Chapter 73

Chao leaned in, his eyes locked on Jake. "Jake, I have a task for you."

Jake, always ready to assist in their operations, nodded in response. "What task, Chao?"

Chao's voice was hushed but filled with purpose. "At lunchtime when Anthena and Liam leave their block and come for lunch, I want you to take two boys with you. Search their block thoroughly – nothing should go unsearchable."

Jake understood the gravity of the situation. "You want a thorough search, Chao, even though it's risky?"

Chao's eyes gleamed with intensity. "Yes, Jake. We need to get to the bottom of this. The missing goods have disrupted the balance, and we can't afford to let it slide. We need to know if there's any connection to their block."

Jake nodded in agreement. "I'll gather the boys and make sure every inch of their block is searched. If there's anything hidden there, we'll find it."

Liam proposed, "Let's go and play some cards, Anthena. It might be a good way to wipe away some time and maybe even make a bit of extra buck."

Anthena, looking for a brief escape from the prison's harsh realities, agreed with a nod. "Sure, Liam. It's been a while since we've indulged in a game of cards."

As they approached one of the tables, they noticed a pair of familiar faces - Panama and Luca. Panama, a wiry and street-smart inmate, had a reputation for his shrewdness in card games, while Luca, a burly and imposing figure, was known for his unwavering focus and his ability to maintain a stoic demeanor even in the most intense situations.

Panama flashed a sly grin as he saw Liam and Anthena approaching. "Well, well, look who's here. Liam and Anthena. Ready to test your luck against us today?"

Liam exchanged a knowing look with Anthena, and they both pulled out a couple of bucks, placing them on the table. "We're always up for a game, Panama. Let's see if you and Luca can give us a run for our money."

The atmosphere in the gambling den was electric as they began the card game. The stakes were high, and the tension was palpable as each hand of cards revealed new possibilities. Panama and Luca, seasoned players, held their own, and the competition quickly intensified.

As the game progressed, Liam and Anthena found themselves caught in a battle of wits and strategy. Panama's cunning moves and Luca's calculated bets made it clear that they were formidable opponents. The bucks on the table began to accumulate as the game grew more intense.

Anthena, usually calm under pressure, couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement as the cards were dealt. "This is getting interesting, Liam. We're in for a challenge."

Liam, his eyes fixed on his hand of cards, replied with a grin. "That's right, Anthena. Let's show them we're no pushovers."

The rounds continued, and as the game unfolded, the bucks shifted from one side of the table to the other. Liam and Anthena, despite their determination, were facing tough competition. Panama and Luca seemed to be in their element, their expressions revealing no hints of their strategies.

At one point, Panama laid down his cards, revealing a triumphant hand. "Looks like Lady Luck is smiling on us today, Liam."

Liam acknowledged the loss with a nod and a good-natured smile. "You got us this time, Panama. But the game's not over yet."

The bucks exchanged hands once again as they continued to play, the stakes rising higher with each round. The tension in the room was electric, and the other inmates in the den watched the game with bated breath, some even placing side bets on the outcome.

Anthena, always sharp and observant, couldn't help but admire the way Panama and Luca played. "These guys are good, Liam. They've got their strategies down to an art."

Liam agreed as he considered his next move. "They're no amateurs, that's for sure. But we've got our own tricks up our sleeves."

The game went on, with each hand adding to the suspense. The bucks piled up in the center of the table, creating a tempting reward for the winners. Panama and Luca's faces remained impassive, revealing nothing about their thoughts or emotions.

Finally, in a climactic hand, the game reached its conclusion. The cards were revealed, and the outcome became clear. Panama and Luca emerged as the victors, collecting the pile of bucks that had accumulated during the game.

Liam, ever the gracious competitor, extended a hand to Panama. "Well played, Panama. You guys have earned this one."

Panama shook Liam's hand with a satisfied grin. "Thanks, Liam. It was a good game. You and Anthena gave us a run for our money."

As the game concluded, the room erupted in a mixture of cheers, groans, and applause. The inmates who had been watching the intense match showed their appreciation for the skill and strategy displayed by all four players.

Anthena, though they hadn't won, couldn't help but smile. "It was a close match, Liam. Sometimes the thrill of the game is what matters."

Liam nodded, his competitive spirit undiminished. "That's right, Anthena. We'll get them next time."

Anthena and Panama found a quiet corner in the prison after leaving the gambling den, their voices hushed as they began to discuss the pressing matter at hand.

Panama got straight to the point. "Anthena, I need to talk to you in private."

Anthena nodded, recognizing the importance of their conversation. "Sure, Panama."

As they moved away from the noise of the den, Panama expression was serious. "I heard about what happened with the missing goods. If Liam didn't take them, who could have?"

Anthena sighed, his frustration evident. "That's the question on everyone's mind. We don't have any answers yet."

Panama brow furrowed as he considered the implications. "Perez won't let this go. He'll be on your case until the lost goods are found."

Anthena, never one to back down from a challenge, responded with confidence. "Liam don't have any reason to fear Perez. But we do need to get to the bottom of this and find out who's behind it."

Anthena determination was unwavering. "You're right, Panama. We can't afford to have this hanging over us. We need to uncover the truth and clear our names."