Magnus's First Move II

Two men locked eyes, and a palpable tension filled the air as they sat on opposite sides of the room. 

A handsome man, with jet-black hair and piercing black eyes, exuded an air of confidence. 

The man seated across from him, overweight and resembling the epitome of an average salaryman, seemed out of place in the intense atmosphere.

With a deliberate motion, Emir slowly raised his hand, his fingers curling into a subtle gesture that only a celestial would recognize. 

It was a mimicry of an attack, an unspoken challenge hanging in the air.

Emir's gaze remained fixed Vincent, his lips curling into a sly smile as he observed a flicker of unease cross his face. 

The confirmation of his suspicions only fueled his amusement, heightening the tension between them. 

The room seemed to grow smaller as the silence stretched on, each man waiting for the other to make a move.