chapter 18

Kushina released a giant stream of fire from her palms burning away Rosa's gold dust and karura's sand.

Kushina disappeared as two giant fire scorching fire balls from pakura decended on her.

She reappeared behind pakura about to stab her but was blocked by one of the sand shonob's puppets.

Dozens of poison needles started raining down on her.The needles all melted when they got close to her causing the sand shinobi controlling the puppets to fall back.

"I'm tired of you nuisances."said kushina as she released her chains.Her chains were not the regular gold no they were bright crimson.

Her chains rushed towards the sand shinobi crushing and burning anything the made contact with.

The sand shinobi's puppets were burned to a crisp as soon as the chains made contact.She appeared behind a sand shinobi decapitating him and removing the scroll from his body.

She turned to the other two their faces filled with horror.She disappeared appearing behind them as the upper part of their bodies drop to the ground as they were both cut in half from the waist down.

"Three down and three to go now you three can join them in the pits of he'll or hand over your scrolls."said kushina her purple eyes turning bright crimson.

"You damn monster I'll kill you."shouted rasa as a giant horde of gold dust and sand along with scorch ball flew at kushina."Well they never chose the easy way."said kushina sighing as she stuck her katana in the ground.

She clasped her hand as a small Phoenix shaped flame appeared in her hand.She released it and as it traveled towards Rosa's team it grew in size until it became 15 meters in length.


A massive explosion was caused decimating everything in a thirty meter radius.

"Ashina I never knew that your granddaughter was able to perform ninjutsu without any hand seals she is quite a genius."said hiruzen.

Ashina didn't respond to the statement as he pondered what kind of training tatsumi put his teammates through.

Kushina was standing amidst the burnt out trees as she stared at the kneeling forms of rasa and his team who had severe burns and were panting heavily.

Kushina started walking towards them."You three should have gone with the easy way"kushina's words were cut of as a fuinjustu formula appeared beneath her as she was immediately paralyzed.

Rasa started laughing maniacally as kushina and pakura got up and stood besidehim."You are quite powerful but you underestimated us and that was your biggest mistake."said karura.

Ashina was worried not particularly about kushina.he reconized that as a level six Uzumaki restraining seal meaning there could be a traitor among the ranks of their fuinjustu experts.

Rasa started walking up to kushina but karura had a strange feeling but it was too late.Kushina disappeared in a puff of smoke appearing behind as she swung her sword at him.

A hand flew into the air as blood spilled every wear causing rasa to let out a shrill scream of pain as kushina kicked him to the ground.

Kushins then turned towards karura and pakura."If you two don't want to end up like him u suggest you hand over your scrolls and comply with my demands."said kushina.

Karura took out their original scrolls along with the other three they had received threw them towards kushina.

Kushina caught the scrolls and examined the before placing them in a storage scroll. She turned towards rasa who was bleeding out on the floor.

"Well I normally would not care if a horrible person like you dies but considering i need to keep you captive also wouldn't hurt to question you so I'll stop the bleeding."said kushina as crimson flames engulfed her hand.

"Wait what are you doing we complied with your demands."shouted pakura.Kushina ignored her as flames engulfed rasa's body blood stopped leaking from his arms as his other injuries healed as well.

"I could reattach your arm but I think I'll leave it as a punishment for using Uzumaki clan fuinjustu."kushina as she grabbed rasa by his only remaining arm.

Kushina walked up to karura and pakura placed rasa down beside them."He will be fine I healed all his injuries now you can all leave."said kushina as she turned her back to leave.

You can all come out now is peeping all what you konoha ninjas do.