Jeyuln's Manumission Part 2

In the midst of battle a Fire Nation swordsman slashes a rebel's throat while a Fire Nation archer pops an arrow through a local woman's breasts, she screams harrowingly before her body falls limp. A local warrior flips a whip blade and hacks an army trooper's head off with it before slashing a firebender across his arms. 

The firebender gives out from excessive bleeding. An army trooper with a shield knocks a rebel down and pumps his sword through the gut of a different freedom fighter. Some of the locals lose hope as the tide seems to turn. A Fire Nation spearwoman chuckles as she glides her weapon through an earthbender's heart. 

An earthbender flings several objects at a firebender but the army trooper pumps flames back, and the attacks cancel each other out. An army duelist sneaks behind him as he looks to impale the local. In the midst of chaos, one armored crusader emerges.

The Vindicated Avenger jabs fireballs from his left and right fists into three firebender's including the duelist behind the earthbender. The earthbender is relieved as he sees the commotion then gains some confidence and swirls dirt around the firebender. A gust of dirt is caught in the man's eyes which disorients him, allowing the earthbender to crush him with a stone block.

The earthbender telepathically lifts the block and smashes another three Fire Nation troopers with it including the spear wielding woman. The hero launches himself just seven feet in the air before locking stares with four Fire Nation troopers. Two of them are firebenders, one is a swordsman, and the other has two blades. 

Kett punches fireballs into the swordsman and both of the firebenders before they can even react. The dual swordsman blocks two flames from Kett and rolls at him as he zips under a third fireball. Kett pushes a ray of fire low from his right hand at the man's abdomen.

The man crosses his blades and reflects the ray back at Kett. The VA twirls away from the blast before waving his left hand to dissipate it. The fire turns to steam but the Kett zaps a flame from his right fist at the man's left shoulder. The duelist blocks it. Kett intentionally does this a second time and again the man blocks. 

Kett acts as if he will do it again and the man instinctively shifts his blade to block but Kett redirects his right hand and pops a fireball low and left. The blast burns a hole through the duelist's right thigh. The Vindicated Avenger sees the fighting between the Honor Envoy, Orb Owl members, and the bounty hunters but he also notices the Overseer peering from a window. 

(Demon Slayer: Inosuke Theme V2 | EPIC VERSION)

Kett gets a strange feeling he needs to go after him. The Vindicated Avenger blows himself in the air with a splash of bright orange and yellow flames propelling him. The Overseer notices Kett coming at him from the window and shoots his own stream of amber orange and butterscotch yellow fire back at Kett. 

Kett immediately flies right and low to avoid the flame before crashing through a window a few feet below the Overseer's position. He rises and notices three Fire Nation soldiers around him. One has a sword, another a mace, and the other is a bender. 

Kett points his left hand and beams fire into the bender then spins and shoots two flames simultaneously on the others. The Oversser lets out an order, "Stop him, at all costs!!" Kett simply waits as he notices multiple swordsmen, firebenders, and mace troopers swooping down at him. 

Second by second, Kett turns and jabs forward then pivots right, left, and rotates before double jabbing and repeating the process. Each time he does, he launches flames into opponents. Everyone now and then he finds a more talented one that blocks or dodges his attack.

Kett in-turn follows up by feinting the same attack and jabbing in a different direction. It seems to work every time. Kett varies the speed of his attacks from super-fast, to moderate speed, to slow. He just can't seem to miss. Within two minutes, dozens of bodies are littered across the room. 

The last two soldiers are exhausted from seeing all the carnage, but Kett has hardly broken a sweat. A firebender decides to raise his hand to attempt some sort of attack but before he can fully lift it, Kett spins and diagonally severs him with a fire line.

The remaining swordsman tries to run but the avenger doesn't let him off the hook and splits him with a fire slash. Kett is amped with spiritual passion and the black visor in his armor suddenly turns orange as heat empowers it. 

Kett launches himself upward and pushes a cascade of bright orange fire through the ceiling ahead of him. He keeps doing this until he makes it to the top level. The Overseer notices Kett flash into the room and land a few feet across him.

Kett sees the Overseer's face. He has walnut brown straight hair, long eyebrows, a lowered nose, ears that point inward, light skin, sideburns, medium lips, and bronze eyes. The officer looks at his two guards and signals for them to attack.

Hot Headed

Yofazzi flings two spinning stars at Moriana. They travel at 90 miles an hour. The United Way earthbender crouches and the stars come back like boomerangs. Moriana spits dirt into stars, knocking both back into the ground. While she does this, the hunter sprints faster than most horses and diagonally swings at her from behind.

Moriana pivots right like a dancer but Yofazzi hacks at her gut. Mori jumps over the cut and double kicks his chest. The bounty hunter falls to his knees but catches himself by slamming his sword into the ground. Moriana generates a stone knife and lunges at him, but the bounty hunter lifts his blade and backflips.

Yofazzi swings down like a banshee but Moriana swivels behind him. The hunter lashes at her neck, the young woman ducks and twirls left. Yofazzi pushes his shield at her, but the girl flips behind him and pulls her left hand down. Two sharp blades rise from the ground and glide through the flesh right above his kneecaps. 

Blood and pus oozes out of the man's skin. Yofazzi painfully shifts backward but is still held up by the earth formation. Moriana shows him mercy by pulling the incline back and out of his skin. The prize warrior collapses on the ground, paralyzed. 

Hulko bolts at arrow at Tyson face. Tyson catches it with his right fist and flings it at him. The hunter blocks the arrow with his shield then shoots two with his crossbow. Tyson dives forward and right, "You shoot fast with that thing."

Hulko zips another two arrows at the bender. Tyson hurls himself off the ground with an earth jump before pulling a mound from the ground under Hulko. The assigned killer notices and jumps up at Tyson. Hulko smacks Tyson with his shield and the earthbender flies back through a window of the city hall structure. 

Hulko lands on his shield to break his fall before getting back into position. Hulko turns and looks to aim at Sada but Moriana yells, "You forgot about me!" Hulko turns and darts three arrows at her. Moriana flips thrice before getting behind cover.

Hulko asks, "What have you done with my brother you witch?!"

Moriana dips her head from hiding, "I taught him some manners." Huko rapidly shoots four arrows at her, and she is forced to duck. Moriana thinks, Yikes, this guy is kinda overpowered.

Desku-Pho sways his hands left and right as he flings bricks at her from two directions. Two bricks fly from the left and six from the right. Sada panics because earth attacks are harder for waterbenders to block than fire (which they can put out). Sada ducks under a left brick before jumping over another. 

Sada generates an ice orb around her body to conceal her location. The bricks fly through it but the waterbender runs out of the back while generating a midst to conceal her location. Desku-Pho wipes his eyes, "Not bad, but you can't run for long, GIRL."

Sada jumps a few feet closer to him, "Who says I'm running!" Sada kicks a thick surge of snow at him. Desku stomps his left leg, and a stone column falls through the snow before falling sideways at her. Sada flows past the strike with a stream of water. Desku raises multiple earth forged swords and maces before flinging them at her.

Sada forms a thick ice barrier which she flings into several of the objects before individually dodging others while buzzing around with water propulsion. One stone penetrates her defenses and hits her stomach. Sada groans, "Ugh!" Her propulsion is halted. 

The woman almost falls face fist, but she gathers herself and she pours water from her hands to break her fall. Sada slides and mud forms around her. Desku grins, "Looks like you're running out of luck." Desku-Pho generates two long earth saws several feet over her position.

Sada pumps mud in the earthbender's face and he drops the saws. Sada rolls left as she narrowly avoids one that crashes into the ground while the other lands in a completely different spot. While Desku scrambles back in his stance Sada zooms herself ahead with a water mound before knocking Desku-Pho with an elongated boiling waterfist. 

The fist explodes on impact while also burning Desku and knocking him into the city hall wall. The hit causes Desku to pound the back of his skull against the building, killing him. Sada gulps at the scene but accepts it and moves on. 

The earthbenders fling several stones and bricks at the nonbending duo. Kashen twirls his spear around and swats multiple objects back while Calveko does the same with his sword. Calveko is unable to block as many objects, but dodges a couple of them.

Calveko nods at Kashen then Kashen says, "Try it!" Calveko jumps at Kashen who propels him off his spear and Cal lands between two earthbenders. Calveko cuts one across the chest before shoving his blade into the chest of the other. The Water Tribe warrior pulls his weapon back but is knocked back by a beam of dirt and grass.

Kashen skips ahead and pumps his spear through one of the orb owls. A second later, he sways his weapon and pokes it through the neck of a different bender. One of the benders hurls a gigantic object at Kashen who uses his spear to launch his body left and into the ground. 

Kashen avoids the big object but still puts himself at a disadvantage. The earthbender looks down at him and pulls up summons multiple objects but Calveko throws a combat knife through his back. The objects fall but the remaining owl sways his hands and encapsulates his body in a clay substance.

Earth owl: "No ya don't." Kashen recovers quicker than the bender anticipates and stabs him from behind.

The bender falls and Kashen cheers, "We did it."

Two more orb owls show up, "You thought that was all of us?" Kashen turns but three rebels get the jump on the owls and dispatch them. Kashen sighs of relief. 

Calveko grins, "Now, GET ME OUT OF THIS CRAP!" Elsewhere, Tyson leaps down from the window he fell through causes a riffle in the ground. Hulko rolls left and Tyson jump kicks Hulko's shield. The hunter glides a few feet back but keep balance with his sturdy boots.

Moriana gets up before punching and kicking two bricks and a stone at him. Hulko shifts his shield as he knocks back the objects and jumps in the air before shooting an arrow at Tyson. Tyson tumbles forward under the shot but Hulko sprints after him and knocks him over with his shield.

Moriana kicks an earth column at him, but Hulko jumps over it with his metallic boots before he shoots another two arrows at him. Moriana easily blocks the shots with a manifested wall. Hulko lands on the wall of city hall and does not fall due to the nature of his metallic boots. 

Moriana pulls against the wall and causes fragments of it to cave it. Hulko springs off the wall and lands several feet across her. Mori pushes sand at him, but Hulko bends down and holds his shield up. Tyson launches himself behind Hulko from the ground below. 

The mercenary turns and clubs his aegis at him again. Tyson hops behind Hulko and hammerfists the back of his head, sparking him clean out. As this occurs, the Overseer guards run after Kett. The Vindicated Avenger briefly addresses all of his focus at the one on the left by punching two flames at one.

The duelist blocks them with no issue. Kett shoots a stream of fire at the other duelist and he immediately redirects it back at him. The Vindicated Avenger crosses his arms as he is forced to block his own fire beam. The spear warrior left of him glides closer and lunges at his neck.

Kett pivots under the shot but the duelist readjusts, and the VA is forced to back up. The Overseer grins, "Now you see, my guards are elite fighters. You can't hope to best us all."

Kett replies, "Of course I can!" Kett lifts himself with a spark of rocket propulsion that lifts him just two feet off the ground. He sways his left leg with a right kick, but the left warrior spins his spear to douse the fire. Kett flies douses his rocket propulsion and lands right before tossing a table at the right guard which the man slashes in half. 

Vindicated Avenger: "Good grief, maybe I need to get close and personal." Kett charges at the right warrior who jabs his blade at the hero's neck. Kett ducks and wraps his arms around the center of the spear without directly touching it before using convection bending to superheat the weapon.

The guard drops his spear as he shrieks and Kett kicks a fireball into his belly button, flooring him. Kett turns and punches a barrage of eight flames at the other firebender within two seconds, but everyone is intercepted. Kett shoots at the floor to drop the guard, but he leaps at Kett with a descending lash. 

The avenger bobs left before zapping an explosive square of fire into the guard. That finally does it, the guard body falls toward the Overseer who kicks his body aside. Overseer: "It's you and I now. Exactly as I hoped."

The Overseer tosses his gloves off to show he is serious. Kett: "You'll need to do more than that to beat me." 

Overseer: "We'll see about that." The imperial rapidly punches four fireballs at the Vindicated Avenger. Kett blocks two flames, weaves past a third one, and blocks the fourth with a cross guard. The Overseer pulls his right hand down and zaps a ray of flames at Kett's left thigh.

The Vindicated Avenger pounces right then slaps a spinning fire orb with a wide right hook. The villain ducks and the ball explodes. The Overseer jumps closer to Kett and pops a flame at his gut. Kett raises his knee as he absorbs the hit then flings a blast at his adversary with an overhand left. 

The Overseer twirls backward and blocks the blast with his right elbow. The VA briefly glances at his new rival and the Overseer stares him back. Kett dazes forward with a aura of flames. The conqueror braces himself as Kett rams his body into him and both glide through the back window. 

Glass shatters but Kett's armor completely protects him. The Overseer on the other hand, takes a series of small cuts on his back and arms in addition to one moderate laceration on his left shoulder. Both glide roughly eighty feet over ground. 

The Overseer grabs hold of Kett's arms and spins him around. The Overseer pops Kett with a right hook and double kicks the avenger off of him. The Overseer sways his body straight and waits until he nearly hits the surface to break with fall with a streak of flames.

Kett, who is now fully capable of jet propulsion, zooms down at the Overseer. Unlike Azula or Alev, Kett does not release as much force from his feet if he is accelerating downwards. Instead, he has to push some weaker flames from his feet as well as some from his hands.

Kett moves at a steady 30 mph which is fast for him but not as swift as fire flying legends like Ozai and Alev. This is also distinct from Azula who can propel herself fast but briefly. Kett spirals and turns his body upward as he is just fifteen feet above his target. The VA responds by flinging three flames at his foe by swatting his hands left to right.

The Overseer jabs two fire cubes back into Kett's flames before blocking the third fire shape with his right arm. The dictator pushes a rod of fire through his hands at Kett. The Vindicated Avenger dashes left with a surge of flames. The Overseer pound another stream but Kett dashes right and downward. 

The Overseer zaps an even bigger tirade of fire, but Kett shoots his body up with his only sparkle of flames. The armored defender lands a few feet behind the Overseer. The ground judders from his fall. The cunning firebender bolts two fire knives at Kett. 

Kett ducks and bobs his head in defense then spins forward and shoves a line of fire at the tyrant. The oppressor leaps left, and high swing kicks a fire sphere at the hero. The paragon rolls forward and the Overseer flips behind him. Kett turns to face him and the Overseer lashes at him with a fiery left straight punch.

Kett oscillates his head left and under the hit. Kett counters with an overhand right which cracks the Overseer square in his nose. Blood slips down the man's nostrils. Kett counters again with a left hook but the Overseer ducks under it and backs Kett up with a straight double jab.

Kett steps ahead and smacks the villain with a hefty left stomach punch. Kett follow up with a tight overhand, but the Overseer expects it and wiggles head. The imperial generates a fire knife in his left hand and leaps at him then swings at his side. Kett knocks the knife out of his hand with a left backhand.

Kett counters but the Overseer again ducks under his punch. The Overseer responds with his own ignited straight punch, but Kett crosses his arms and blocks again. Kett leans in and strikes with a wide upper, but the Overseer slips backward. Kett knocks two fire blasts at the Overseer again. 

The Overseer ducks and twirls closer to him. Kett pulls his right fist back for just a moment then smashes it against the Overseer's lip. The Overseer glides his body back to take force away from the punch. The Overseer steps ahead and raises his left hand like he is going to throw an uppercut or overhand.

Kett looks down then the Overseer shifts his stance and kicks Kett's abdomen. The Overseer throws a blazing left straight but Kett blocks it and moves in with a diagonal uppercut that catches his enemy off-guard. Kett follows up by headbutting the Overseer, but he stays on his feet and tries to nail Kett with a right jab.

The avenger catches the punch and pushes the Overseer back slightly with a stiff arm. Kett raises his stiff arm again to obstruct the Overseer's view. The Overseer dips down and raises his guard so Kett hits him with a low left straight to the body. Kett throws a right hook, the Overseer bends under it.

Kett throws a scorched left uppercut, but the Overseer pulls back and Kett steps closer as he swings at him with a right upward jab. Kett hits the Overseer with a diagonal downward punch. The Overseer snips Kett with a fast left hook.

The Overseer latches onto Kett's right shoulder with his left hand and hits his belly with a blazing right punch. The Overseer throws a right uppercut seconds later, but Kett tilts his body right and back from the attack. Kett pushes fire from his hands but the Overseer springs over the blast and beside his opponent.

Kett moves his feet with a flicker of fire before throwing a superman punch at him. The Overseer ducks under the punch. The Overseer throws a left straight at Kett. Kett dips. Kett decides to feel out his enemy's moves. 

The Overseer throws a right straight, Kett turns his head away. The Overseer fakes a left punch, but Kett doesn't bite on the feint. The Overseer comes back with a hand right swing but generates a fire dagger as he does. Kett anticipates it, sways under the hit, and loops his left hand around the Overseer's arm.

Kett yanks the Overseer up toward him then generates his own bright orange-yellow fire knife with his right fist before pushing it into the Overseer's back. Kett steps a inch back and the Overseer collapses on his knees. The man bends forward and looks up to Kett.

Kett looks at his downed opponent and recollects when he was on his path. Before, he might be happy he slew his enemy, but now he pities him. Even so, this is the way of things, some must perish for the grander welfare of society. He made his choice. The Overseer looks up, "Well, it seems I was wrong."

Kett asks, "Why is that?"

The Overseer mutters, "I t-thought, we c-couldn't be defeated. T-t-that the Fire Nation is too dominant to lose but I was a fool. And now, at the end, I finally see." The Overseer dies.

Calveko yells, "KETT!! We did it! We beat the Orb Owls." Sada, Moriana, Tyson, and Kashen step with him. 

Kett: "Then is our work done."

Sada answers, "Not yet avenger, the locals still need our help."

Kett: "Then let's finish our work."

Moment of Triumph

Several rebels struggle as they clash with Fire Nation troops. Rebels consist of sword wielders, spear warriors, and earthbenders. They are up against firebenders, mace troopers, swordsmen, and soldiers with long axes.

The local fighter with the whip blades continues to swirl around his weapons as he cuts a swordsman in the leg, tripping him over. A moment later the fighter rotates his other blade horizontally and slashes a firebender's chest. 

The brothers Nurron and Zorlan fight three Fire Nation troopers. A swordsman, firebender, and spear warrior engage them. Zorlan has a sword draw while Nurron bends. The fire swordsman lunges down as he hacks at Zorlan's head.

Zorlan raises his arms to horizontally thwart the slash then drops his opponent with a left roundhouse kick to the head. Nurron pushes his left hand out and knocks down the firebender with a volley of bricks. The spear warrior nearly creeps up on Nurron but a spout of fire drops him.

Nurron looks puzzled before he sees the Vindicated Avenger in all his glory with the rest of the Honor Envoy standing with him. Zorlan smiles, "It's them!"

Calveko replies, "It's us." 

Nurron: "What's the plan avenger?"

Vindicated Avenger: "Let's take Jeyuln BACK!!" The Honor Envoy charges. A crowd of 32 Fire Nation soldiers go after them. Sada swoops down and pushes two water fingers from her left hand. The fingers elongate and knock down a fire swordsman and spear woman. 

Kashen blocks a three fireballs from a firebender and extends his spear. Calveko jumps on the spear and Kashen flips him off it. Calveko lands behind the duelist and diagonally dashes him before he lands. Two spear warriors encompass him along with a large Fire Nation axman. 

Calveko winces before the axman slashes down at him. Cal twirls left but the man pulls his right hand back before gliding at him with a powerful left strike. Calveko jumps on his arms then jumps off them and cuts his head off. Moriana smiles and submerges the two spear wielders into the ground. 

Three firebenders and two swordsmen from the center formation descend on the envoy. Tyson pulls his hands down and flings a boulder through three of the soldiers, leaving two sword troopers standing. Tyson turns his left leg, and a rock rises from the ground before thudding a soldier's jaw.

Tyson pulls a large wooden rectangle piece out of a carriage, and it knocks the back of the other swordman. People can hear the sound of the helmet and armor clicking against the grass. Moriana sways her arms left to right and pulls stones out of adjacent building. 

The objects pound several soldiers from various angles, putting their ranks in disarray. Kett runs at three Fire Nation soldiers (a swordsman, dual duelist, and a firebending lieutenant). Kett right hooks a flame into the swordsman and side pushes a fire rectangle into the lieutenant's stomach which blows him apart. 

In less than a second later, Kett right jabs a fireball in the other man's face. The local soldiers become empowered and fight harder. A local female duelist dips low and slams her sword into a middle-aged Fire Nation sergeant, "oooowwww!" 

A burly Jeyuln worker knocks a battle hammer into a firebender and his body glides through a stand. The massive man cross hits a swordsman a second later and he flies through a second story window. A duelist looks to get the jump on him, but a rebel tackles him and sinks two swords in the back of his head and left shoulder. 

Then suddenly it happens. Three Fire Nation army troopers step out with trumpets. They flare their horns, and several rebel soldiers are immediately stunned. People hold their ears, fall to the floor, and collapse. The Vindicated Avenger feels the buzz against his armor and kneels. 

Sada swishes water in her ears to block the blow while the rest of the envoy is winded by the noise. Sada extends her hands and pushes small drips of water from her hands into Kashen, Calveko, Moriana, and Tyson's ears. All of them hastily gather themselves.

Fire Nation soldiers that are about to slay distracted resistance fighters are shocked by the commotion. Army trooper: "HEY, they're still standing." Sada swings left and a splash of water hits the air. The water whip turns into six ice crystals. 

Three crystals fly into the trumpets and explode into water before getting cold again and freezing the trumpets. The men drop their instruments because of how cold they get. An instant later three Fire Nation troopers are dispatched before they can land finishing blows on rebels.

Moriana and Tyson unleash a flurry of earth attacks, dispatching more soldiers who are about to finish locals. Citizens immediately get up. One man uppercuts a fire swordsman and takes his sword from him. Another warrior rises and pokes his spear through a firebender's mouth. A warrior with dual swords swoops down slays two firebenders.

Kett pull his right hand up and forms a fiery arrow then yanks it down. The arrow disintegrates and pulverizes eight soldiers with a blistering eruption of bright orange and yellow flames. Black fragments of the men's armor rolls across the battlefield. 

Only a fourth of the Fire Nation force remains. The duelists drop their weapons and the firebenders surrender. The crowd cheers. Several locals storm out of their doors and celebrate. People immediately get their flutes or drums then play to celebrate. 

Some people openly drink beer, others play cards, and still others dance. Pallo and Horsha greet the team. Pallo: "Moriana, Tyson, we're so proud of you two. You beat the Fire Nation, we are free again."

Tyson comments, "Our fighting won't be over now. Jeyuln is not important enough to expect a big army to come but I can imagine small assault forces will."

Horsha: "I have no doubt our militia force will be more than willing to ward them off. The Fire Nation are bullies, but our people have heart and determination."

Sada: "I'm so happy for you all."

Kett reminds her, "Our work is not finished, while Jeyuln is free, they will come back as long as that factory stands. It should be an easy job in comparison to this, but we have to destroy it."

Pallo: "Will you need help?"

Kett: "The locals have done enough, the Honor Envoy can take it from here."

Tyson crosses his arms, "I was hoping you'd say that. But can we celebrate in for tonight?"

Moriana rolls her eyes at him, "Can you wait for a few more nights to celebrate goofball?"

Kett: "Be ready Tyson, they will fully expect us this time. They did not know when the locals were going to rebel, and our team specifically had the element of surprise."

Tyson: "I was born for surprises."

Moriana: "That's not what he said."

Tyson thinks, "Oh yeah, I screwed that up."