chapter 6

It was almost nightfall, and a group of Uzumaki shinobi, along with the patriarch and the future sanin, were in front of the barrier that protected uzushio from other villages.

The patriarch decided who was also kushina's grandfather it was bet to leave at night to avoid the major villages noticing them.

Kushina's mother was among the group of shinobi she was reluctant to send her daughter to konoha, but it must be done.

Ashina placed his hand on the barrier as a small opening appeared in the barrier that would allow them to pass through it and would immediately close once they got through.The two guards would make sure of that.

The group walked through the barrier, and once they were nowhere insight, the two guards were about to close the barrier but were immediately stopped by tatsumi, who in light speed grabbed both of them pinning them to the ground.

Mitsumi came up activating her nen, placing her hand on the two ninjas heads and saying, "You will forget that you ever saw us and will go back to your duties as normal."

The four then disappeared, following behind the patriarchs group while concealing their presence with nen allowing all non nen users to be unable to sense them.

The group of uzumaki shinobi's border a boat in order to get to the land of fire. Once the boat was at a far enough distance, Tatsumi and his friends immerged from the shadows.

"So, how do we get across the ocean to get to the land of fire."asked toji.Thats the easy part, " said Tatsumi, as light enveloped the four of them transforming into wings made of light.

"That bloodline of yours is really versatile."said Takashi.Tatsumi chuckled before stating,"we should get going."

The four were then lifted off the ground into the sky as they started to fly, illuminating the already bright night sky.

By the time the boat reached the land of fire, it was already already midnight, so they decided to set up camp and continue.

As the tents were being set up, Tatsumi and his friends watched from a distance in the forest.

After an hour or so, kushina's mother went to comfort her only to find that she wasn't in her tent she immediately panicked and went to inform her father.

"Father, I just went to kushina's tent, and she wasn't there."said kushina's mother, panicked all over her face.

"What kushina's gone, we must her immediately she could get hurt or even worse captured by enemy shinobi."said ashina, who was also panicking.

"Don't worry, uzukage sama, we promise we'll find her."said jiriah.The Uzumaki shinobi, along with sanin, started to spread out to search the forest looking for kushina.

In the forest of the land of fire, kushina was sitting on a rock looking at the moon when she heard footsteps approaching her. Well, well, what do we have here?

"A little girl from the Uzumaki all alone and no one to save her."said a ninja wearing a kumogakure headband.Ten more ninja with kumo headbands stepped out surrounding kushina with nasty looks on their faces.

Kushina stepped back she was about to scream, but a kumo ninja grabbed by the mouth and placed a kunai to her neck."Make a sound, and I'll slit your throat," said the ninja a menacing look on her face.

Out of nowhere, a bright flash appeared behind the man in an instant his head fell off his body, blood spewing everywhere.

Before the other ninjas could react, Takashi,toji,and mitsumi appeared."Water breathing sixth form world wind," said mitsumi as she decapitated four of the remaining kumo ninja.

"Wind breathing dust world wind cutter,"said Takashi, decapitating another three kumo ninja.Thunder breathing thunder clap and flash, " said toji decapitating the last three remaining kumo ninja as the last look on their faces was pure shock.

Kushina looked up and saw her four best friends standing in front of her."Tatsumi,Takashi,toji,mitsumi, how did the four of you get here?"asked kushina.

They were about to answer her when they heard footsteps coming their way.They then saw the patriarch appear in front of them along with several Uzumaki shinobi.

As soon as ashina got their he noticed the countless bodies of kumo ninjas surrounding them along with kushima and four other kids he thought he reconized.