File #18



"As usual you can't keep away, can you? But wait no longer for I will start~"

As the horde of parasites closed in, their hungry growls echoing through the once-serene streets, I couldn't help but feel a surge of exhilaration. It was as if the entire city had come alive, with every nook and cranny teeming with ravenous creatures. Oh, what a sight to behold!

With the carriers multiplying like rabbits on steroids, I knew I had to make my move swiftly. The streets were no longer safe, and innocent bystanders had become potential appetizers. It was up to me to lead the horde away from their path of destruction.

I was actually for once talking out loud and said "Lord, how this is exciting...Wait?" there's probably a word for what I just did but meh.

I sprinted through the labyrinthine alleys, my heart pounding with a mix of excitement and adrenaline.

The cacophony of their pursuit was like a twisted symphony, urging me forward with an electric urgency. I couldn't help but revel in the spotlight, relishing the thrill of being their sole target.

In my mad dash, I spotted an apartment building that seemed to offer temporary respite from the relentless pursuit. With a devilish grin plastered on my face, I darted towards it, the horde hot on my heels.

I have full courage on what past me did but I still don't know about this, "Is this a reference to something? I don't know but let's say it is".

Breathless and exhilarated, I pushed open the building's entrance door and quickly surveyed my surroundings. A motley crew of residents stared at me with wide eyes and parted lips, frozen in a mixture of shock and curiosity.

"What the hell is going on?" a voice called out, breaking the stunned silence. I turned to face a middle-aged man, his brow furrowed with a blend of concern and annoyance.

"Oh, just a friendly game of tag with some ravenous parasites," I quipped with a wink. "Care to join?"

The man blinked at me, his confusion evident. "Are you insane? We need to get out of here!"

I chuckled, enjoying the bewildered reactions around me. "Fear not, good sir. I have a plan."

As the horde drew closer, a woman in her forties stepped forward, her expression a mix of determination and skepticism. "Alright, Mr. Fearless, what's your plan?"

I flashed a mischievous smile. "We'll lead them away from here. I'll be the bait, luring them to the other side of the city while you all make your escape."

A murmur of uncertainty rippled through the crowd, but curiosity and desperation glinted in their eyes. The woman, seemingly the de facto leader, nodded. "Fine. But how can we trust you?"

I shrugged nonchalantly. "Trust is overrated, my dear. But I assure you, I'm the best chance you've got at surviving this ordeal."

And so, our ragtag group ventured into the chaos. The streets became our playground, the horde our unwitting playmates. I led them on a merry chase, zigzagging through alleys, leaping over obstacles, and taunting the parasites with each daring move.

"I don't want to bore you with the not-death-defying details of such a boring run, because I had already mapped the city and it was like a walk in the park.

As we raced through the city, the horde growing in size and ferocity, a voice called out from behind. "Are you sure this is going to work?" It was the skeptical man, his voice laced with apprehension.

I glanced back at him, a sly grin tugging at my lips. "Trust me, my friend. I've got a talent for outwitting these buggers."

With the sound of a beating heart in the background, "Yeah...I didn't mean to go back into my Australian impression"

We continued our mad dash, the exhilaration of the chase mingling with the tension of impending danger. The air was thick with anticipation, our breaths coming in ragged gasps.

"Man...What a sunset," I said under my breath, as it really was kinda like the green sun in HUlk: The

Finally, we reached the designated spot—a deserted alley on the outskirts of the city. I skidded to a halt, the horde screeching to a halt behind me. With a triumphant laugh, I turned to face the group.

"Parasites, only have basic human sense and touch is not one of them, but they can pick up on sounds, due to Idle's and Carrier's regenerating their target's body to have some sight receptors and proper ears!"

"Now, while they're busy devouring the air, make your escape. Remember, I'm the hero in this story," I declared with a dramatic flourish.

As the group dispersed, gratitude and relief painted their faces. The skeptical man approached me, newfound respect in his eyes. "I must admit, I underestimated you. You're a real piece of work, but damn, you know how to survive."

I chuckled, basking in the praise. "Survival is my middle name, my friend. Now, go and live another day. And remember, don't forget to regale others with the tale of the audacious hero who saved you from the clutches of a hungry horde."

With a final nod, I disappeared into the chaos, leaving the group to their freedom. The city's pulse thrummed with excitement, and I embraced the rush of adrenaline coursing through my veins.

And so, my dear listener ends another chapter in the thrilling chronicles of my audacious escapades. Join me next time as we dive into even more outrageous adventures, where danger and laughter intertwine in a dance of exhilaration. Until then, stay sharp, stay fearless, and always embrace the thrill of life!"

"I sound like I'm Robin Hood or sumn sh- shittim wood, yeah that...I can't swear because I lost another dare..."