File #11

As my parents discussed our next course of action, my mind wandered back to the memory of the Lord's unsettling words about my family. His voice echoed in my head, and the weight of his words bore down on me once again.


"Your Dad is cheating on your Mother, guaranteed, or he's just not attracted to her anymore."

{A/N: Wow~ He always seems to have a random piece of bad news}

I shook my head, refusing to believe it. Lord had always been blunt and sometimes insensitive, but could he be right about something so personal? I couldn't fathom the idea that my father would betray my mother in such a way.

Yet, as the argument between my parents raged on, doubt crept into my mind. The tension in our family had been growing for months, and my parents' strained relationship was no secret. But to think that it had escalated to infidelity seemed inconceivable.

I watched my parents, their voices filled with anger and hurt, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness. The apocalypse had not only unleashed the horrors of the infected parasites upon us but had also unearthed the buried conflicts within our own family.

The memory of Lord's words taunted me, twisting my emotions and clouding my judgment. Was it possible that his words held some truth? Or was it just his way of avoiding a conversation?

Amidst the chaos and uncertainty of our current situation, I yearned for answers, for clarity. But the lines between truth and deception had blurred in a world ravaged by an apocalyptic nightmare.

As I grappled with my thoughts, my parents' voices softened, their argument seemingly reaching a temporary truce. They exchanged weary glances, their faces etched with exhaustion and sadness.

"We need to focus on finding fuel," my father said, his voice tired but resolute. "We can't let our personal struggles overshadow the urgency of our situation. Marie, we'll get through this together."

I nodded, forcing a small smile, though the doubts still lingered. Deep down, I knew that survival depended on unity, on standing together as a family.

And so, I pushed aside the haunting echoes of the Lord's words, choosing to hold onto hope and navigate the uncertain path before us. Though I'm glad I paid attention in English class otherwise I've forgotten what a Hydro Pump is.

As my parents continued their conversation, their voices grew louder and more heated. The tension in the room was palpable, and I could feel the weight of their words pressing against my chest. I tried to remain hopeful, desperately clinging to the belief that they would find a way to resolve their differences.

But then, in a burst of anger, my father blurted out the truth he had been hiding for so long. The confession hung in the air like a heavy fog, suffocating any remaining optimism that had clung to my heart.

"I've been having an affair with my secretary!"

The words pierced through the room, sharp and unforgiving. My mother's face twisted with a mix of shock, betrayal, and heartbreak. I watched as her eyes welled up with tears, mirroring the shattered fragments of our once-happy family.

My mind struggled to comprehend the magnitude of this revelation. It felt as if the ground beneath me had given way, leaving me suspended in a void of uncertainty and pain. I wanted to shut out the truth, to deny its existence, but reality crashed down upon me with a relentless force.

At that moment, it was as if the world had lost all colour and sound. Their voices became distant echoes, barely registering in my ears. The anguished cries of my mother blended with the static of my thoughts, creating a dissonance that reverberated through my entire being.

My parents' argument became a blur, a chaotic dance of accusations and shattered dreams. My heart ached with the weight of their broken promises and the knowledge that our family was crumbling before my eyes.

Yet, even in the midst of this darkness, a small flame of optimism flickered within me. I desperately clung to the belief that we could find a way to heal, to rebuild what had been shattered. But the path ahead seemed treacherous and uncertain, and the wounds inflicted on our family felt irreparable.

As the argument raged on, I yearned for a glimpse of the love that had once bound us together. I pleaded silently for them to remember the laughter, the shared moments of joy, and the unbreakable bond we had forged as a family. But the pain and anger in their voices drowned out any flicker of hope that remained.

In the midst of this storm, the parasite, disguised as the cashier, seized the opportunity to strike. It was a cruel twist of fate, a reminder that even in the face of external threats, our internal demons could consume us if left unchecked.

My body snapped into action, fueled by a mixture of fear and determination. I reached for the makeshift knife, a symbol of my newfound strength and resilience. I fought back against the creature, my movements driven by an instinct to protect myself and those I cared about.

Amidst the chaos and confusion, I caught glimpses of my parents defending themselves, their anger momentarily forgotten as survival took precedence. At that moment, the rift between us seemed to fade, replaced by a shared purpose: to overcome the immediate danger and survive together.

As we emerged victorious over the parasite, its lifeless form a grotesque reminder of the horrors that surrounded us, I couldn't help but cling to a sliver of hope. Perhaps this shared battle, this fight for survival, would be the catalyst for healing. Perhaps it would force us to confront the deeper wounds that had festered within our family.

After all, that's what happens in movies and shows we make up and forgive each other and then we'll be family again right? Right?!


{A/N: Though I don't like writing the ever-optimistic Marie it's very cool to see her slowly become a very different person over time.}

I have 5+ chapters on Patreon.