Chapter 3 - The Gift

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — SYRRA — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

"Oh, right… Sorry…"

They both quieted down after I told them we were in the library, but it was entertaining while it lasted.

"It's fine… Let's just spend our time studying here." As I said that, something clicked in my head like I almost forgot I needed to tend to something.

"Ah, wait… I forgot something. I'll head to the classroom." I quickly headed to our classroom.

As I arrived, I opened my bag and looked for it.

"(Where is it…)" I searched every nook and cranny in my bag to make sure I didn't forget it. If I lost it today, the opportunity may never arrive again.

And I found it. A small present, tightly gift-wrapped in all my savings for 3 years… I'm relieved to find it here in my bag. I was afraid I'd either lose it or forget to pack it in my bag.

"Oh. Fancy seeing you here, Syrra." As I heard a voice behind me, I panicked and almost dropped the present. Luckily I caught the present before it landed on the floor for anyone to pick up.

I looked behind me to see Sir C entering with a smile.

"Did I scare you?" He asked.

"N-No, sir… I was more surprised than scared to hear you!" As I answered, he pointed to the gift.

"Who's it for?" Well, I trust Sir C. He was also present back then, so I was okay with telling him.

"It's a thank you gift for Renn. I thought I'd save up and repay him for all his generosity towards me." I looked at the present with a smile.

"How thoughtful… You are going to pay him back with a gift. Although small, it's the thought that counts. Renn would love a gift from you." Well, he loves any gift. Renn has a lot of interests, and I know some of them by heart.

"Agreed." I smiled, but then it faded. There's something in my mind I've been meaning to ask Sir C I never gave it much thought until now.

"Something the matter? Want to get something off your chest?" I looked at Sir C and took a deep breath.

"I… Want to know where you were after you brought the three boys." Sir C looked at me with a smile in response.

"Ah… As much as I wanted to treat Renn for being a good pupil, it was getting rather late. So I sent him home. But maybe I'd invite him, you, and even the transferee to dinner at a restaurant some time." He said as he started writing important details on the board. Wait, he wanted to treat him and the two of us?

"But sir! Isn't that too much?! I might not be able to pay for the food there!" I was slightly getting terrified. When it came to spending, I'm on a budget. So, eating at some restaurant is not ideal for me!

"Don't worry, Renn would be paying for that matter. He said that if ever I invite him some time again in the future, he'll be paying for everything. I'm not a heavy eater, so not much money will be spent. That is until he suggested bringing you two along." So it was him who invited us…

I felt like crying again.

"He's such a blessing… He helped me up when I was down… At my lowest… I really am sure to repay his kindness one day… I can't repay it with this gift, but I am willing to show him how much I appreciate him so much…" I hugged the present as I wiped my tears.

"Meeting a friend like that happens once in a blue moon, you know. Cherish every memory while he's still around. There's a reason you two have become best friends during your stay." Sir C patted my shoulder. I then went and put the gift back in my bag.

"I don't regret every single memory. I don't regret being here. I'm satisfied with my stay here. I feel like I can do anything while he's around." I looked out the window and let the wind blow my hair. Feeling the breeze, I felt more confident giving it to him later, though I mustn't let anyone else know besides Sir C. While I'm confident in giving it to him, I don't want to start crazy rumors between us.

"Renn would be happier to hear that from you. I'll take my leave now. Take care of that present, Syrra Winters." He finished writing and left the room, and I went to check on the two in the library.

I went to the library and I saw Renn and Jessie. Jessie's reading the textbook and Renn's explaining stuff to her to help her understand. I approached them both.

"Study session?" I joined them.

"Oh! Yeah, just viewing the lessons for my upcoming remedials. Renn really remembered most of these, I'm impressed." She answered quietly.

"Having remedials is already hard enough, so I just remembered what I had learned by studying in the library every Tuesday and Thursday… I'd be devastated if I failed even at least one subject." I nodded proudly, and agreed with Renn here. Failing a subject means that you'll take remedial modules despite moving up to another year. That's one bad thing about Emerald Houston, which thankfully no one has failed a subject, so far from what I remembered at least.

"If I were to fail, my mom wouldn't ever let me go to school again…" I looked down, feeling the disappointment and regret imagining if that were to happen. This is sadly true for me, she said that before I entered high school. Failure isn't an option as we were struggling enough already.

"To work hard is to struggle with the very thing called: "Life". The first time I heard that from my mom, it felt deep." I also agreed with Jessie here. But it's not wise to actually pull yourself down to a struggle, that's a yikes from me.

We remain in the library to study for the rest of the lunch period. I'm having so much fun studying with Renn and Jessie.

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*5 hours later...*

It was dismissal time. I walked out along with Renn. Jessie is getting fetched by her parents, so she waited at the side of the school.

Now's my chance.

"Renn! I have something for you." I tugged his shirt then opened my bag to give him the gift.

He was slightly shocked when he received it.

"So… This is what you'll repay me with?" Renn asked.

"Consider it a "thank you" gift. It's not much, but I managed to save money for this gift..." I swayed, looking away with a smile. I can feel myself getting slightly flustered seeing him with it.

His shocked face turned into a happy face with a heartwarming smile. He patted me on my shoulder.

"I'll cherish it. Thank you for the gift, Syrra." My happiness skyrocketed upon hearing that. God, I'm a tomato head right now! I covered my face.

"It's a big pleasure! Stay safe on the way home!" I began running my way home. That moment boosted my mood so much, made me almost feel like I could fly and soar beyond the heavens! Years of savings well spent!

After a few moments of running, I made it to my house safely.

"Ah, you're back! And-" My sister cut herself off seeing me go upstairs quickly.

"I'll be right down to eating a bit! Just gotta change!" I shouted from upstairs and locked my bedroom to celebrate what I just did.

"(That was a success! That book is a good read, I'm sure he will enjoy it!)" I squealed as I jumped with joy. IGood lord, I am never doing that again...

I changed to my comfortable pajamas and went downstairs to eat my sister's cooking.

"How's mom?" I asked my sister about our mom.

"She's fine. Heard that she is going to get a promotion and will be relocated to a better hospital in a few months if she maintains her great work ethic." We both began eating as she answered.

"That's good… More money for us… Taxes aren't kind lately…" While we are earning money, most of it is being spent for monthly tax, daily necessities, and my installment tuition payment.

"When are taxes ever kind? Anyway, about that gift you saved up…" She brought it up and I grinned with confidence.

"The present has been delivered! He really appreciated the gift." I continued eating proudly.

"Great, though you could invite your best friend over… 3 years and you never even bothered with that idea." Whenever my sister brings up about inviting my boy friends over, I slightly glare at her.

"I'm scared if you suddenly think of flirting with him, which is why I didn't. Renn is a pure soul, I do not want him to be under your spell." I continued glaring at her as I finished my food and went to wash my plate.

"Boo… You don't even tell me his name either, no fun." She was disappointed hearing my answer as she also finished hers and put her plate on the sink for me to wash it.

"If only you were having the same lunchtime as us, then you'd know his name." My sister's lunch period is one hour before us because she is part of the senior high department.

"Can't promise that~" She went upstairs to her room as I finished cleaning. I went back upstairs, looking at my dad who was sleeping. Seeing all 3 beer bottles beside his chair, I have a feeling he was wasted.

I sighed and paid him no mind as I entered my bedroom and locked the door. I laid down on the bed and looked up at the ceiling.

I wonder if he opened the gift yet...

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — RENN — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

*30 minutes ago…*

I arrived home with the gift in hand.

"Renn! How was schoo-" Cherry was happy to see me but surprised by the gift I was holding. Her happiness turned into an annoyed mood.

"Hm? Something wrong?" Something bothered Cherry, she looked closer to the gift.

"Bright yellow… Polka dots… A girl gave you that gift?" Wha- Is she a gift inspector now?

"Yes, Cherry. It's a small gift-"

"From who?" She interrupted me as she inched closer.

"My best friend." I answered. She remained in doubt, what's making her think like this?

"Best friend… Huh… Sure..." She then went back to the dinner table. Phew... She's made me anxious there...

Normally she'd be fine with me receiving any gift, I mean she never bothered during the Christmas Party, why now of all times?

"Anyway, I'm hungry! What's for dinner?" She hopped back in her jolly mood in no time.

"Creamy Mushroom Pepper Beef, I've been wanting to cook something like that." I prepared the beef and mushrooms, slicing them and seasoning the beef with salt before preparing the pan and cooking the beef on it.

"Ooooooh! A new recipe? Vance would like that!" On another pan I made the mushroom cream sauce with added pepper.

"This will surely please his taste buds." I'm confident in my cooking and concentrated so much on it. It took a few minutes before it was finally done. I poured the sauce on the beef and served it in a small bowl.

"Yey! I already cooked the rice for us, so let's eat!" Good thing Vance taught us how to cook rice… So there's no problem if Cherry is alone for a while.

"Let's eat." I prepared the plates and silverware for me and Cherry as we started eating our meal.

For my first time doing this, it's nice! But I should have seasoned the beef more.

"The sauce is nice! Blends well with the beef!" Cherry was enjoying her portion. I felt happy. We continued eating until we were done. Cherry grabbed our plates and began washing the dishes. She likes doing that when Vance isn't around, so I went up to brush my teeth and went straight to my room to change into my casual clothes. I looked at the gift and opened it.

It's a book, a Pop Fiction book. It's titled: "Shattered Hearts".

"(I could have sworn I heard good things about this book.)" As I pulled the book out of the wrap, there's a folded piece of paper. I took a look. It reads:

"Here's to 3 years of our friendship! Thanks for being by my side all this time! I hope you like it, I heard this book is a good read and is very relatable!

— Syrra—

PS. For the love of heaven, DO NOT GIVE ME A PRESENT! You already have been very very generous, but please! I don't want to owe you any more than I already do! :')"

I had to laugh a little at that extra message she wrote.

"(Alright, I won't give you any gifts. Until your birthday, of course.)" I put the book on the uppermost shelf, where it deserves to shine higher than the textbooks I bought.

It's a gift, I needed to give respect to it.

I turned off the lights and laid down on the bed. This is another great day…

I wonder what other good things are gonna happen this week…

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