Chapter 18

"Ramirez, the fights will continue tomorrow night. I want you to make sure the arena is prepared, the fighters are ready, and the inmates are gathered," Warden Pope stated with a firm tone.

Officer Ramirez nodded in understanding. "Yes, sir, Warden Pope. I will ensure that everything is in order for the fights."

The warden leaned back in his chair, his eyes focused on Ramirez. "Remember, Ramirez, it is crucial that we maintain control and safety during the fights. Keep a close eye on the inmates, and be prepared to intervene if any disturbances arise."

Ramirez's expression turned serious as he recognized the importance of his role. "I understand, sir. Safety and control will be my top priorities."

Warden Pope acknowledged Ramirez's commitment with a nod. "Good. Also, make sure the fighters are well-prepared and briefed on the rules and expectations. We want a fair and entertaining show for the inmates."

Ramirez affirmed his understanding. "I will ensure that the fighters are briefed and ready for their matches, sir."

The warden stood up from his desk, signaling the end of their conversation. "Very well, Ramirez. Carry out your duties diligently and with professionalism. The success of the fights relies on your attention to detail."

Ramirez saluted the warden. "Thank you, Warden Pope. I will not disappoint you."

In the confines of their shared cell, Anthena and Liam engaged in a conversation about the upcoming fight. Liam, concerned for Anthena preparation, offered words of caution and encouragement.

"Anthena, how's your preparation going? You know you need to prepare well because Kai is not an easy opponent," Liam remarked, his voice tinged with a sense of concern.

Anthena, clad in workout gear, wiped the sweat from his brow and turned to face Liam. Confidence radiated from his eyes as he spoke. "Don't worry, Liam. Tomorrow will be good. I've been training hard, honing my skills, and studying Kai's fighting style. I know he's formidable, but I'm ready for the challenge."

Liam studied Anthena determined expression, his worry starting to subside. "That's the spirit, Anthena. Remember, you have the potential to surprise everyone. Stay focused, trust in your abilities, and give it your all. I believe in you."

Anthena smiled, appreciating Liam's unwavering support. "Thank you, Liam. Your words mean a lot to me. I won't let you down."

With renewed determination, Anthena resumed his training, pushing himself to the limit. Liam observed silently, confident in Anthena resilience and his ability to rise to the occasion.

Inside his cell, Diego meticulously prepared for his upcoming fight. He focused his mind and body, engaging in rigorous training to sharpen his skills and strengthen his resolve. The small space became a training ground as Diego performed shadowboxing, honing his footwork and refining his technique.

Panama, standing outside Luca cell, observed his intense training with admiration. He understood the weight of responsibility resting on Luca shoulders and the importance of not letting the team down. He voiced his support, urging Luca to stay focused and determined.

"Don't worry, Luca. I believe in your abilities," Panama assured him, his voice filled with conviction.

Luca, pausing for a moment to catch his breath, looked at Panama with gratitude. "Thank you, Panama. I appreciate your confidence in me. I won't disappoint."

Panama nodded, his gaze unwavering. "I know you won't. You've trained hard for this moment. Show them what you're capable of."

Kai and Max engaged in a serious conversation, discussing the upcoming fight and their strategies. The tension in the air was palpable as they contemplated the challenge that lay ahead.

"Kai, be fully prepared for this fight," Max emphasized, his tone filled with a mix of concern and determination. "That Newbie has shown some impressive skills, and you can't afford to underestimate him."

Kai nodded, his face reflecting a steely resolve. "I know, Max. I understand the stakes. Chao's reputation and our standing in the prison are on the line. I won't let you down."

Max placed a hand on Kai's shoulder, his gaze unwavering. "I have absolute faith in you, Kai. You've proven yourself time and again. Just remember, Chao is a formidable force, and he won't tolerate any failures when it comes to his bucks. Stay focused, stay sharp."

A flicker of determination ignited in Kai's eyes. "I won't forget, Max. I'll give everything I've got. I won't let Chao down, and I won't let our gang down."

Max offered a nod of approval, a mix of pride and concern evident on his face. "That's what I want to hear, Kai. Now go, train hard, and show them what you're made of."

Kai took Max's words to heart, his mind focused on the upcoming fight. He spent hours honing his skills, pushing himself to the limits, and fine-tuning his techniques. Every punch, every kick, was executed with precision and purpose.

Day turned into night as Kai immersed himself in intense training sessions. His determination grew stronger with each passing day, fueled by the desire to prove himself and bring glory to his gang.

In the quiet moments of solitude, Kai visualised his fight with Newbie. He studied his opponent's style, analyzing his strengths and weaknesses, searching for any advantage he could exploit. Kai knew that Newbie was a force to be reckoned with, but he refused to let doubt creep into his mind.

As the day of the fight drew closer, Kai's confidence soared. He knew that the arena would be filled with spectators, their eyes fixed on the outcome of this clash. The thought of their support, along with the faith Max had placed in him, fueled his determination.

Finally, the day arrived. The arena was alive with energy as the inmates filled the seats, eagerly awaiting the spectacle that was about to unfold. Kai stood in his corner, his body tense and focused, ready to face his opponent head-on.