.

"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME?!" I just kept crying, feeling scared and frustrated at the same time.

"Because angry poor dogs like you have no place in this world…" The tallest boy grabbed me by my polo and slammed me against the wall, laughing menacingly. Ow... That hurts…

"Y-You're the dogs…" I insulted them. And out of rage, they slammed me against the wall again.

"WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?!" I was whining when he shouted. By instinct I guarded with my arms. I was bracing for it when his arm was raised and was about to throw a punch.

I really hate this… Poor people like me don't deserve this treatment…

"That's enough!"

But then I heard a voice. I turn to my left to see another boy.

"I had my hopes up seeing no bullies at Emerald Houston, but I never thought you three would stoop low and do it OFF-CAMPUS." Wait, he's from my class… He wasn't thinking of backing away, he's just standing there… What in the world is he doing?!

"Oh… It's just some kid. Hehehe… It's gonna take more than that to-" He let go of me and they were about to beat him up, but stopped in fear when Sir C, my History teacher, walked behind the boy.

"To what? Expel you? It takes less than that, actually. You three are coming with me, right now." I watched as they all surrendered in fear. Nothing can be done as they walked to school with Sir C as to not damage their reputation more than it already is.

And then the boy approached me then turned to the plastic bag with the wasted paper and pen beside it.

"Wait here." I looked at his smile as I was just there, being helpless sitting on the ground. I nodded and then he ran somewhere quickly.

And when he came back, he gave me a plastic bag with intermediate paper and 3 ballpens.

I was shocked to see that he bought another set of paper and pens just for me...

"I… Can't accept this…" I felt hesitant turned down and pushed the bag to him but he gently pushed it back to me. I was surprised as I looked at his eyes.

"I insist… Syrra Winters, right? I've been wanting to be friends with you for a while." He smiled at me, and I was smiling as well with tears of joy.

"Thank you… Mr. Renn Alrose…" I hugged him while crying, I never thought I'd come out of there alive… And it's thanks to him walking by.

"Just call me Renn, Syrra. It'll be alright…" I felt comforted when he hugged me and caressed my hair. I stayed there for a while, full of relief.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — PRESENT DAY — — — — — — — — — — — — —

"Wow… To think that happened 3 years ago…" Jessie almost started crying as she finished eating her food.

"It was really the most memorable moment of my life, I can never forget that day…" I also finished my food and began drinking milk.

"Guess I was wrong about Renn not changing, he usually doesn't take the lead in anything." I agree there. Even if he is introverted, he's someone to count on whenever needed.

"Well, he has been going to the library more often, so I guess I can call that a lead." Renn never stepped in the library until 3rd year, he usually sticks with me during lunch everyday.

"I guess. We should check up on him." Jessie headed to the library.

"Huh?! Wait up!" I followed her. Usually he doesn't want to be disturbed… But since it's Jessie we're talking about, I don't mind it just once.

As we arrived at the library, we both looked for Renn. I saw him at the corner, reading textbooks.

"Over here…" I quietly said to Jessie as I pointed to the table he was on. She went to him. I also walked towards them and sat down.

"What brings you both here?" Renn closed the book and noticed us.

"Just heard about what happened to Syrra. You're more of a man than I thought. Is it true?" She was curious about his input in the situation, resting her elbow on the table.

"Well, whatever she told you… It's exactly what happened. But I do blame myself for one thing." He put the book down and leaned back on the chair. Huh? What's he blaming himself for?

"One thing?" I asked.

"For being late to the party. Syrra would have less bruises on her back if I was earlier." I was unexpectedly surprised when he said that. Hold up, JUST FOR THAT?!

"Don't blame yourself for that, you probably had something to do…" I pouted.

"I left at the same time as Sir C, our history teacher at the time, because he needed help with carrying notebooks. So that's why I wasn't scared when I heard anger in that rough alleyway." So that's why Sir C. was there.

"Hmmm… But I think it's better if you have been late on that day…" I immediately turned to Jessie? Is she trying to bring up something positive about that?

"Why so?" Renn asked.

"If you were any earlier, you wouldn't have noticed since you left for home immediately." Now that I gave it some thought… She'd probably be right…

"Hmmm… Now that I think about it… Sir C invited me for dinner to a restaurant he knows and it's to the direction where the bullying was coming from… So I guess you're right." It was all Sir C, huh…

"Mhm. What a shame you're still as introverted as ever, that part of you hasn't changed." Jessie started laughing quietly.

"Cut it out…" He giggled a little, and the two started to be playful with one another.

Seeing them being this close with one another makes me happy, to know that a topic of mine has deepened not only their bond, but ours as well. Even if he's late to see me, I'm happy I met him and became one of the most supported friends ever. I giggled seeing both of them happy.

"Hey, you both know this is a library, right?"

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