
As Emir fluttered his eyes open, he found himself surrounded by an expanse of complete darkness. 

It stretched out in all directions, an eternal void that seemed to devour all traces of light and sound. 

There were no discernible features or landmarks to anchor his perception, leaving him suspended in a disorienting emptiness.

Beneath his feet, the surface seemed to be the same, devoid of any texture or substance. 

It was as if he stood upon an abyssal plane, where even the concept of solid ground dissolved into nothingness.

Emir extended his arm, hoping to find something tangible, but his hand went through the darkness, showing no signs of resistance. 

The absence of any sensation intensified the feeling of being lost.

Above him, the darkness stretched infinitely, like an impenetrable cloak enveloping everything. 

No stars adorned this canopy, no glimmers of light to guide his way.