Laura's Business


During the many months that Emir spent training, Lyra used that time to go ruin diving and gather all the relics she could find.

She re-registered as a hunter with the same face she used when meeting with Kiera's gang while also using the same name, Amanda.

The reason why she chose Amanda is simply that the original Amanda was one of the many that went missing. 

After hacking their database, she pulled all the information regarding Amanda and simply took over her life… As she is quite a capable AI.

Armed with the relics she had acquired from the many undiscovered ruins she knew of, she entrusted them to Laura. 

Who, with her newfound connections, initiated their sale, while Lyra discreetly assisted from behind the scenes. 

But Laura couldn't continue selling them batch by batch, as the relics continued to pile up dust in their house, since it took longer and longer for each transaction.