Chapter 74

As Anthena and Liam left their room for lunch, he knew it was the opportune moment to put their plan into action.

He turned to the two other inmates accompanying him, their expressions reflecting a mix of tension and anticipation. "Get ready, guys. It's time to do what Chao asked us to. When they're out, we'll go in and search every inch of the place."

The two others nodded, ready to follow Jake's lead. They knew that this was a crucial step in uncovering the mystery behind the missing goods.

As Anthena and Liam left their room, the trio of inmates swiftly entered. They combed through the room meticulously, opening drawers, checking under the bed, and examining every nook and cranny. Their hands moved swiftly, but despite their thorough search, they found nothing that could be linked to the missing goods.

Jake's frustration was evident as he shared the disappointing outcome with his companions. "It's as if there's nothing here, guys. No sign of the missing goods."

The others exchanged puzzled glances, their efforts coming up empty. It was clear that the mystery remained unsolved, and the missing goods continued to elude their grasp.

With a heavy sigh, Jake knew that this was just one piece of the puzzle, and the journey to uncover the truth was far from over. They left the room, their hopes of finding a clue dashed for the time being.

As Anthena and Liam finished their lunch and made their way back to their cell, they couldn't help but feel a growing sense of unease. The recent events, the missing goods, and the ongoing mystery were taking a toll on their peace of mind.

But what they discovered upon reaching their cell would only add to their frustrations and concerns. The door to their room was slightly ajar, and signs of intrusion were evident. Their heartbeats quickened as they cautiously entered, their eyes scanning the room.

Liam's voice was laced with disbelief as he took in the scene. "Anthena, someone's been here. Everything is in disarray."

Anthena's jaw clenched, his frustration evident. "This is unacceptable. How could someone have access to our cell? What's the security doing in this place?"

Their personal space had been invaded, and it left them feeling vulnerable and violated. Anthena moved through the room, checking their belongings. It was clear that a thorough search had taken place.

"Nothing appears to be missing," Anthena reported, his voice laced with annoyance. "But the fact that someone had the audacity to enter our cell is infuriating."

Liam's brows furrowed as he considered the implications. "This can't be a coincidence. It's connected to the missing goods and the ongoing investigation."

Anthena nodded, his mind racing. "You're right, Liam. It's as if someone is trying to send us a message or divert our attention."

Their frustration grew as they pondered the possibilities. Anthena was determined to get to the bottom of this intrusion, to find out who had dared to enter their cell.

With a sense of urgency, he raised his voice, addressing the inmates in the vicinity. "Did anyone see who entered our cell? We need answers."

The nearby inmates exchanged knowing glances, but no one seemed willing to step forward with information. In a place like this, loyalty was a scarce commodity, and snitches were often met with harsh consequences.

Anthena's frustration deepened as he realized the reluctance of their fellow inmates to speak up. "Fine, keep your secrets. But if anyone has information, know that this won't go unanswered."

As the commotion in the prison block attracted the attention of a passing security officer, Anthena took the opportunity to voice his concerns. "Officer Jack, someone entered our cell, and we demand to know how this could happen."

Officer Jack, a stern and no-nonsense figure, examined the disarray in their cell. "I'll look into this, but it's not uncommon for inmates to gain access to others' cells. Security here is far from foolproof."

Liam couldn't hide his frustration. "This is a serious breach of our privacy. We want answers."

Officer Jack's response was firm. "I'll investigate, but don't expect quick solutions. You two should be more vigilant in a place like this."

As the security officer left, Anthena and Liam exchanged a knowing look. They were on their own in this matter, and it was up to them to uncover the truth. The missing goods, the intrusion into their cell, and the ongoing mystery were now entwined in a web of uncertainty that demanded their undivided attention.

Anthena's voice held a steely resolve as he turned to Liam. "We can't let this go, Liam. We need to find out who did this and why. It's all connected, and we won't rest until we have answers."

He turned to Jake, his voice laced with a hint of frustration. "Jake, how did it go? Did you find anything?"

Jake's expression was grim as he shook his head. "Chao, we searched every inch of their cell, and we found nothing. It's as if the missing goods have vanished into thin air."

Chao sighed, his thoughts racing as he contemplated the implications. The mystery of the missing goods was deepening, and it seemed as though every attempt to uncover the truth only led to more questions.

"You're sure you searched everywhere?" Chao pressed, unwilling to accept defeat.

Jake nodded emphatically. "Boss, we didn't leave a single corner unsearch. It's like the goods were never there in the first place."

Chao's brow furrowed as he considered their next steps. The missing goods were a significant concern, and it was clear that they were dealing with a formidable adversary.

"We can't let this go, Jake," Chao stated firmly. "We need to keep digging, keep searching for answers. The missing goods have to be somewhere, and we can't afford to let this slide."

Jake and the other inmates understood the urgency of the situation. The missing goods represented a substantial loss, and it was imperative to uncover the truth.

As they continued to discuss their options, Chao's determination remained unshaken. They were up against a formidable challenge, but they were also a resourceful and resilient group.