File #17

{A/N: Marie's POV again.}

As I slowly regain consciousness, the grogginess begins to dissipate, and I find myself bound by tight ropes, my limbs feeling constricted and my movements limited.

Panic surges through my veins, causing my heart to race and my breath to quicken. The room surrounding me is dimly lit, casting eerie shadows on the walls and adding to the overall sense of unease that permeates the air.

I strain my senses to make sense of my surroundings, trying to piece together the puzzle of how I ended up in this unsettling predicament.

The walls are adorned with peeling wallpaper, their once vibrant colours faded and worn.

Old furniture, with worn-out cushions and chipped wood, fills the room, giving it an atmosphere of neglect and decay.

A flickering overhead light casts a pale glow, revealing the faces of the man and woman who entered the room. The man, with a stern expression etched on his face, exudes an air of authority.

His sharp gaze scans the room, ensuring that his captives are secure. The woman, standing beside him, watches me with a mixture of curiosity and caution.

"You've been brought here to Plus Headquarters, our humble abode," the man states, his voice resonating with a hint of superiority. "We've taken you prisoner because you were at our rival camp, Spor Zone. My wife, Charlene, and I have decided to bring you to our local experts."

"It's okay dear, it'll be okay as long as you cooperate right?"

My mind races, trying to make sense of their words. Rival camps? Experts? What have I stumbled into?

Fear grips me tightly, intensifying the urgency to find a way out of this situation.

We descend a flight of stairs, leaving behind the worn-out aesthetics of the room above.

As we reach the lower level, a drastic shift in the atmosphere occurs. The once-dim lighting gives way to a sterile, clinical whiteness. The walls, the floor, even the furniture—all bathed in a pristine white hue.

And there, standing amidst this stark environment, is Dr. Lawrence Sel, a figure I instantly recognize.

Known for his groundbreaking contributions to cancer research and his involvement in the eradication of smallpox, Dr. Sel is a renowned scientist from Sel Labs.

His reputation precedes him, and I can't help but feel a mix of fascination and apprehension at his presence.

Dr. Sel approaches me with a measured stride, his eyes filled with curiosity and a touch of excitement.

"Amazing it's as if she was at one of those pedicure things, such a priceless specimen"

He wastes no time, immediately performing a basic scan, his hands deftly maneuvering the equipment.

Every beep and hum of the machinery intensifies the unease I feel as if each sound is an echo of the unknown that surrounds me.

Silent, I watch as Dr. Sel analyzes the scan, his gaze shifting between the screen and me.

The tension in the room is palpable, as if everyone presents and holds their breath, waiting for the revelation that will shed light on my unique circumstances.

"She's a unique case," Dr. Sel announces, his voice filled with a mix of astonishment and scientific intrigue. "It's been confirmed that parasitic water has no effect on her, and her blood is condensing in a strange manner..."

My mind whirls with questions, each answer leading to another layer of mystery. Why am I immune to the parasitic water? Also what the hell is parasite water does that mean I can't water anymore?

What does this mean for my existence? And, most importantly, why have I become the subject of such scientific fascination?

Charlene, sensing the need for a simpler explanation, interrupts the scientific jargon. Her voice is filled with a curious undertone, seeking clarity amidst the complexity. "Can you explain in simpler terms? What does all of this mean?"

Dr. Sel's passion for scientific discovery takes hold of him, fueling his words with fervour. "It appears that her blood has a unique reaction to the parasitic water I have here. In its presence, her blood seems to exhibit a desire to... devour it."

A wave of astonishment washes over the room, leaving us all stunned by the implications of Dr. Sel's revelation.

The air grows heavy with a mix of fear and curiosity, as we grapple with the unknown fate that awaits me.

I yearn to understand the depths of my peculiar condition, to unravel the enigma that has become my existence.

But before I can voice my questions or make sense of the situation, an unexpected twist unfurls, leaving us teetering on the edge of uncertainty. It was a major siren that was really annoying as I still had my ropes on though they were moved to strap me down to the table.

"...I wonder if I got my Amazon package yet..." sadly for her someone had already 'received' it.


Side Story: Thoughts

Summary: What has our newly introduced character Emma/Krista Kells been doing during this time?


Back at Spor Zone:

While sharpening her various broken pieces of window glass she said out loud "I wonder how Marie is doing now?"

(More importantly, I wonder how Mr.Lord has been doing this time. Hopefully, he's not bored without me) thought Emma as put another piece of glass down and started on the next one.

A look around the room would show many photo's along with X's 37 of them.