File #12

In that moment of chaos and desperation, as the parasite rose once again, I realized the gravity of my mistake.

The words of my dear annoying friend Lord echoed in my mind, a haunting reminder of my failure to ensure the complete destruction of the creature.

{A/N: It's as if he's a harbinger of bad news}

"You're stupid, aren't you? How could you not make sure to destroy the head and heart? Idiot."

Regret washed over me, mingling with the fear and despair that threatened to consume me. I watched in horror as the parasite lunged toward my father, who was defenceless and unaware of the impending danger.

But what happened next shattered my already fragile sense of hope.

As the parasite closed in on my father, its elongated limbs reaching out like menacing tendrils, time seemed to slow to a crawl. The air felt heavy with anticipation, and the room seemed to darken, amplifying the intensity of the moment.

My heart raced in my chest, pounding with a mix of fear, anger, and disbelief. The flickering light cast eerie shadows across the room, dancing in macabre patterns that mirrored the chaos unfolding before me.

I watched in agonizing silence as my mother, the one person I had always turned to for comfort and guidance, made her fateful decision. With a swift and deliberate motion, she removed the barricade that had kept the parasite at bay, betraying not only my father but also the very foundation of our family.

Time seemed to stretch out as the parasite pounced, its grotesque form merging with my father's, consuming him from within. The sound of his muffled cries, stifled by the parasite's grasp, pierced through the air, echoing in my ears and etching itself into the fabric of my nightmares.

I wanted to scream, to rush to his aid, but my body felt rooted to the spot. A mix of horror, shock, and disbelief paralyzed me, rendering me helpless as I bore witness to this unfathomable act of betrayal.

The room seemed to spin around me, the chaos mirroring the turmoil within my own mind. The flickering lights overhead cast disorienting shadows, distorting the boundaries between reality and nightmare.

I could no longer distinguish between the shapes and forms that surrounded me. Everything blurred together into a hazy tableau of pain and loss. The world I had known, with its familiar comforts and sense of security, had been ripped apart, leaving behind only shattered fragments of what once was.

Tears streamed down my cheeks, mingling with the darkness that enveloped my soul. It was as if a part of me had been torn away, forever lost in the abyss of this apocalyptic nightmare. The weight of grief settled upon my shoulders, threatening to crush me beneath its burden.

In that climactic moment, as my father's life was extinguished and my mother's actions forever stained our family's history, a profound sense of despair washed over me. The realization that the world I once knew had crumbled to dust fueled my determination to survive and seek justice amidst the ruins.

But even as the darkness threatened to consume me, a flicker of resilience glimmered within. It was a small spark of defiance, a refusal to let the atrocities I had witnessed define my future. I would carry the scars, both physical and emotional, as a testament to the strength that still resided within me.

As I stumbled away from the scene, the weight of grief and betrayal pressing down upon my shoulders, I vowed to honour my father's memory and protect myself from the horrors that lurked in the shadows.

The path ahead was uncertain and treacherous, but I would navigate it with a determination forged in the crucible of tragedy.

And so, with each step forward, I left behind the shattered remnants of our family, clinging to a fragile glimmer of hope amidst the ruins of our once harmonious existence.

The climax of that night's devastation marked the beginning of my solitary journey through this merciless world, where survival would be my only solace and justice my only salvation.

Or at least I thought because they would appear.

"Heyya~ You wanna join our totally legal child labour camp?"

"...And he wonders why we always get refused and Alex, man the cannon before we get swarmed okay?"


As the chaos unfolded, my mother, consumed by her own desperation, made a hasty retreat toward the exit. She dashed past the remnants of our shattered lives, her footsteps echoing in the hollow silence of the room.

But fate, it seemed, had a cruel twist in store for her. Just as she reached the threshold of escape, a peculiar parasite, unlike any I had encountered before, emerged from the shadows. Its grotesque humanoid form sent shivers down my spine, and I watched in horror as it closed in on my mother, its elongated limbs snaking toward her with an insidious hunger.

Cornered and defenceless, my mother let out a bloodcurdling scream that pierced through the air, an anguished cry for help that would forever haunt my memories. The room seemed to shrink around her, suffocating her with the weight of her own despair.

The peculiar parasite wasted no time, its sharp teeth sinking into my mother's flesh, devouring her with a voracious appetite. Her agonized screams turned into gurgles, muffled by the relentless assault. It was a harrowing sight, one that etched itself into my mind, forever staining the canvas of my nightmares.

I stood frozen, my heart pounding in my chest, unable to tear my eyes away from the grotesque scene unfolding before me. The darkness seemed to revel in this macabre display, embracing the horrors with a sickening delight.

At that moment, as my mother's life was snuffed out by the insatiable hunger of the peculiar humanoid parasite, a part of me shattered. The realization that I was truly alone, without the protection or guidance of those who were supposed to love and care for me, settled upon my shoulders like an unbearable weight.

As the creature finished its grisly feast, its unsettling gaze met mine, as if challenging me to defy its existence. In its eyes, I saw a twisted amalgamation of cruelty and hunger, a reflection of the unforgiving world we now inhabited.

So I did what was best and...

"Yeah, sure!" and she climbed aboard and headed to who knows where but let's see what happened here after she left.

"Whew~ I was almost kidnapped by a bunch of gay teens, whose parents run a legal slave camp? Nah, that's missing me but I wonder what plot convenience device wanted me there?"