Chapter 22

The day of the final round had arrived, and the atmosphere in the prison was electric with anticipation. Inmates filled the arena, their voices echoing through the air as they cheered and shouted in excitement. Warden Pope stood at the center, a stern yet proud expression on his face.

"Today is the day we have all been waiting for," Warden Pope announced, his voice booming across the arena. "The final round between Luca and Anthena, two extraordinary fighters who have shown great skill and determination throughout this competition."

The inmates erupted in applause and cheers, their excitement reaching a crescendo. The energy in the air was palpable, as if the entire prison was holding its breath, waiting for the ultimate showdown to begin.

Warden Pope continued, his voice carrying a note of admiration. "Both Luca and Anthena have displayed remarkable strength and resilience. They have overcome challenges and fought their way to the top. Today, they will face each other in a battle that will determine the ultimate champion of this tournament."

"The winner of this epic battle will be rewarded with 300 bucks, a symbol of their dominance and skill," Warden Pope declared, his voice carrying a note of importance. "And the runner-up will still receive a respectable sum of 100 bucks, a testament to their efforts and resilience."

As Warden Pope spoke, the spotlight focused on Luca and Anthena, who stood on opposite sides of the arena, their eyes locked in a fierce gaze. The determination in their faces was evident, reflecting the long and arduous journey they had taken to reach this moment.

The crowd grew silent, the anticipation hanging heavy in the air. All eyes were fixed on the fighters, awaiting the first move that would set the stage for the final clash.

The mention of the prize sent a surge of excitement through both Luca and Anthena. Their eyes locked once again, each filled with a burning determination to claim victory and secure the coveted reward.

The prospect of the prize money added an extra layer of intensity to the already fierce competition. The thought of what they could do with such a significant sum of bucks fueled their motivation, igniting a fire within them to give it their all.

Luca's mind raced with visions of how he could use the prize money to improve his circumstances, to establish his authority within the prison, and to protect those he cared about. Anthena, on the other hand, envisioned a future where he could gain respect and influence, perhaps even use the bucks to pave the way for a better life beyond the prison walls.

The weight of the prize added to the pressure they felt, but it also fueled their determination to leave nothing on the table. They knew that this final battle would be a test of their skills, endurance, and willpower. The opportunity to walk away with a substantial sum of bucks pushed them to dig deeper and push their limits.

As Warden Pope's words settled in the air, both Luca and Anthena silently vowed to give their absolute best, to leave nothing behind, and to seize the chance to claim victory and secure the prize that awaited them. The stage was set for an epic showdown, and both fighters knew that only one of them would emerge as the ultimate champion, walking away with not just the glory, but also the spoils of their hard-fought victory.

"What do you think about this final round, Jack?" Ramirez asked, his eyes scanning the crowd of inmates.

Jack took a moment to consider his response, observing the intensity in the air. "All I know is that the arena will be bloody," he replied, his tone reflecting a mixture of caution and excitement.

Ramirez raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "You think it's going to be that intense?"

Jack nodded, his gaze fixed on the contenders preparing themselves in the distance. "Luca and Anthena have proven themselves as formidable fighters throughout this competition. They both have a lot at stake, and their determination is palpable. I have a feeling they will give everything they've got, leaving it all on the line."

Ramirez leaned against the railing, a contemplative expression on his face. "It's going to be a tough battle, no doubt. Both fighters have their own unique strengths and styles. I'm curious to see how they match up against each other."

Jack smirked, a glint of excitement in his eyes. "That's the beauty of it, Ramirez. The unpredictability of these fights is what keeps us all on the edge of our seats. Anything can happen in that arena."

Kai leaned against the wall, frustration etched on his face as he engaged in a conversation with Max. He couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment for not making it to the final stage.

"If not for my incompetence, I should have been on this final stage," Kai said, his voice tinged with a mix of frustration and self-doubt.

Max placed a comforting hand on Kai's shoulder, his eyes filled with understanding. "Kai, you can't dwell on what could have been. The fights in this prison are unpredictable, and anyone can rise or fall at any moment. Your time will come, and when it does, you'll be ready."

Kai sighed, the weight of his perceived failure heavy on his shoulders. "I know, Max. It's just hard to accept defeat when I had so much riding on this. Panama is watching, and I don't want to let him down."

Panama, who had been observing their conversation from a distance, couldn't resist chiming in with a mocking tone. "Mimicking both of them, are we? Don't worry, Kai, I'm well aware of your shortcomings. But I must say, your defeat has brought me great satisfaction."

Kai's jaw clenched as he resisted the urge to react to Panama taunting. He turned his attention back to Max, who wore a determined expression.

"Forget about Panama and his mockery, Kai," Max said firmly. "Focus on your training, on improving your skills. Use this disappointment as fuel to come back stronger. You have the potential to be a force to be reckoned with, and I believe in you."

Kai looked into Max's eyes, a flicker of determination igniting within him. "You're right, Max. I won't let this defeat define me. I'll train harder, hone my abilities, and when the time comes, I'll prove myself."

Max nodded, a supportive smile on his face. "That's the spirit, Kai. Remember, setbacks are just stepping stones to success. Keep pushing forward, and you'll get your chance to shine."