Chapter 57

Carlos, the brawn of the duo, leaned in closer to Perez, his eyes scanning their surroundings for any unwanted eavesdroppers. "Perez, tomorrow's the big day. The first batch of drugs is coming in, and we need to be prepared."

Perez, the more strategic thinker of the two, nodded in agreement. He knew that this operation had the potential to change their status within the prison, but it also came with significant risks. "You're right, Carlos. But we can't afford to bring everything in at once. We need to test the waters first, see how the market responds."

Carlos frowned, his massive arms crossed over his chest. "You think we should hold back some of the product? What if Chao finds out we're not delivering everything we promised?"

Perez's eyes gleamed with a shrewd glint. "We can't underestimate Chao's influence, but we also can't put all our eggs in one basket. If we flood the market too quickly, it'll attract attention. We need to gauge demand and set the right price per gram."

Carlos considered Perez's words carefully. He knew that Perez had a knack for strategy and had guided them through many successful operations in the past. "Okay, what price are we thinking per gram?"

Perez leaned in closer, his voice a conspiratorial whisper. "Let's start at 2 bucks per gram. It's competitive enough to attract buyers, but it also allows us to maximize profits. We can always adjust if we see the demand rising."

Carlos nodded in agreement. "That sounds reasonable. I'll deliver your message to Chao. He needs to be prepared for the delivery tomorrow."

As Carlos made his way to Chao's quarters, he couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and apprehension. This operation had the potential to reshape their standing within the prison, but it also carried significant risks. He found Chao sitting at a makeshift table, a map of the prison layout spread out before him.

Chao looked up as Carlos entered, his sharp gaze locking onto him. "What is it, Carlos? Is everything in order for tomorrow?"

Carlos cleared his throat, choosing his words carefully. "Perez and I have been discussing the delivery, Chao. We think it's best not to bring in all the product at once. We want to gauge the market first."

Chao's brow furrowed, but he didn't immediately dismiss the idea. "Explain."

Carlos outlined Perez's reasoning, emphasizing the need to test the market and avoid drawing too much attention too quickly. He also mentioned the starting price of $2 per gram.

Chao leaned back in his chair, tapping his fingers thoughtfully. After a moment of consideration, he nodded. "Perez has a point. We can't afford to rush this. Proceed as planned. We'll see how the first batch sells before deciding on the rest."

Carlos breathed a sigh of relief. Chao's agreement meant they could move forward with a more cautious approach. "Understood, Chao. We'll deliver the first batch tomorrow as planned."

With a commanding presence, Jake addressed the assembled group. "Listen up, everyone. We've got an important task ahead of us. The first part of the Lopez Brothers' goods will be arriving tomorrow. It's a golden opportunity to strengthen our position and regain our reputation."

The members nodded in agreement, their loyalty to Chao evident in their unwavering determination.

Jake continued, "But we can't afford to be careless. We all know that maximum security is on high alert. We have to be cautious of the guards, and, more importantly, of the other inmates. There are followers of Anthena in this prison, and they're not to be underestimated."

One of the members, a wiry man with a shrewd expression, raised his hand. "Sir, what if Anthena followers catch wind of our operation? Won't they pose a threat?"

Chao, sitting nearby, chuckled at the question. "Don't underestimate the power of drugs, my friend. When it comes to that, people tend to lose their inhibitions. Anthena followers, like anyone else, will be tempted by what we have to offer. Plus, it's been a long time since any drugs circulated in this prison. No one will want to risk getting caught."

The member seemed satisfied with Chao's response, lowering his hand.

Jake picked up where Chao left off. "Exactly. Our plan is to keep this operation as discreet as possible. We'll have our designated sellers, and we'll be careful about who we approach. We'll use intermediaries to distribute the goods to minimize direct contact."

Chao, his eyes sharp and calculating, added, "And remember, this is a business, not charity. The price per gram will be 2 bucks. We're not here to give handouts. Everyone who wants a taste will have to pay up."

A murmur of agreement rippled through the group. They understood the importance of maintaining control and turning a profit. Chao had always been a shrewd operator, and they trusted his judgment implicitly.

He continued, his tone unwavering. "And one more thing, my loyal comrades. I want this to be crystal clear. Do not, under any circumstances, play smart with the goods you're entrusted with or the money you collect from selling them. The consequences of such actions will be severe."

His eyes, cold and penetrating, scanned the faces of his followers. He had built his empire within the prison on discipline, loyalty, and fear, and he had no tolerance for betrayal or deceit.

One of the members, a younger inmate with a reputation for being crafty, shifted uncomfortably. Chao's warning was directed at him, and he knew it. But he also understood the consequences of disappointing Chao.

With a stern nod, Chao concluded, "This operation is an opportunity to solidify our position and regain the respect we've lost. We can't afford any slip-ups. I trust each of you to carry out your roles flawlessly. Let's make this a success."

The members nodded in unison, their resolve renewed. They knew that Chao's reputation hinged on the success of this operation, and they were determined to see it through without faltering.

As the meeting came to an end, the members dispersed, each one carrying the weight of Chao's warning with them. They understood that their loyalty to him was their lifeline in this prison, and they would do whatever it took to ensure that this operation went off without a hitch.