Creation II

Stepping back, Emir sat on the ground before her, his mind became entangled in a web of conflicting thoughts. 

"You killed her." 


The words trailed off, adrift in the sea of his own thoughts.

"Is this all your life is?" 

The whispers returned, tinged with frustration. 

"Just death and destruction..." 

The words gave him pause, causing him to reflect for a moment... 

Emir reflected on the limited scope of his thirteen years in this world, dominated by the relentless cycle of training and killing. 

Though circumstances had left him with little choice, he couldn't help but feel a deep sense of disillusionment.

Memories of fleeting hobbies and connections flitted through his mind. 

Aside from his love for music, the occasional games with his sister, and the sporadic chess matches, he realized how few genuine pursuits he had embraced.