Chapter 58

The air was thick with tension, but Carlos was determined not to disappoint his brother, Perez, and to prove their worth in this new, challenging environment.

As he approached Chao's designated meeting spot, his heart pounded in his chest. Chao had a reputation for being shrewd and ruthless, and any misstep in this crucial operation could have dire consequences.

Chao stood there, his expression unreadable as Carlos approached. The exchange was silent but filled with significance. Carlos handed over the package of drugs, carefully wrapped to conceal its contents. Chao accepted it without a word, his eyes never leaving Carlos.

"Let's see how the sales will first go," Carlos finally remarked, breaking the silence. His voice was low, carrying an air of authority that sent a shiver down Chao spine.

Chao, doing his best to maintain his composure, nodded in response. "Don't worry, Carlos. I won't disappoint you."

Carlos lips curled into a faint, almost imperceptible smile. "You better not," he replied, his gaze still fixed on Chao.

With that, Chao turned and began to make his way back through the dimly lit corridors. He could feel the weight of Carlos expectations on his shoulders, and he knew that the success of this operation was a critical step in solidifying their position within the prison.

Every step he took was a deliberate move in a high-stakes game where failure was not an option. Chao had made it clear—the drugs needed to be sold within 48 hours.

Jake's first destination was a meeting point known only to the inner circle of Chao's gang. It was a secluded area, away from the prying eyes of guards and rival factions. He could feel the weight of the drugs in his bag as he walked, a constant reminder of the immense risk and reward that hung in the balance.

As he arrived at the meeting point, he was greeted by the sight of Chao's trusted enforcers and dealers. These were the individuals who would play a critical role in ensuring the drugs were distributed efficiently and discreetly. Their faces were a mix of anticipation and determination, fully aware of the importance of the task at hand.

Jake wasted no time. He opened the bag and began to lay out the packets of drugs on a makeshift table. The drugs were neatly packaged, each one containing a carefully measured amount. The quality was impeccable—a testament to Chao's connections and resources within the prison.

"All right, listen up," Jake announced, his voice low but commanding. "We have 48 hours to move these goods. Chao expects results, and we can't afford to let him down. The market's been dry for a while, and the demand is high. But we need to be smart about it."

The gang members nodded in agreement, their eyes fixed on the drugs laid out before them. They understood the gravity of the situation, the need to capitalize on this opportunity to not only make money but also to bolster Chao's reputation within the prison.

Jake continued, "Each of you will have a specific territory and clientele. Don't draw attention to yourselves, and stay clear of the guards. We can't afford any slip-ups. Once you've made a sale, report back here with the earnings. Chao will want to see results."

With that, the gang members began to divide the drugs among themselves, each one taking on their designated role. Some would operate within the cell blocks, others in the recreation areas, and a few would venture into the mess hall during mealtimes when inmates were less likely to be scrutinized.

As they dispersed, the tension in the air was palpable. The success of this operation hinged on their ability to navigate the prison's intricate web of alliances and rivalries, to sell their product discreetly, and to ensure that Chao's reputation as a force to be reckoned with was solidified.

Jake watched as his comrades disappeared into the shadows, their faces determined and their resolve unwavering.

Carlos, one of the Lopez Brothers, had instructed them to sell at a price of $2 per gram, a competitive rate that had already generated interest among potential buyers. It was a calculated move to establish a foothold in the prison's drug market while also attracting new clientele.

As Chao's loyal gang discreetly made contact with potential buyers, they employed a range of coded signals and gestures to facilitate the transactions. A seemingly casual conversation between two inmates might conceal a deal in progress, while the exchange of money and drugs occurred seamlessly under the watchful eyes of the prison yard.

Jake, Chao's right-hand man, was stationed near a group of inmates engaged in a game of makeshift cards. He kept a watchful eye on the proceedings, ensuring that the transactions proceeded smoothly and that no one exhibited signs of suspicion.

One of the gang members, Nairobi, leaned against a wall as he engaged in a conversation with a burly inmate known as Big Mike. Their dialogue was a clever blend of prison slang and innuendos, their gestures and words masking the true nature of their exchange. Nairobi handed over a small packet of drugs discreetly, and Big Mike slipped a few dollars into Tony's palm.

Nearby, Konstantin, a member of Chao's gang, struck up a conversation with a group of inmates known for their interest in contraband. Her friendly demeanor and casual chat disguised the fact that he was finalizing a deal. The inmates, oblivious to the illicit transaction taking place, exchanged cash for drugs.

As the minutes passed, the small packets of drugs changed hands, and the gang members collected their earnings discreetly. The demand for the drugs was evident, and inmates from various backgrounds were eager to obtain the contraband, willing to risk the consequences of being caught.

an inmate known as Rico approached one of Chao's loyal gang members. He was a wiry man with a reputation for his connections and his ability to procure contraband. His eyes widened when he saw what was on offer.

"How much for a gram?" Rico asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

The gang member, who went by the name Marco, responded in hushed tones, "Two bucks a gram, but you didn't hear it from me."

Rico nodded, his eagerness evident. He handed over the money, and Marco discreetly slipped a small packet of drugs into his hand. The transaction was swift, and both men went their separate ways, leaving no trace of their exchange.