Chapter 5

Kai and Max exchanged glances, their determination unwavering. They knew that approaching Chao was a risky move, but it was a chance they had to take. With the upcoming arena fight looming, they needed Chao's backing to secure their participation and make a name for themselves.

They navigated the labyrinthine corridors of the prison, finally arriving at Chao's territory. The air was thick with tension as they approached the guarded entrance. The mere presence of Chao commanded respect, and they knew they had to choose their words carefully.

Entering the dimly lit room, they found Chao sitting at a table, surrounded by his loyal followers. His cold gaze met theirs, assessing them with a mix of curiosity and suspicion. Kai took a deep breath, summoning his confidence, and stepped forward.

"Chao, we seek an audience with you," Kai said, his voice steady but respectful.

Chao arched an eyebrow, studying Kai intently. "Kai, my friend, what brings you and Max here today? I assume it's more than a casual visit."

Kai straightened his posture, his voice firm. "Chao, we've heard of your influence, your connections within this prison. We need your support to secure a spot in the upcoming arena fights. We're willing to offer something in return, something that would be of value to you."

Chao's lips curved into a slight smile, a glimmer of interest sparking in his eyes. "Ah, the arena fights. They have a way of stirring up excitement, don't they? Tell me, what can you offer me in exchange for my support?"

Max stepped forward, his tone measured and persuasive. "Chao, we understand that you appreciate loyalty and the strength of a united front. We can offer you our allegiance, our unwavering support in your endeavours. In return, we ask for your guidance, your backing in the arena fights. With your support, we can prove ourselves and elevate our status within this prison."

Chao leaned back in his chair, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Loyalty and support, hmm? Those are valuable assets indeed. But how can I be sure that you won't betray me or fail to live up to your promises?"

Kai met Chao's gaze, his determination shining through. "Chao, we understand the weight of our words. We are ready to prove our loyalty and dedication to you. Give us the opportunity to showcase our skills in the arena, and we will not disappoint. We're willing to go to great lengths to solidify this alliance."

Chao's eyes narrowed, his gaze assessing Kai and Max. After a tense pause, he nodded slowly. "Very well, Kai and Max. Consider this the start of a partnership. I will support your participation in the arena fights and provide you with the guidance you seek. But remember, loyalty is a two-way street. Betray me, and the consequences will be severe."

Kai listened to Chao's words, the weight of the agreement sinking in. He understood the risks involved in the arena fights, where the stakes were high, and survival meant everything. Chao's reminder of the consequences for failure served as a stark reminder of the harsh realities they faced.

With a determined nod, Kai looked Chao in the eye. "I understand, Chao. In this prison, it's every man for himself. I won't forget the price of failure, and I will give my all to come out victorious. Losing is not an option."

Chao's expression hardened, a sign of his expectation for unwavering commitment. "Remember, Kai, my support only goes so far. You must prove your worth in the arena. If you lose, you pay the consequences. Failure has a price, and you will bear it."

Max interjected, his voice laced with determination. "Kai, we've come too far to back down now. We'll train, we'll strategize, and we'll be ready for whatever comes our way. We won't let you down, and we won't let Chao's trust go to waste."

Anthena found Liam in their shared cell, engrossed in a book. He cleared his throat to get his attention. Liam looked up, a curious expression on his face.

"Hey, Liam. I need to talk to you about something," Anthena said, his voice filled with a mix of determination and concern.

Liam closed his book and gave Anthena his full attention. "What's on your mind, mate? You look serious."

Anthena took a deep breath. "I need to gather more bucks for the arena fight. I have some, but it's not enough. I heard Panama is involved in some underground deals, and he might be able to help me out. Do you know where I can find him?"

Liam scratched his chin, contemplating Anthena's request. "Panama, huh? Yeah, he's got his finger in a lot of pies around here. I think I've seen him hanging out near the yard during exercise time. Word has it that he's always looking for opportunities to make a few extra bucks."

Anthena nodded, grateful for Liam's insight. "Thanks, Liam. I'll head to the yard and see if I can find him there. Hopefully, he can help me secure the remaining bucks I need to enter the arena."

Liam offered a supportive smile. "No problem, mate. Just be careful dealing with Panama. He's a shrewd character, but if anyone can find a way, it's you. Good luck, Anthena."

Anthena's eyes locked onto a figure in the distance, a man with an air of authority and influence. It was Panama, surrounded by a small group of individuals. Anthena took a deep breath, steeling himself for the encounter, and began making his way toward the group.

"Hey, Panama, can we talk?" Anthena called out, his voice carrying a mix of determination and respect.

Panama turned to face him, a slight smirk on his face. "What do you want, Newbie? You better have a good reason for interrupting me."

Anthena approached Panama, keeping his composure despite the tension in the air. "I need a favor, Panama. I'm short on bucks for the competition in the arena. I know you have a reputation for helping inmates in need."

Panama's smirk widened, a hint of amusement glinting in his eyes. "You think I'm just gonna hand over my hard-earned bucks to a Newbie like you? You haven't proved yourself yet. Why should I invest in you?"

Anthena's expression hardened as he met Panama's gaze. "I understand your skepticism, but I'm willing to do whatever it takes to earn those bucks. I'm not asking for charity, but rather a loan. I'll pay you back, with interest, once I win in the arena."

Panama chuckled, a cynical tone in his voice. "You're quite the ambitious one, Newbie. Alright, I'll give you a chance. But remember, you owe me. And I expect full repayment, no excuses."

Anthena nodded, gratitude and determination etched on his face. "Thank you, Panama. I won't let you down. I'll fight my hardest and make sure your investment is worth it."

However, as Anthena extended his hand to receive the bucks, Panama pulled it back, a sly smile playing on his lips. "On second thought, Newbie, I've changed my mind. I think I'll hold onto my bucks for now. You'll have to find another way to come up with the entry fee."

Anthena's heart sank, disappointment washing over him. He had hoped Panama would come through, but now he was left without the necessary funds to enter the arena.

Undeterred, Anthena straightened his posture and looked Panama in the eye. "Alright, Panama. If that's your decision, then I'll find another way. I won't let this setback stop me from reaching the arena."

Panama shrugged, his attention already turning elsewhere. "Suit yourself, Newbie. Just remember, the arena is not for the faint-hearted. If you can't even come up with the bucks, what makes you think you'll survive in there?"