chapter 2

:Tatsumi their you are. I have been searching for you everywhere.said girl.She had long red hair, dark purple eyes, and a round shape face that kind of made her look like a tomato.

"Kushina, why are you here?"asked tatsumi.Don't act dum." You know exactly why I'm here. You skipped the academy again. How are you ever going to become a ninja if you keep skipping the academy?"said kushina, Her hair moving around fiercely.

"It not like I don't already know the stuff their teaching. I basically already know everything there is to know, plus I do send a shadow."replied tatsumi.

" I know that's exactly why it poofed away during today's sparring match."replied kushina.:I hadn't realized it had poofed away."replied Tatsumi.

" I know you're lying when a shadow clone poofs away. The caster of the jutsu gains all the clones' memories."shouted kushina.

"If you want to skip school, just graduate early already."said kushina.No, I'm good. I'm not interested in graduating early.replied tatsumi.

"You're hopeless," muttered kushina as she stormed off. "At least I didn't get punched into a tree this time."said Tatsumi to himself.

The reason he was not interested in early graduation is that it would cause a lot more bad than good he did not want unwanted attention.He left the forest and started walking through uzushio.

"Uzushio is a very beautiful place. I have made many friends here, but because of the greed of the major villages, it will be destroyed."said tatsumi as he clenched his fist.

DING DING mandatory mission issued stop the destruction of uzushio.Failiure to complete mission will result in immediate death.Rewards one million gold two hundred stat points and any one item from the system store.

"This is so unfair. How am I going to stop the uzushio destruction.I haven't had this system for one hour, and the first mission is basically a suicide mission.

How will I go up against all five ninja villages and with the limited amount of time."thought Tatsumi to himself.

DING DING system has issued nen training method to host in aid to complete mission.system recommends host gsther allies to aid in completing this mission.

A wave of energy rushed through tatsumi's body."So, this is nen, while it may not have the same potential as Chakra, it is a little more versatile for the use of the average person."thought tatsumi.

Nen is more dangerous because if one takes a certain nen pact, it may give them tremendous power, but the more powerful the technique, the more you need to sacrifice.

Tatsumi was lost in thought when a hand nuge got on the shoulder.He turned around to see one of his best friends, Takashi.

"So how was skipping school? Did you get laughed into the wall by kushina again?"asked Takashi."No, I guess I got lucky this time."said Tatsumi, rubbing the back of his head.

Takashi chuckled before patting tatsumi on the shoulder."By the way, sensed is not very happy that you skipped class.He told me to give you this."said Takashi, handing tatsumi a scroll.

Takashi opened the scroll, revealing a pile a pile of books laying on top of each other.