chapter 4

Tatsumi,Takashi,mitsumi,and toji were all currently training."Hey, have any of you guys seen kushina?"asked mitsumi."Now that I think about it, i haven't seen her at school for the last three days."replied toji.

"Maybe she's just busy she is the granddaughter of the patriarch, after all."said Takashi."She usually tells us beforehand if she is going to be busy, maybe we should visit her to see what's wrong."said mitsumi.

"Tatsumi, what do you think?"asked toji."Yeah, we should go check up on her just in case she got in trouble or anything."replied tatsumi.

Tatsumi knew why kushina wasn't coming to hang out as usual if he had to guess she was going to konoha to be the next nine tails jinjuriki.

"Lady mito is not going to live much longer due to the effects of the nine tails chakra, and only a Uzumaki can be the nine tails jinjuriki due to its enormous chakra."said tatsumi to himself.

:The reason their were never any male nine tails jinjuriki before Naruto is because then konoha could use that male to create a new Uzumaki clan, which is why specifically females were chosen to be the nine tails jinjuriki."Thought tatsumi.

The four friends arrived in front of the uzukage residence, a large gate blocking their way.A red-haired lady came to the gate in front of them."You four must be lady kushina's friends."said the woman.

"Yeah, that's right. We're here to see her."said toji, stepping forward."Im sorry to inform you that Lady kushina has requested that you not try to contact her as she is very busy."said the woman in a stern voice with no room for protation.

Takashi wanted to say something but was stopped by tatsumi grabbing his shoulder."Why did you stop me? we can't just give up."shouted Takashi.

"We shouldn't cause a scene. The best thing to do is to do is to go back and think about our next course of action."replied tatsumi."He's right arguing, and causing a scene will only get us in more trouble."said mitsumi.

As they were about to leave, they saw three konoha shinobi approaching their location."Konoha shinobi, what are they doing here?"asked toji." I'm not sure, but we should probably leave. we don't want to draw much attention to ourselves."said tatsumi.

Hey, do you kids have any idea where we can find the hot springs.asked a konoha shinobi with long spikey white hair.Tatsumi recognized him as jiriah, the future toad saninin and mentor of Minato and naruto.

The other man he reconized as orochimaru, the future snake sanin and well-known child predator.The female of the group was tsunade the future slug sanin and fifth hokage she was also the granddaughter of lady mito and first hokage senju hashirama.

"Why do you want to know where the hot springs are it's mainly for women."said mitsumi."Well, you see, little girl. It's for research purposes don't worry about it."said jiriah."So, in other words, you're a pervert."replied toji.

"A little advice it's best you don't try anything. Uzumaki women are very prideful they don't hesitate to kill ninja or not."said Takashi.

"How much would little brats like you know I have been beaten many times but no woman as ever been able to kill me."bosted jiriah.

Wait, so you're here to peep on naked women. You're very disgusting said mitsumi, as her hair started to fluctuate chains coming from her back.Out of nowhere a puch hit jiriah sending him crashing to the ground.

We're on a mission, and you still gave nit given up your perverted ways.