The Honor Envoy talk outside while many locals celebrate. Jeyuln is being rebuilt, one piece at a time after all the damage that was caused by its liberation. However, Jeyuln will not be completely free from imminent danger unless the Fire Nation's main source of income is eradicated.
Sada notices the brothers Zorlan and Nurron standing under a United Way recruitment tent. The tent has a violet roof and two men with violet garments welcome then. Sada grins but worries for their safety. Work with the United Way is never easy, but necessary.
That is a paradox that Sada constantly faces when she takes on new recruits. Moriana speaks, "So Sada, what's the plan and when will we hit this factory?"
Sada pulls out a map and points, "The factory has four entrances, we will need to split up so our enemies won't consolidate around us."
Calveko: "But there are six of us, how do you plan to spread us out."
Kett: "Sada and I can go alone."
Sada: "Yep, I think Kashen should go with Tyson and Calveko with Moriana."
Kashen crosses his arms, "Haven't we proven ourselves capable enough."
Kett: "Don't make this harder than it has to be."
Moriana elbows Calveko, "This is your chance to get to know me better. We never had an adventure together."
Kashen pokes Tyson and he looks annoyed, "Yeah, we got this old dog!" The sky is bright blue, few white clouds dart the sky, and yellow grass stands tall in the Eastern outskirts of Jeyuln. A large frog-fox hops around while a dust ball bounces across the landscape.
Smoked Out
Two firebenders and three swordsmen stand at the Northern entrance of the massive Royami Industrial Complex, also called the Inferno Factory by locals. Two firebenders and three swordsmen stand. The soldiers have maple brown leather boots to complement their black and red armor.
Sada rolls down from a hill, using a generated ice sled to speed her descent. Water flows from the sled. A swordsman sees them, "Look, it's a waterbender on a sled."
A firebender laughs, "Waterbenders don't travel here, that's impossible!"
The swordsman stomps and points, "LOOK!! It IS a waterbender!"
The man lazily looks then his eyes widen, "He's RIGHT, it's a waterbender." The firebenders stand together, stomp their left feet while holding their right feet in a firm position. The soldiers pull, their right fists down and pump their left hands in the air at an arced position.
Fire motor shots flow from their fists and descend down at Sada like rockets. Sada steers left as one explodes a few feet ahead of her then accelerates forward past a second one. As Sada closes in she flips off her ride and hurls it into one of the firebenders.
The swordsmen run at her and Sada points her hands forward. Two ice cubes drop two of the swordsmen, one is hit right in his chin. One duelist closes in and lashes at her diagonally. Sada rolls left and taps the man on his back; he is instantly frozen. The remaining firebender punches a left fireball at her arm and left kicks a fireball at her right knee.
Sada diagonally jumps right past the shots and puts the man down with a water tentacle. Sada pulls a key from the firebender's pocket with a water hand then unlocks the entrance with it. While this happens, Kett goes up against two firebenders, two spear soldiers, and a sword user at the West entrance.
Kett punches two flames into a firebender, "ah, oh!" A spear trooper swings at him, but Kett catches it and burns the spear using convection bending. The man falls and Kett hurls the spear into the other firebender. Kett immediately zaps the last spear soldier with a fire beam before waving a fire orb into the sword soldier.
Kett doesn't waste his time looking for a key and just blasts the door open. At the Southern entrance, Moriana and Calveko stand behind a rock. Calveko uses his binoculars to spot two firebenders and two soldiers with swords and shields.
Calveko comments, "Looks like two of the troops went on a lunch break, they are a little short. Now is the best time to hit them."
Moriana nods, "Yep, I'll start it, maybe you'll finish it." The youthful lady flips out from cover, but the Fire Nation troopers are oblivious, so she claps to get their attention.
Sword and shield trooper: "It's an earthbender! Deal with her."
Moriana pulls her hands in and the ground shifts which causes the soldiers to sway as if they're confused. Calveko runs behind her and Moriana pulls her right hand down. Calveko sinks.
Firebender: "Wha, she just sunk her own teammate." Moriana raises her hand and Calveko rises beside the trooper. Rock, mulch, dirt, and other particles knock the firebender senseless. Cal flips from his position and horizontally butchers the other fire user.
Moriana strolls ahead and nonchalantly raises her hands. Both of the shield warriors are snatched by random hands that emerge from the ground. The warriors scream while they are plunged to their deaths in the dirt. At the Eastern gateway, two firebenders, a spear soldier, and two men with maces and shields keep watch.
Kashen and Tyson run at them like wild animals. Kashen screams, "Ahhhhhhhaaahahaha!! I'm gonna get ya!"
Tyson adds, "Yeah we're idiots."
Kashen pauses, "I didn't say I was a..."
Tyson interrupts, "Look alive fool!" Tyson jumps and kicks a boulder into the spear warrior before landing in front of the firebenders. Both punch fireballs at him but Tyson rolls at them before rising and slamming their heads together. The shield soldiers step at Tyson and she pushes dirt at them.
The troopers hold their shields up to block and Kashen twirls behind one of the guards before stabbing him in the back. The other shield warrior turns to face the spear United Way fighter but the earthbender kicks a rock at him. The guard shifts his targe and thwarts the strike.
Tyson drops his left hand, and the man falls into the ground. Tyson stomps his right foot, and the ground crushes the soldier. Tyson: "Oooou, that crunch sounded nasty."
Sada walks in a hallway and notices two sword users and a firebender. The young woman spin kicks a water whip that drops both duelists but the firebender crouches under the hit then jump punches a flame at her. Sada raises an ice wall which shatters from the blow.
The firebender runs at her and Sada pulls her hands together. The sharp ice fragments slash the soldier from behind, he is briefly dazed but stays on his feet since his armor absorbs much of the damage. Sada left kicks an ice sphere into hit gut which puts him down.
Kett runs across a hall after leaving two Fire Nation soldiers on the canvas. Kett steps in a square chamber where he notices three firebenders, two duelists, two spear warriors, and a double sword female trooper. The Vindicated Avenger rubs his forehead, "Oh, great."
Spear trooper: "It's that icon, the avenger. Ozai will reward us handsomely when we return your battered armor to him."
The Vindicated Avenger comments, "Don't get your hopes up." Kett pushes his hands together and drops a firebender with a fast fire brick. Kett pushes two fire rays into the swordsmen across him. A firebender kicks a fireball at Kett and he blocks it by crossing his arms.
A firebender pulls his left hand back before thrusting it down and swirling a blaze of orange and yellow flames at him. Kett pivots left, and a spear trooper pokes his weapon at him. Kett steps back and pumps a fireball at the man. The duelist raises his spear and blocks the blast.
A spear warrior runs and jumps by launching himself in the air with his weapon before landing two feet right of Kett. The VA blasts a fire stream into the man. The two firebenders encircle Kett. The one on the left throws a fire orb at Kett's left shoulder while the one on the right kicks a fire triangle at Kett's neck.
The avenger ducks under both flames while still holding his arms up in a defensive guard. Kett stand and jabs a fire sphere into the right firebender's belly. The last firebender jumps at Kett who grabs a hold of his arms before yanking him in and kneeing him twice in his gut.
Kett sways the man closer before reverse elbowing him with his left arm and knocking a tooth out in the process. Moriana and Calveko make it to the assembly line. Dozens of Jeyuln locals who are forced to work as servants become bubbly at the sight of potential rescuers.
The locals are forced to wear baggy red-orange scrubs as they work. Two army troopers with batons that are used for crowd control and three firbenders enter their stances. Calveko runs at the left and Moriana at the right flank as they get ready for a brawl.
Cal blocks a downward strike from a baton warrior before twisting his blade to break the lock and horizontally slashing the man. Calveko blocks a hit from the other baton fighter before shifting his body and waiting for the baton trooper to pounce at him with a retaliatory blow.
Calveko reverse backlashes the soldier. Moriana plods her left foot, and a wooden object horizontally bashes down two firebenders. The last firebender thuds his right foot as he punches a fire blast at her. Moriana leaps right before kicking herself off a wall and behind the soldier.
The bender turns before Moriana check kicks his left leg. The earth warrior lifts her left leg in the air and kicks the man in his face. The girl can hear the man's helmet thump the floor as he falls. Citizens quickly evacuate as the opportunity to get away emerges.
Kashen and Tyson have made it to the facility's cafeteria. The cafe consists of a firebender, two baton troopers, an unarmed fire nation soldier, and about four locals. The locals promptly skedaddle. A baton trooper prepares to raise his weapon as Tyson kicks a brick into his chest.
The other baton soldier runs at them, but Tyson kicks a chair into him. A firebender backhands a fire square at him. Tyson parries it. Kashen hops over a table and butts the back of his weapon into the other firebender's nose, dropping him. Kashen hurls his spear into the other fire controller.
The unarmed soldier tackles Kashen while his back is turned, "You thought this was over!" The soldier punches Kashen twice as he is down. Kashen raises his hands to block incoming blows. The soldier throws two hooks to break his guard, but Kashen tightens his guard and pulls his arms inward.
Kash blows the two hits, and the man hits him with a straight right hand. Kashen rolls forward and takes the man down with a double leg sweep before following up with two of his own punches. Kashen kicks the man while he is down and as he attempts to get up Tyson swipe kicks him in the back of his head.
Kett steps into a room and spots two firebenders. Kett blocks a fire cone from the bender on the left and a low flame from the one on the right by raising his right knee. The VA reverse kicks a fireball into the left bender's chest and the other firebender hooks a flame at Kett's face.
Kett spins up and uppercuts his opponent. Kett runs ahead and falls down a trap door. The armored champion tumbles nearly twenty feet down but uses flames to lessen his fall. Kett looks around and sees he is in a gigantic room with brown walls, a grey floor, and a light red ceiling.
A nine-feet tall lanu-gorilla with grey fur, light green eyes, sharp teeth, four arms, and battle armor appears. Lanu-gorillas are from the lanu region in the Earth Kingdom. The animal hisses, "Emmmpppphhh!! Breeeiiiiizzzz!!"
Kett looks up and sighs, Why do I always get this type of crap? The monster jumps and right at the avenger. Kett rolls forward and the animal slams against the ground. The fall is so loud it as if a shockwave has gone off, Kett can feel the very vibrations of the beast's jump.
Kett rises and firmly punches three flames in the animal's chest, which are all protected by armor. The animal gallops at him before swinging its lower right arm at him. The avenger ducks under the hit and the gorilla swings its upper right fist at him.
Kett steps left and hears the ensuing bam from the hit. The behemoth shoots its upper left arm at him with a punch. Kett dips below the hit and the creature moves closer. The animal opens its jaws showing at least thirty teeth that all appear to be six to eight inches long.
Kett nearly quivers but keeps his composure. The creature hooks Kett's body with its lower right arm. Kett muscles his strength to stay on his feet, but his armor helps reduce the force of that blow. The wretched beast hops at him and pulls all four of its arms against him.
The animal pulls its arms in and Kett can keep his muscles popping; it won't take long for it to crush his bones or rip him limb from limb. Kett groans, "Ughhhh!!" The paragon takes advantage of the moment to grab a hold of two of the lornu-gorilla's arms before burning it with convection bending.
The gorilla tosses Kett a few feet back in disgust before circling around and hoping at him. The avenger rolls back on his feet, knowing he doesn't have a lot of time to get himself together. As the animal skips at him it becomes enraged and opens its mouth.
A strong thunderous sound releases from its belly to its lungs as it spews out a fountain of blazing flames at him. The avenger's eyes widen from under his mask before he lifts off five feet in the air and three feet right to evade the fatal attack. Fire raises the temperature of the room.
Kett: Shoot, this thing breathes fire. I've never seen a lornu-gorilla do that. Kett decides not to waste time, the entire creature's body is armor, but armor can only take so much damage. Kett pulls his hands together and swirls fire from each to generate a sizeable ball of flames.
Kett pumps a ray of bright orange and yellow flames into the animal's lower left bicep. The beast growls viciously and runs at him. The animal swings at him with a weighty left hook. Kett kneels under the blow but the animal swings at him with a diagonal upper right fist down punch.
Kett slips under the punch and behind the animal. The avenger creates a fire sword, and side cuts the animals back. The creature hisses and back kicks him. Kett spins two feet back and the horrific omnivore jogs after him. The creature pulls its mouth back and vomits a heavy beam of fire at him.
Kett holds his hands together and warms them up with fire. The teen sways his arms in a circular motion, falling back on a move he taught himself when he first joined the 31st Company. A swirl of flames rises in front of him and the monster's hulking rod of flames pours straight into it.
Kett is able to control it, and the swirl of fire simply grows larger. The VA pulls his right hand back before pushing it forward at the lornu-gorilla. The animal chases him again as he is making his fire concoction. A magnificent blaze of flames burns clean out of the animal's thorax.
The critter nervously looks down at its wound before it perishes. The floor buzzes from the fall. The avenger looks around to make sure no one is around to witness him; the coast is clear. Kett briefly takes his helmet off as he pays his respect to the animal for putting up a good fight before sealing it back on.
Sada enters the records office where she locates two spear warriors and a firebender. Sada pokes two volleys of ice projectiles into the firebender and one of the spear troopers. The other spear soldier runs at her as she swivels her right hand and blasts the combatant back with a splash of freezing water.
The United Way advocate digs through cabinets and files. She expeditiously filters to see what is useful and what is not. Every now and then she finds something relevant and places it inside of a light brown handbag she brough with her. Sada enlarge as she sees plans on genetically modifying creatures and brainwashing them to fight.
A moment later, she stampedes out of the room. Tyson and Kashen keep up their infiltration when they see a swordsman and firebender in the hallway. Tyson kneels and hurls a generated earth log into both of them. Kashen: "You sure showed them."
They open the door and enter a mysterious room. The walls are bright red, the floor is black, and the ceiling is dark red. Torches still make it visible to see. The rooms seem to be relatively narrow in this part of the building. Kashen: "I wonder what this area is used for."
Several swords, spears, morning star clubs, whip blades, knives, daggers, shovel blades, war hammers, axes, spinning stars, and other melee weapons are mounted on the walls. Tyson: "It looks like a torture chamber." A swordsman rushes from behind Tyson but Kashen notices and shoves his spear in the man's neck.
Kashen retracts his weapon and the killer falls. He has dark grey armor with red markings and wears a silk uniform rather than armor. Another man with a sword and morning star emerges. Tyson sidekicks an object at his face, but the man swats it aside and lunges at his neck with his sword.
Tyson generates a rectangle shield which intercepts the slash. The man turns over and clubs his morning star at Kashen who pivots backward before lunging forward and impaling him. A final left-handed duelist front flips beside Tyson but the earthbender grabs a hold of his left wrist and right wrist then promptly headbutts him.
The duo steps in a room where they notice a tortured man who has multiple scars, a long beard, dark grey hair, emerald, green eyes, dark yellow skin, a gaunt body, and teeth that are yellowing due to a lack of care. Prisoner: "Thank goodness, I'm finally free."
Tyson asks, "Do you have anything to share with us?"
Prisoner: "The fire nationals here, they have been working on something, a project to make animals capable of firebending. Of giving them armor and having them fight for them. They aren't just using science or technology; they are also learning dark magic. You did right to save me."
Kashen: "That makes sense, now get out before more come."
The Vindicated Avenger notices a hidden door and steps through it. He finds himself in a weapons room that holds many swords, spears, axes, bombs, cannons, and grenades. From what he can tell, this is a more advanced Fire Nation facility. Three swordsmen are scattered through the room.
Kett punches a fire heart like formation into the first duelist. A second one tries to rush him but suffers the same fate as he is blow back by a fireball. The last duelist hides behind a crate.
Kett looks for the exit when the duelist scurries from behind. Kett hears his footsteps then ducks under a slash before stepping back and blasting him away with a ray of flames. The Vindicated Avenger steps in the foundry. He notices the area has already been evacuated but he sees many fiery machines, furnaces, and dangerous looking devices.
As he walks further in the gargantuan room, he sees a huge master furnace. The device is 50 feet wide and around 25 feet tall. Hot liquid rolls down it. This is Kett's best chance to destroy the facility. He notices two firebenders, two men with fire-laced whips, and an officer waiting for him.
The officer has black uniform with dark gold and dark red markings. The soldier also has a cap on his head, signifying his rank. Kett: "Who are you?"
Fire Nation Officer: "I am the chief warden, and you've caused a lot of damage in MY FACTORY. So now it is my personal responsibility to see that you don't make it out of here alive."
The two firebenders knock four flames at Kett. The hero blocks three flames, two with his hands and one with his knee. Kett uses footwork to avoid the fourth fireball then he points, and a stream of flames bolts one of the firebenders. Kett swivels his right hand and shoots a fire blast into the other bender's torso.
The soldiers with firewhips swat their weapons at him. Kett ducks then spins left. The VA kicks a fireball into the left whip trooper then brings his leg down before changing his position, evading another whip lash, and kicking a fireball from his other foot into the whip fighter.
The chief warden rubs his hands together, "This should be entertaining, I've been fixing for a good fight." Kett jabs two fireballs (one from each hand) at the warden. The officer blocks both blasts and left kicks a torrent of flames at Kett. The VA jumps over the flame and lands closer but a few inches left of the man's location.
The officer low punches a flame at Kett's right thigh. The paragon absorbs the fire with his right elbow by dipping as he blocks. Kett follows up with a three-hit bending combo. The chief warden blocks two flames with his arms and bends under the third one. The warden kicks a fire square at Kett but the VA twirls forward past it.
Kett opens his hands and shoots another surge of flames at him. The warden circles his arms and douses the fire. Kett counters with a fast fire jab that hits the man's left side. The warden falls over and Kett presses an outpouring of fire into the furnace. The tool overheats and explodes.
Hot liquid fire spews from the instrument in every direction and black smoke flows from it. Kett dissipates the smoke to keep himself from passing out but allows the ensuing flames to spread. The Vindicated Avenger flicks flames throughout the facility as he runs from the room and the place gets progressively worse.
Sada finds herself in the grand hallway of the facility which is held up by several enormous columns. Two swordsmen, a spear warrior, and three firebenders stand across her. The young woman hops at them and two generates a waterball shield. Two firebenders pump flames on the ball which evaporate on contact.
Sada shoots two streams of hot water out of her ball which drops two of the firebenders. Sada steps out of her ball and pushes it into the spear warrior at 60 miles an hour. The ball explodes and Sada directs the water from the explosion to knock the firebender and one of the swordsmen down.
The remaining sword user charges at her but Sada makes an ice blade with the water that is left before throwing it through his back. The young waterbender exhales, maintaining her focus. Sada hears distant eruptions, Looks like this place is about to go down. My work is done here.
Moriana and Calveko tarry in a hall before they notice a Fire Nation soldier on a mounted javelin turret who is accompanied by a firebender and a swordsman. The gunner immediately shoots three projectiles at her. Moriana raises an earth barrier and crumbles part of the ceiling on the gunner.
The swordsman goes after her but Cal steps in front of him. The duelist hacks at him vertically, Calveko blocks and low kicks the man's right leg before severing his throat. The firebender punches two flames at Calveko but he dodges one and jumps on a wall as he avoids the next one.
Calveko jumps down at the bender and slashes him down. Moriana complements her companion, "Good work."
Calveko pumps his fist, "You bet." Tyson and Kashen notice two soldiers with long assault hammers, a trooper with a hilted iron war sword, and a firebender. Tyson throws a fairly big object at one of the men with war hammers but the soldier pounds it away with his weapon.
The soldier plods after him and vertically swings down at him. Tyson shifts left and sways a brick in his face. Kashen jumps against a wall and lands between a war hammer trooper and the war sword fighter. Kashen backsteps then turns forward and thrusts his spear in the hammer soldier's sternum.
The man with the war sword goes after Tyson while the firebender sets his eyes on Kashen. The firebender punches a flame at Kashen but he shifts his spear and blocks it. Kashen leaps closer to the man before he twirls his weapon and pushes it through the trooper's belly button.
The man's body shakes as blood pumps out of his armor. Kashen pulls away his weapon as the man's corpse keeps shaking. The man with the war sword steps at Tyson and swats aside an object that the earthbender immediately hails at him. The soldier walks at him just enough to swing but not enough to completely expose himself.
The soldier swings down diagonally left. Tyson bobs right and back while swaying his head out of danger. Tyson punches another two objects at him but the duelist blocks both. Tyson follows up by pulling part of the ceiling down on the man which finally does the trick. Tyson comments, "I love that trick."
Several booms can be seen around the factory. One chimney caves in and smoke becomes profusely stronger. At this point, most all of the people have left the building. Sada has already escaped and is waiting watch for her allies.
Moriana and Calveko scamper toward the exit but two swordsmen, two firebenders, and Major Odula gather to prevent their exit. The major is heavyset, has a thick light grey beard, light yellow skin, light orange eyes, a big nose, and straight hair. Odula orders, "Don't let them get out!"
Moriana kicks a stone rectangle into the two swordsmen, wiping them out. Calveko vertically parries a flame and Mori left punches a brick into the firebender. The other fire user right overhands a fireball at Calveko who sways right and Moriana dashes left.
The female earthbender pulls her hands back and a brick hits the firebender from behind. The major pulls his arms back and hurls a fire storm at Moriana. The earthbender sprints toward the right wall, away from the blast then puts her hands against the wall. A volley of three stones smacks the officer.
A fourth stone knocks his hat off his head and a fifth stone knocks him out. The big man bowls on the deck and has a big red mark on his head from the hits. The duo run out of the building. After a couple of minutes of hurrying, they notice Sada, Tyson, and Kashen.
The Vindicated Avenger runs through the burning factory while multiple bricks falls from above. One brick skims his helmet, but Kett keeps moving and brushes the pain off. A column is blown in half and a portion of it lands right infront of him which partially blocs his escape.
Kett is still not discouraged, he squeezes through a small opening and waves his hands to redirect uncontained fires. Kett looks up and sees a window. The avenger blasts his feet off the ground and glides through it. Kett flies out of the factory as it starts to collapse from every direction.
Kett lands and notices the rest of the Honor Envoy. Kashen: "Come on and watch the fireworks."
Calveko: "I was almost worried you wouldn't make it."
Kashen: "It's Kett, he always makes it." The structure explodes. Everyone looks up.
Tyson: "So now Jeyuln is free."
Moriana: "What's next Sada, Kett?"
Sada responds, "Jeyuln may be free, but the Earth Kingdom is still in big trouble and if we don't make some important future moves, the whole world will be under the hands of Ozai's greed. The only we or anyone has is if we keep working at exposing the Fire Nation's secrets."
Kett: "Fortunately you won't be alone, we have discovered networks of Fire Nation leaks that will help us undermine Ozai's administration from within. Likewise, we have to hope the Avatar's team will make a comeback."
Tyson asks, "But isn't Aang dead? Without him they are more-or-less useless."
Sada looks up, "There is always a chance. I have sources that suggest he has returned."
Moriana: "So there is hope then."
Sada: "There is always hope. Regardless of that, we will do what we can and play our part in the fight for freedom. There is always light at the end of the tunnel, even if you can't see it."
Kett: "And even if there isn't, you all can bet I'll be by your side fighting against injustice. If nothing else, we'll always have each other." The team huddles up and enjoys each other's company. Their mission isn't over, from this moment on, they will fight evil together as one united family.