Chapter 21

Kai stood before Chao, his head bowed in remorse. Chao's voice cut through the air, filled with frustration and disappointment.

"Kai, how many times have I warned you? My bucks are not to be played with. They hold value, and you know the consequences of losing them," Chao stated, his tone firm.

Kai's voice trembled as he responded, "Chao, I'm sorry. I didn't expect Anthena to defeat me. He was stronger and more skilled than I anticipated."

Chao's eyes narrowed, a mixture of anger and concern evident on his face. "That's your bad, Kai. As a member of this gang, you should have been better prepared. You should have known what it takes to come up with 50 bucks."

Kai nodded, his expression reflecting both regret and determination. "I understand, Chao. I will find a way to refund the bucks. I won't let this mistake define me."

Chao's voice softened slightly, his gaze searching Kai's face for sincerity. "It won't be easy, Kai. This prison is a harsh place. But you need to learn from this and prove your worth. Make it right, and perhaps you can regain the trust you've lost."

Kai met Chao's gaze, a spark of determination igniting within him. "I will, Chao. I'll do whatever it takes to make amends. I won't rest until I've repaid my debt."

Anthena sat in his cell, nursing a fresh wound from his intense battle with Kai. Liam, his loyal friend and confidant, approached him with concern etched on his face.

"Anthena, you really should see the doctor for that wound. How do you plan on fighting in the final round with an injury like this?" Liam voiced his worry, his voice filled with genuine concern.

Anthena glanced at his wound, his expression determined. "Liam, I don't want to show any weakness to Luca. I know he's a formidable opponent, and I can't afford to give him any advantage. I'll fight through the pain."

Liam sighed, clearly conflicted. "But Anthena, your health should be a priority. If you worsen your injury, it could jeopardize not only this fight but your overall well-being."

Anthena nodded, understanding Liam's concern. "I appreciate your worry, Liam, but this is something I have to do. The final round is my chance to prove myself and make a name for myself in this prison. I won't let this setback hold me back."

Liam's eyes softened as he looked at his friend. "Anthena, I admire your determination and resilience. Just promise me that you'll take care of yourself as best you can."

Anthena smiled, a mix of gratitude and determination in his eyes. "I promise, Liam. I'll do whatever it takes to ensure I'm in the best possible condition for the final fight. Thank you for always looking out for me."

Kai and Max sat together in a corner of their cell, deep in conversation about the predicament they found themselves in. The weight of Chao's demand hung heavy in the air, and Kai couldn't help but feel the burden of his actions.

"Kai, what are you thinking? How do you plan on paying Chao back?" Max asked, concern evident in his voice.

Kai let out a sigh, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "I honestly don't know, Max. Chao will always be on my back, demanding his bucks. It's like a never-ending cycle. I'm trapped."

Max leaned closer, his eyes filled with determination. "Listen, Kai, we can't let this control us. We have to come up with a plan. Maybe we can find a way to gather the bucks, show Chao that we're serious about paying him back."

Kai nodded, his mind racing with possibilities. "You're right, Max. We need to be resourceful. We'll find a way to gather the bucks, even if it means taking on additional challenges or finding opportunities within the prison. We can't let Chao's hold over us break us."

Max smiled, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "That's the spirit, Kai. We won't let him win. We'll find a way to turn this around and regain control over our lives."

Anthena sat alone in their cell, inspecting the injury on his body. Liam, concerned for Anthena well-being, approached him with worry in his eyes.

"Anthena, we need to talk to Warden Pope and request a postponement for the final round," Liam urged, his voice filled with genuine concern.

Anthena looked up at Liam, determination in their eyes. "No, Liam, we can't postpone the fight. This is my battle to face, and I won't let anyone else bear the burden. I'll fight through the pain."

Liam hesitated for a moment, understanding Anthena's determination but still worried about the consequences. "But Anthena, your well-being is important. You don't have to go through this alone. We can find a solution together."

Anthena's gaze softened, appreciating Liam's concern. "I appreciate your support, Liam, but this is something I have to do. I won't let my injury hold me back. Luca doesn't need to know about it. It's my secret to bear."

Liam nodded, reluctantly accepting Anthena's decision. "Just promise me you'll be careful, Anthena smiled faintly, touched by Liam's care. "I promise, Liam.

The air was filled with a mix of anticipation and determination as they discussed their strategies.

"Luca, you've been performing exceptionally well in the fights so far," Panama remarked, a hint of admiration in their voice. "You've proven yourself as a formidable warrior. Just make sure you're fully prepared for tomorrow."

Luca nodded, a determined look on his face. "I've trained hard, Panama. I won't let Chao or anyone else underestimate our power. We need to show them what we're capable of in this prison. This is our chance to make a statement."

Panama's eyes gleamed with a mix of excitement and determination. "I believe in you, Luca. We've come a long way together, and I know you won't disappoint. Just remember to stay focused and utilize your strengths."

Luca clenched his fists, feeling the surge of energy within him. "I won't hold back, Panama. I'll give everything I've got. We'll make sure Chao sees the true extent of our power. We won't back down."

I'll be right there with you, Luca. Together, we'll show them what we're made of. Let's make this fight count."