Chapter 6

Anthena face bore the weight of disappointment as he approached Liam, his expression filled with frustration and sadness. The encounter with Panama had left him feeling betrayed and shaken.

"Liam, you won't believe what just happened," Anthena uttered with a heavy sigh, his voice tinged with disbelief. "Panama...he screwed me over. I can't believe it."

Liam's eyebrows furrowed in concern as he observed Anthena despondent demeanor. "What do you mean, mate? What did he do?"

Anthena shook his head, a mix of anger and resignation in his eyes. "I asked him for a loan, just enough bucks to enter the arena, but he agreed and then backed out at the last moment. He played with my hopes and left me hanging."

Liam's face contorted in a mix of sympathy and frustration. "Damn, mate, that's a low blow. Panama can be unpredictable, but this...this is something else. He knew how much it meant to you."

Anthena clenched his fists, his voice laced with determination. "I won't let this setback break me, Liam. I'll find another way, somehow. I refuse to let Panama's betrayal define my journey in this place."

Liam placed a reassuring hand on Anthena shoulder, offering a supportive presence. "You're right, mate. We'll find another way. There's always a way if we're resourceful enough. We'll figure it out together."

Anthena spirits lifted slightly as he felt the warmth of Liam's camaraderie. He knew he wasn't alone in this struggle, that they would face the challenges of the prison together.

"Did you see that, boys? The newbie actually believes he can make it into the arena," Panama chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief. "I must admit, he's got guts. But we all know that the pit is a whole different world, and not everyone is cut out for it."

His gang members nodded in agreement, sharing smirks and exchanging glances. They had seen countless hopefuls come and go, each thinking they had what it took to rise in the ranks of the prison's fighting arena. Most of them fell short, crushed by the harsh reality of the pit.

"He's just a newbie, Panama. He doesn't know what he's getting himself into," one of the gang members remarked, a trace of amusement in his voice. "I doubt he'll last long enough to even step foot in the arena."

Panama's eyes gleamed with a mischievous glint as he contemplated the situation. "Perhaps. But let's not underestimate him completely. Anthena may be inexperienced, but he's got something burning inside him, something that drives him forward."

The gang members exchanged puzzled looks, curiosity piqued by Panama's cryptic words. They knew their leader had a knack for reading people and situations, and if he saw something in Anthena, there had to be a reason.

"We'll keep an eye on him, boys," Panama declared, his tone firm. "Let's see if he can prove us wrong. If he manages to make it into the arena, we'll be there to greet him with open arms. And if he fails... well, we'll be there to remind him of his place."

Anthena sighed, his shoulders slumping in defeat. "But Panama refused to give me the bucks I need. How am I supposed to make it into the arena without the funds?"

Liam leaned in, his voice lowered to a conspiratorial tone. "Look, Anthena, I've been around here for a while, and I've learned a thing or two about survival. There are always opportunities if you know where to look."

Anthena curiosity sparked, his gaze fixed on Liam. "What do you mean, Liam? What opportunities are you talking about?"

Liam chuckled, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "Well, let's just say that not everything in this prison follows the rules. There are ways to earn bucks outside of the official channels."

Anthena eyebrows furrowed, a mix of intrigue and caution washing over him. "Are you suggesting something illegal, Liam?"

Liam shrugged, a nonchalant grin playing on his lips. "Call it what you will, mate. But sometimes, bending the rules a little is the only way to survive and get what you want. You have to be resourceful in here."

Anthena hesitated, his mind racing with conflicting thoughts and emotions. He wanted to make it into the arena, to prove himself and carve his path in this prison. But he also didn't want to compromise his values or get caught up in anything that could bring him trouble.

Liam placed a hand on Anthena shoulder, his voice sincere. "I'm not saying it's an easy choice, mate. But sometimes, you have to make tough decisions to get ahead. Think it over and decide what you're willing to do. Just remember, I've got your back no matter what."

Anthena listened intently as Liam revealed one of the ways to bend the rules in the prison. He raised an eyebrow, his interest piqued by the mention of gambling. It was a risky proposition, but it could also be a way to quickly multiply his bucks if luck was on his side.

"Gambling, huh?" Anthena mused, weighing the potential risks and rewards. "It's definitely a high-stakes game, Liam. But I suppose desperate times call for desperate measures."

Liam nodded, a knowing smile on his face. "That's the spirit, mate. Sometimes, you have to take calculated risks to get ahead. But remember, gambling can be addictive and unpredictable. You need to be careful and disciplined."

Anthena took a deep breath, steeling himself for the rollercoaster ride that lay ahead. He knew he couldn't rely solely on luck, but he would need to employ strategy and keen observation to increase his chances of success.

"Alright, Liam, I'm willing to give it a shot," Anthena declared, determination shining in his eyes. "But I won't go all-in. I'll start small and see how it goes."

Liam clapped a hand on Anthena's back, offering support and encouragement. "Good on you, mate. Remember, it's not just about luck. Watch the patterns, study the players, and play it smart. And if you need any advice along the way, you know I'm here."