chapter 34

Tatsumi was standing infront of jiriah,orochimaru,fugaku and sakumo as humdreds of people were watching them from the audience.

The chunin exam was canceled because it tatsumi's teams utter domination but they still needed a spectacle for the civilians so this battle was proposed.

It had been spread by the only only snake bigger than manda that tatsumi had lost his chakra and Uzumaki genetics so he had now become a laughing stock throughout the ninja world.

So he now had to battle these four to prove that his title of jonin was legit and because konoha and the other villages wanted to knock him off his high horse.

"So are you all ready to start this battle?"asked the referee.Tatsumi along with sakumo and the others nodded.

Immediately after the match began they all started to flicker around tatsumi via the use of the body flicker jutsu.

Tatsumi stood in place before vanishing in a flash of light as he grabbed fugaku who had the three tomorrow sharingan by the neck and slammed him into the ground.

Tatsumi picked fugaku up by his collar and looked at him."The sharingan allows you to perceive movement incredibly slow but I guess it doesn't work on light."said Tatsumi as he kicked fugaku in the stomach causing him to spit up blood.

A sword went directly to cleave off tatsumi's head but tatsumi grabbed it as he looked sakumo deep in the eyes.

Orochimaru released dozens of snakes at tatsumi but they were all immediately killed by a rain of light beams as tatsumi slammed his foot in Orochimaru's face sending him flying into a wall.

The crowd gasped as everyone in the audience civilian and shinobi alike were not expecting this.

Sakumo swung his blade at tatsumi infusing lighting chakra into it.Tatsumi manifested amenogozen as he started a kenjutstu battle with sakumo.

Sparks flew to the ground as the two clashed bur slashes were appearing all over sakumo's body as he jumped back realizing he could not beat tatsumi in pure kenjutstu.

A giant toad then stated to fall from the sky as it was about land onto of tatsumi.The toad was gamabunta the future chief of mouth miaboku.

A giant hand made of light immerged from the ground grabbing gamabunta as it slammed the giant toad into the ground.

Jiriah was siprised this but he immediately released a giant fire ball at tatsumi.Tatsumi looked at the fire ball as he simply cut it half before appearing infront of jiriah.

He kicked jiriah in the stomach making him fall to the ground in pain."Jiraih what is this monster of a child it has no chakra and its body and genes are definitely no longer human?"asked gamabunta as he got up.

A giant snake then appeared from beneath tatsumi about to swallow him but the snake was immediately cut to pieces as it blood spewed all over tatsumi.

Gamabunta then slashed its tanto at tatsumi but tatsumi grabbed his tanto as tatsumi applied pressure to the blade causing it to shatter to pieces.

Manda was then summoned by orochimaru seeing him as his last resort."Orochimaru you know the price for summoning me."said manda.

"I am well aware however look at that boy over there he can defeat tailed beat and he has a strange bloodline defeat him and you can consume him."said orochimaru.

"Consume me I'm afraid you have it all wrong I am the one who is the predator here you are are locked in a cage with me not the other way around."said Tatsumi.

He walked towards manda gamabunta and the others who were being crushed by his gravitational force as he kept walking towards them the pressure increased.

A giant orb of light started to form in tatsumi's hand as he was about to release it towards them.Taysumi was about to kill them but he reobsorbed the orb of light.

"Proctor call the match."said Tatsumi as he walked away.Ah yes the winner is tatsumi.said the Procter.

The audience was shocked four jonin were dispatched by some kids pretty effortlessly but these were no ordinary jonin these were students of the hokage and clan prodigies yet it meant nothing as they stood no chance at a person with no chakra and a person who they considered defective.

"Hiruzen his strength has not changed he is sill a huge threat to our plans."said danzo.It maybe true he is still as strong but he has lost his chakra and bloodline to any normal person no matter how strong he is to them he will never be human and he will never be seen the same way in his clan ever again."said hiruzen.

Tatsumi was in deep thought but was snapped out of it as his teammates approached him.