Chapter 17

Warden Pope looked at Officer Ramirez with a nod of agreement. "You're right, Ramirez. We should do the shuffle together. It's important to have multiple perspectives and ensure fairness in the process."

The two of them stood side by side, ready to begin the shuffling. They gathered the names of the remaining fighters and carefully considered various factors such as skill level, performance, and past matchups. Each decision was made with deliberation, taking into account the fighters' strengths and weaknesses.

As they shuffled the names, Ramirez shared his insights and observations, contributing to the decision-making process. Warden Pope listened attentively, valuing Ramirez's perspective and expertise. It was a collaborative effort, with both individuals working together to create a balanced and exciting lineup.

As Warden Pope contemplated the pairings, Officer Ramirez observed the intense focus on his superior's face. The shuffle would have a significant impact on the dynamics of the upcoming fights and determine the fate of each fighter.

After a brief moment of reflection, Warden Pope made his decision known. "No, it won't go like this. Let me rearrange the matchups. Anthena will face Kai, and Luca will go against Diego."

Officer Ramirez nodded, acknowledging the change in pairings. "Yes, I think it will be okay like this," he replied, prepared to execute the shuffle accordingly.

With a swift and precise motion, Officer Ramirez shuffled the predetermined cards, ensuring a fair and unbiased distribution. His hands moved with practiced ease, shuffling the destinies of the fighters within the deck.

Once the shuffle was complete, Officer Ramirez presented the newly arranged matchups to Warden Pope. "The shuffling is done, Warden Pope. Anthena will now face Kai, and Luca will square off against Diego. The stage is set for an exhilarating round of fights."

Warden Pope handed the newly shuffled schedule to Ramirez, instructing him to pass it on to Jack for the announcement. Ramirez, understanding the importance of the task, nodded affirmatively.

"Of course, Warden Pope. I'll make sure Jack receives the schedule and announces it to the inmates at noon," Ramirez replied, his tone filled with determination.

Ramirez made his way towards Jack, who was waiting in the designated area where the inmates had gathered. They exchanged a brief chuckle, a moment of camaraderie shared between colleagues with a shared purpose.

"Jack, I've got the new schedule," Ramirez said, handing over the shuffled list. "It's time to let the inmates know who they'll be facing in the next round."

Jack accepted the schedule, a glimmer of excitement in his eyes. He understood the significance of this moment, knowing that the announcement would ignite a flurry of emotions and preparations among the inmates.

As noon approached, Jack stepped forward, commanding the attention of the inmates with his authoritative voice.

"Attention, everyone!" Jack's voice echoed across the prison yard, capturing the inmates' focus. "I have here the eagerly awaited schedule for the next round of the arena fights. Gather 'round, and let's see who you'll be facing!"

The inmates gathered closer, their anticipation reaching its peak. Jack unfolded the schedule, his eyes scanning the names and pairings before addressing the crowd.

"First up, we have Anthena versus Kai!" Jack announced, his voice carrying a hint of excitement. "And in the other match, we have Luca squaring off against Diego!"

Chao, wearing a frown on his face, stood in conversation with his associate. The mention of Officer Jack seemed to have triggered his discontent.

"Chao, why is your face so troubled? Is it about that officer you were just talking about, Officer Jack?" his associate inquired.

Chao sighed deeply, his expression filled with frustration. "Yes, exactly. Officer Jack seems to have a strong influence over the outcome of these fights. It's as if he has some control over the matchups and results."

His associate nodded, understanding the source of Chao's concern. "I see. The outcome of Anthena's first fight was indeed impressive. Will Kai be able to defeat him?"

Chao's eyes gleamed with confidence as he spoke. "I have absolute faith in Kai. He possesses the skills and determination to overcome any challenge. He will defeat Anthena without breaking a sweat."

His associate looked at him, reassured by Chao's unwavering belief in Kai. "You are sure about this, Chao?"

Chao nodded, his resolve unyielding. "Yes, I am. Let us wait until the day of the fight. Kai will prove his worth and show everyone the strength of our gang."

With that, Chao's frown slowly turned into a determined expression. He was ready to support Kai and watch him dominate the arena, confident in his chosen fighter's abilities.

Warden Pope, satisfied with the announcement of the new schedule, nodded in acknowledgment. Officer Jack, who had been entrusted with the task, approached the warden to give his report.

"The schedule has been announced, Warden Pope. The inmates are now aware of their upcoming matches," Officer Jack informed, his voice filled with a sense of accomplishment.

The warden's face lit up with a smile. "Good to hear, Jack. Thank you for your diligence in carrying out the task. It's essential that the inmates are informed in a timely manner."

Officer Jack nodded respectfully. "Thank you, sir. I'll ensure everything runs smoothly in the lead-up to the fights."

With their conversation concluded, Officer Jack excused himself, ready to attend to his duties. Warden Pope watched him go, confident in his capabilities and appreciative of his efforts in maintaining order within the prison.

As the day progressed, anticipation began to build among the inmates, each mentally preparing themselves for the battles that awaited them. The arena fights were a chance to prove their skills, display their resilience, and perhaps even gain recognition within the prison walls.

Warden Pope, observing the atmosphere of excitement and tension, couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. The arena fights were not just about entertainment; they served as a reminder of the inmates' capacity for growth and transformation, a testament to the human spirit even within the confines of a prison.